Always Starving

reisingmel Posts: 50 Member
I think I've been a "member" of this group for a while now but I'm only just getting around to making the transition to going paleo. I'm trying to ease myself into it by doing 80-90% for a couple weeks before I go all out. When I say 80-90% I mean that the only non-compliant foods I'm currently eating are goat cheese (only recently discovered it and omg it's amazing and I already miss it, but oh well), a bit of cream in my coffee (lessening it by the day), and ever other day I'll have half a portion of bread or a tortilla. This is a huge improvement from my junk food/soda/all-out-carb addiction I was under just Sunday. Work in progress!

Anyway, my first problem that I'm coming across is that I am always hungry! I've done some reading and most suggest a higher fat content, but I think I'm doing pretty good as far as eating a good amount of fat. My percentage of fat is consistently 44-47% of my food intake. I guess I'm not sure if that's a good number but MFP is always chewing me out for going way over on fat. I ignore it for now. I get about 1400-1500 calories in food as I'm trying to lose weight (30lbs-ish is the goal) and I burn 250-700 calories per day in a pretty wide spread of cardio and strength training, but probably heavier on strength training.

Has anyone gone through this and figured out how to fix that starved feeling? It's been maybe harder than necessary for me to try and stick to this lifestyle because it seems like I can eat a crap ton of chicken and veggies and not even minutes later or a giant 10oz fat lined steak, I'm ravenous again. It makes my mind wonder to the foods that used to fill me up and that's been a real test of willpower. I really want to stick to this lifestyle and improve health-wise, but I'm the hunger is wearing me down. Advice??


  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    The cheese and cream are not a biggie for right now but seriously, dump the wheat. You will not know the benefits of this lifestyle if you keep eating wheat. Even in tiny amounts the inflammation in your body cannot be resolved. It will also keep you hungry! High sugar foods are your next concern; even natural sugar.

    Your fat intake is too low, especially for someone just starting out. If your fat is low that means your carbs are likely high and you will constantly be hungry and metabolic disorder will not start to heal. Change your macro goals! MFP defaults are stupid! It wants me to eat 50 grams of fat and 250 grams of carbs…. yeah I tried that for 20 years and got sick/fat because of it.

    If you are getting that much exercise, you are NOT EATING ENOUGH. If you under eat and over exercise you will slow your metabolism. There is far more going on in the human body than just calories in and calories out. We have strategies to prevent/slow starvation- slower metabolism and more efficient use of calories. Later on weight loss will get very very slow… I made the mistake of following MFP recommendations early on and am paying for it now.

    Besides many, many illnesses, I supposedly had binge eating disorder. I was always hungry and craving no matter how much I ate. It turned out that I was not lacking "willpower" but was malnourished. I resolved that with a ketogenic Primal/Paleo lifestyle. High fat, moderate protein, very low carb. Not everyone needs to do that but if you are struggling with hunger you would benefit from a similar eating plan at least for awhile. Feel free to look at my diary or pick my brain.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    The cheese and cream are not a biggie for right now but seriously, dump the wheat. You will not know the benefits of this lifestyle if you keep eating wheat. Even in tiny amounts the inflammation in your body cannot be resolved. It will also keep you hungry! High sugar foods are your next concern; even natural sugar.

    Your fat intake is too low, especially for someone just starting out. If your fat is low that means your carbs are likely high and you will constantly be hungry and metabolic disorder will not start to heal. Change your macro goals! MFP defaults are stupid! It wants me to eat 50 grams of fat and 250 grams of carbs…. yeah I tried that for 20 years and got sick/fat because of it.

    If you are getting that much exercise, you are NOT EATING ENOUGH. If you under eat and over exercise you will slow your metabolism. There is far more going on in the human body than just calories in and calories out. We have strategies to prevent/slow starvation- slower metabolism and more efficient use of calories. Later on weight loss will get very very slow… I made the mistake of following MFP recommendations early on and am paying for it now.

    Besides many, many illnesses, I supposedly had binge eating disorder. I was always hungry and craving no matter how much I ate. It turned out that I was not lacking "willpower" but was malnourished. I resolved that with a ketogenic Primal/Paleo lifestyle. High fat, moderate protein, very low carb. Not everyone needs to do that but if you are struggling with hunger you would benefit from a similar eating plan at least for awhile. Feel free to look at my diary or pick my brain.

    This, and I definitely echo the "eat more food" part. 1400 is not enough for a young, active woman. At least part of the reason you're hungry is because you're simply not eating enough. To compare - my own calorie requirement for a 1lb/week deficit is 2000 calories on sedentary. If MFP told you 1400 calories, then a) log your exercise and "eat back" the calories you earn from it (or increase the activity level setting), and b) set the goal to at most, 1lb per week (.5lb/week would probably be better, given that you have less than 30lb to lose).

    Also, go to Goals -> Custom to change the macros. MFP's defaults are dumb.

    Set protein to about 1g/lb of lean body mass (for you, probably about 90g, but measure your body fat and find your lean mass to be more accurate). Set carbs to 100g or less (if you're already eating about that, then go down to 75g or less). Fill the rest in with fat. Yes, MFP's settings are percentage, just pick the percent that gets you the closest to the above numbers.

    If you log your exercise (if you do log it, don't increase your activity level setting), it will adjust your macros based on the percentage. For the purposes of carbs, especially, and to a lesser extent, protein, ignore the increased allotment as much as possible. When dealing with metabolic issues, the base carb amount is a maximum, and fat is a minimum. Provided you're not way over or way under, protein will then largely work itself out, but try to get it around the goal that's set to ensure you don't lose much lean mass (muscle).
  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 595 Member
    I have had the opposite problem, and now drink 300 calorie coffee, to get to my calorie goal for the day. Its hard to give you advice with out being able to see your actual diary, but you can look at mine if you wish.

    What I have found is veggies are low cal and a great way to fill up.

    200 grams of cabbage, 1 TBS of coconut oil is 125 calories, a nice plate full of food, a tortilla that we have in my house is (I don't eat them) is 220 calories and a tiny amount of food in comparison to the pile of veggies, and a ton more calories.

    My dinner to night is the same calorie equivalent to 1 small burtio that others in my house will eat, I eat 1 taco salad and will be stuffed they eat 2-3 burritos and snack.

    Here are some other comparisons, (approximate calorie values)

    1 oz of ceder cheese is about 100 calories, or a Banana about 125, or a half pound of broccoli is 90 calories.

    If you eat veggies cooked or raw, you will be fuller, and you can toss a 100 calories of butter (1 TBS) or oil on them and be much fuller.

    Edit: I forgot I added oil, and avocado to increase fat and calories to my taco salad tonight, so my comparisons are a little off, but not if they put cheese and sour cream on their burritos.
  • degan2011
    degan2011 Posts: 316 Member
    I agree with just about everything said here. add fat and get rid of the cheat carbs. eating even small amounts leaves your body expecting and wanting more. You cravings wont go away until you stop feeding them completely. :) good luck!
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    I'm trying to ease myself into it by doing 80-90% for a couple weeks before I go all out.
    it seems like I can eat a crap ton of chicken and veggies and not even minutes later or a giant 10oz fat lined steak, I'm ravenous again.

    Without disagreeing with all of the good advice offered - you answer lies in the quoted statements.

    You have only been 'mostly paleo' for a couple of weeks, and your body hasn't switched from glucose-burning to fat-burning yet. This is the reason most followers of this foodstyle do a 30-day strict regimen before moving on to a more relaxed eating style. Since you are still eating grain products (which convert to glucose), your body is still expecting to use glucose as a primary energy source. Since you cut back (but not eliminated) grains, your body is going "COME ON!!! WHERE THE FRAK IS THE GLUCOSE!!!". We hear that as 'hunger'. This is why you can eat a large healthy meal and still feel 'hungry' - the signal is not 'empty belly' - it is 'need more glucose in the bloodstream'.

    Eliminate all sources of sugar and grains for the next couple of weeks - you may feel some flu-like symptoms, but within a few days, your body will switch from glucose to fat as the primary energy source. When that happens, your 'hunger pangs' should subside.

    Enjoy the journey!
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    I agree with just about all the advice given, so I won't repeat it, except for this: 1400 calories seems REALLY low to me. If I were eating there, I'd be hungry all the time too.
  • reisingmel
    reisingmel Posts: 50 Member
    Thank you all for the advice! I've tweaked my food requirements and now the only thing I can see is that I might be getting too much protein by a little bit. I've filled out my food log for the day and it looks like I'm still short on some fat but almost at 1600 calories already with a rest day planned to recover from the week. I think I'm gonna have to get creative to find ways to squeeze more fat in but to manage not to go way over in protein and also not eat 3000 calories per day. Not a single grain on the menu today though!
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Thank you all for the advice! I've tweaked my food requirements and now the only thing I can see is that I might be getting too much protein by a little bit. I've filled out my food log for the day and it looks like I'm still short on some fat but almost at 1600 calories already with a rest day planned to recover from the week. I think I'm gonna have to get creative to find ways to squeeze more fat in but to manage not to go way over in protein and also not eat 3000 calories per day. Not a single grain on the menu today though!

    If you follow the guidelines for MFP (x amount of fat, y amount of protein, z amount of carbs), you won't eat 3000 calories (you'll probably feel like you did, though). Even if you don't follow it, you probably won't eat 3000 calories, anyway, especially after you've adjusted.

    As for fat sources that aren't tied to protein - oils and fats are your friend. Coconut oil, butter/ghee, lard, tallow, duck fat, olive oil. If you like them, grab a few avocados (and not those "slimcados" either, it's the fat that makes avocados such a good food). Cook your veggies in coconut oil, butter, or lard, or coat them in butter or olive oil after they're cooked. Eat some butter or coconut oil straight, even, if you want. Whip some heavy cream for a great topper for berries (absolutely awesome, especially if you have access to raw milk and cream; it is technically Primal, not Paleo, though, so possibly better saved for after the initial induction).

    The other easy way to get more fat without going way over on protein is to ditch the super lean cuts. Seriously, pork should have some fat on it. It may be "the other white meat," but that doesn't mean is should be fat free. A good beef rib steak is to die for, let me tell you.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Thank you all for the advice! I've tweaked my food requirements and now the only thing I can see is that I might be getting too much protein by a little bit. I've filled out my food log for the day and it looks like I'm still short on some fat but almost at 1600 calories already with a rest day planned to recover from the week. I think I'm gonna have to get creative to find ways to squeeze more fat in but to manage not to go way over in protein and also not eat 3000 calories per day. Not a single grain on the menu today though!

    Hiding your diary does not help with offering tailored advice. I don't know how much fat, protein and carbs you have your goal set at. It's very easy to eat lots of fat but just requires a shift in thought. Feel free to look at my diary. I'm always 65% and more fat. If anything, I sometimes don't reach my protein goal but then I go over other days. I don't seek out lean meats specifically. I also have Bulletproof coffee. I put fat on veggies. Always.

    How much protein are you thinking is too much? No you don't want it super high but that's one macro our body is usually pretty good at stimulating us to eat more or less of in response to what is needed.

    I can't stress enough to increase your fat and lower the carbs (esp sugar and starch) and absolutely cut out the wheat completely and permanently (it's the one food that I will NEVER eat ever again-it's that bad).

    Monkeydharma said it perfectly. As usual. :wink:
  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 595 Member
    "I'm gonna have to get creative to find ways to squeeze more fat in but to manage not to go way over in protein and also not eat 3000 calories per day "

    I have been drinking Fat Coffee as I call it, its so creamy and good.

    12 oz coffee
    1TBS Butter
    1TBS Coconut Oil
    2TBS Heavy Cream

    324 cal, 2 carbs 37 Fat 0 Protein, no sugars
    the carbs come from the cream but its an easy 100 cal add and makes the drink better in my opinion

    Mix it hot in a blender (I use Magic Bullet, or hand held wand) Super tasty, you can add vanilla, and a bit of sweetener (honey/maple or what ever you use) if you wish but I like it the way it is. I have had this for breakfast and stayed full for 3 hours from it. I have played with the butter/oil amounts to hit calorie/fat goals as well, the above is my favorite so far.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Thank you all for the advice! I've tweaked my food requirements and now the only thing I can see is that I might be getting too much protein by a little bit. I've filled out my food log for the day and it looks like I'm still short on some fat but almost at 1600 calories already with a rest day planned to recover from the week. I think I'm gonna have to get creative to find ways to squeeze more fat in but to manage not to go way over in protein and also not eat 3000 calories per day. Not a single grain on the menu today though!

    Hiding your diary does not help with offering tailored advice. I don't know how much fat, protein and carbs you have your goal set at. It's very easy to eat lots of fat but just requires a shift in thought. Feel free to look at my diary. I'm always 65% and more fat. If anything, I sometimes don't reach my protein goal but then I go over other days. I don't seek out lean meats specifically. I also have Bulletproof coffee. I put fat on veggies. Always.

    How much protein are you thinking is too much? No you don't want it super high but that's one macro our body is usually pretty good at stimulating us to eat more or less of in response to what is needed.

    I can't stress enough to increase your fat and lower the carbs (esp sugar and starch) and absolutely cut out the wheat completely and permanently (it's the one food that I will NEVER eat ever again-it's that bad).

    Monkeydharma said it perfectly. As usual. :wink:

    To be fair, I think MFP defaults diaries to either private or friends only, so I doubt that was something the OP actively set. You're, of course, right in that without seeing their diary, it's harder to help tweak things.
  • sunnycrisv
    sunnycrisv Posts: 19 Member
    Great advice all around. I went primal 2 weeks ago and love it! The first few days are tough but stick with it. I had an excruciating headache the first day, insomnia the second, and felt all-over blah for a few days. On Day 6 I ate out and probably had flour in the sauce on my steak. I broke out in hives a couple hours later and went through 2 days of crankiness. Never again! The biggest change I've noticed is that all the cravings and post-dinner hunger pangs are gone. I always felt hungry before. Not anymore. Stickwith it. That starving feeling will go away. :smile:
  • reisingmel
    reisingmel Posts: 50 Member
    I made my food journal public and to be honest it was scary and hard. Now anyone and everyone can hold me accountable. I suppose it's for the best though if I'm going to be serious about this. Yesterday was an epic disaster since I had to cohost a bridal shower and the only thing compliant was the chicken wrapped in bacon - accept knowing my mom the bacon was far from compliant. She usually finds the cheapest stuff. This morning though I am going to start a whole30 and stick it out to the end as a way to jump start the paleo lifestyle. So I had some fried eggs in coconut oil, two small apples, and coffee with coconut milk. So far I'm pretty full. I'm thinking chicken legs and carrots are for lunch, and dinner a decent cut of steak with a ton of veggies.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I made my food journal public and to be honest it was scary and hard. Now anyone and everyone can hold me accountable. I suppose it's for the best though if I'm going to be serious about this. Yesterday was an epic disaster since I had to cohost a bridal shower and the only thing compliant was the chicken wrapped in bacon - accept knowing my mom the bacon was far from compliant. She usually finds the cheapest stuff. This morning though I am going to start a whole30 and stick it out to the end as a way to jump start the paleo lifestyle. So I had some fried eggs in coconut oil, two small apples, and coffee with coconut milk. So far I'm pretty full. I'm thinking chicken legs and carrots are for lunch, and dinner a decent cut of steak with a ton of veggies.

    Chicken wrapped in bacon is a very good choice! NOT an "epic disaster"! Don't get overly caught up in being absolutely perfect (exception: never cheat with wheat). Cured bacon isn't the end of the world.

    A Whole30, or Kresser's approach is even better imo, is great to start out and jump into a Paleo lifestyle but don't fall into "all or nothing" thinking. Absolutely the more strict you are the better you will feel. But, some newcomers decide "Paleo is too hard" because they don't think there is any leeway. There is! I think being as strict as possible is terrific but you have to find a way to make the lifestyle work for you; trying to follow it to the letter is great as long as you don't drive yourself crazy and then get frustrated and give up.

    Caveat: don't ever take one opinion as gospel truth. The Whole30 is just one take on Paleo. I like the information the Hartwig's have but they are also missing some aspects that are covered better by others (such as Primal Body, Primal Mind/ GAPS/ Your Personal Paleo Code/ Grain Brain, etc). Consider all the views, try different things, and find what works for YOU.

    Choosing bacon wrapped chicken was an epic success!