Week 2. Day 1: WEIGH IN #1

Welcome to our first official weigh in !! 1 down/ 4 to go !!!

Please post below...

1) Start weight/current weight.

2) How you are feeling about your first week? Did you surprise yourself? Learn anything knew about yourself, or dieting in general? Did you do your best?

3) How are you feeling about week 2?? What's keeping you motivated? What are going to avoid? Any new goals?

Please, guys, do not get discouraged if the number on the scale is anything less than pleasing. Some people will lose 5 the first week ,some people will gain 1 ! Everyone is different and weight fluctuates daily for some. It is only the first week! Let's make this next one even better than last!


  • izu87
    izu87 Posts: 267 Member
    1. Starting weight: 71.7kg
    Current weight: 72kg (partially due to binging, partially due to holding back water (period should be here in a day])

    2. This week... huge disappointment with myself. First I got sick (not really my fault) which put a full stop on my workouts (felt horrible about not working out), but on top of that I ate stuff that I'd rather not have - chocolates mainly. :/ I didn't binge a lot, but I did binge - and all of this after a full month of not binging. Seriously pissed at myself. :[ And having been PMSing has not helped at all.

    3. Hopeful? I dunno... I am feeling better so today I will be getting back onto my workout regime, and I will try to start eating normally tomorrow once again (too late for today >..>). I will avoid carbs (the bad ones) and I will look into buying some protein powder because I seriously cannot take any more meat than I'm already having, and I still don't meet my protein macros.
  • AvalonsUnicorn
    AvalonsUnicorn Posts: 425 Member
    I'm 15.2 today. That's on the high end of my 210-215 flux weight. I started out doing good this week. Then the weather dropped down back into the 30's and grey so my mood just went down the tubes and with it my diet. Today it's beautiful and sunny so I feel happier at least. I'm not to worried about it though cause I know in 3-4 days time I'll be helping my sister clean her dorm room and move. That's 3 flights of stairs... I will be wearing my Polar FT4 for moving day :wink: In other words between eating out and the fact the casino we stay at has the BEST ice cream yeah later this week is screwed any how lol! They also have a pool so I'l hopefully get to do some swimming hehe That's the one exercise I enjoy doing but don't have a pool any where near me :sad: If I had a car that wouldn't be a problem. Being poor sucks! Good luck everyone! Hope you all have had a good week!
  • H2Odaughter
    H2Odaughter Posts: 44 Member
    1) SW: 163.8, CW: 164.2
    I am up .4, but I am not fussed about this because I weigh myself every day and if our weigh-in had been yesterday, I would have "reported" 163. I have been logging for 125 days now and weighing myself (almost) every day, so I am gaining an understanding of what causes my fluctuations. (I had 15 potato chips yesterday, so am guessing that today's weight reflects some water retention from the salt.) To keep myself sane, I only "own" my lowest recorded weight.

    2) One thing I was thinking about this morning is the idea of goal setting. I set a goal of getting rid of 5 pounds in 5 weeks. I realized today that this is not a goal ... it is merely a wish! I missed the second part of goal setting. What am I going to do to get there? I need to set specific, identifiable, measurable things that I will DO to accomplish my goal!

    3) Based on #2 above, this is what I am going to do this week to help me reach my goal:
    ~ I am going to go to Crossfit 4 times this week (only went 2 times last week) ~ Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
    ~ I am going to drink at least 8 cups of water every day
    ~ I am going to live within my calorie allowance - NO MATTER WHAT

    What are YOU going to do to help reach YOUR goal?
    Have a great week every one!
  • Tylerhaar
    Tylerhaar Posts: 8 Member
    280 still have not budged.... Started growing sprouts yesterday so watch out fat... I also had some quick meals and think there maybe some processed food retention.... Going to hit some extra cardio this week...
  • xprincesspunkyxx
    xprincesspunkyxx Posts: 18 Member

    2. My first week went very well! Easter kind of messed things up for the start of the week but, I was quickly able to get back on track and burn off those extra calories I gained. This week of my diet was "booster week". During this week, I eat 300 more calories a day and found myself coming close or going over my daily amount. so, I was thinking I would be up some weight but, I thought wrong!

    3. This coming week I will be back down to low calories again so, it will be hard to adjust to at first. Plus, I will be going back to work tomorrow after being off the last 10 days. Staying busy working will be good for me. I tend to keep myself out of trouble when I'm busy and all I have to eat is what I brought with me for the day. This week, I just plan to keep doing what I'm doing and if I ever decided I want something not on my diet, I will track the points first and realize how worth it, it really is!
  • Sassymama66_75HARD
    Sassymama66_75HARD Posts: 91 Member
    1. Not weighing in because my scale and I have had a falling out! :) Seriously started working with a trainer and will weigh on Memorial Day with him - he'll do a body fat measurement follow up and measurements as well. The scale and I don't play with each other in between.

    2. The week was great - well under on my net calories for the week and my body is changing. Worked out 4 days this week (day 5 was thrown off by moving new furniture into the house instead). Treading water is the best exercise! Oh and I jogged this week - up and down the hallway - but I jogged!!

    3. This coming week I'll be at the gym 5 days. Sun/Mon/Weds/Thurs/Fri. Mon/Weds with the trainer. (Kettle bells are SO EVIL!)

    Hope everyone's week was as great as mine!

  • YB9r
    YB9r Posts: 2 Member
    1. Last Sunday weight: 189.6
    Today's weight: 188.5

    Week went OK, stressful at work, overtime, come home and want to eat. A couple of days I did go over my calorie intake goal which made me mad! I only had 2 days of walking in.
    OK, re-group and do better this week!

    Good luck to everyone out there!
  • missy_girl001
    missy_girl001 Posts: 53 Member
    1) SW: 165 CW: 162 = 3 lbs lost = woohoo!

    2) I'm feeling pretty good about this first week. I'm a little surprised about the 3 lbs lost. I wasn't expecting it … definitely hoping for it, but not expecting it since my weight loss seems slow lately. I've definitely been doing my best, Easter dinner not withstanding, although even that was fairly restrained. I think my biggest struggle will be finding a way to maintain this lifestyle. At the moment it's relatively easy. I have a beach vacation fast approaching and lots of great bikinis and clothes I desperately want to fit into. Once the vacation is over, I imagine it might be more of a struggle to keep up the same focus and intensity.

    3) Week 2 should be great. I have an appointment with a trainer tomorrow to give me some suggestions on new exercises. I have bad knees and costochondritis, so lifting heavy weights can sometimes be off limits. I'm excited to see what she proposes. The upcoming vacation is definitely keeping me motivated. I don't think I'll be avoiding anything in particular. I managed a pub dinner and wine last Friday, so I think everything in moderation is good. New goals? Firming up.

    While I've had a great week, I see that some others have struggled a little … you can do it! We all experience set-backs, and I think the fact that you're still in this group and being so honest shows a real commitment to this challenge and most important a commitment to yourselves! I'm delighted to be going through these 5 weeks with what appears to be a great group of people! :happy:
  • missy_girl001
    missy_girl001 Posts: 53 Member

    3. This coming week I'll be at the gym 5 days. Sun/Mon/Weds/Thurs/Fri. Mon/Weds with the trainer. (Kettle bells are SO EVIL!)

    Kudos to you re: the kettle bell! Those things scare the bejeezus out of me!
  • manders0523
    manders0523 Posts: 15 Member
    1. My start weight for this challenge was 232 CW :222. I have lost 10lbs this week. Not sure how I did it. I know I was stuck for a bit and kicked my self into gear this week. Hit the gym three times this week. Probably will go tonight, but the weather is so nasty out. I no longer fit into my 18's the way I use to. I have to always pull them up. Good thing I have some 16's that are still new from last time I lost weight. I have just donated my 20's and all my cloths that do not fit any more. No excuses to keep anything. Lost an inch each on my hips and waist this week too.

    2. I feel great about it. I am just scared that how much I lost this week maybe due to the fact I have been sick, but I have been eating and working out all week. I just hope the scale does not go back up. It would be a big downer. When I stepped on the scale yesterday I thought it was wrong, so I moved it and tried again, and I moved it again to another stop and it kept on coming up the same. I have learned that I can workout longer on days I don't work due to my feet not killing me. I am getting bored with my strength exercising and have been looking up some new ones. Trying to get the arm flab tightened up as well.

    3.Week 2 will be fine. I work mon-sunday this week and I tend to hit the gym five days a week during that time. Most days I force myself to go. I am keeping myself motivated. I want to be happy in my own skin and to get that I need to shed the fat! I have been trying to avoid frozen meals. I need to cook more because then I can eat more things. I think after week 2 I will need a new end goal for my five weeks. I wanted to lose 12 lbs and I only have two more to go if I keep losing my weight the way I am. I need to eat more when I work out because I don't want a lot of flab hanging there when I am all done. I have to keep it going slow and got to tone it up. Skin surgery is not cheap. Trying to avoid that as much as possible.
  • DucklingtoSwan
    DucklingtoSwan Posts: 169 Member
    I weighed yesterday as I knew 'd be going out for my birthday last night to carouse with friends. I ate a lot and imbibed a lot and make no apologies :devil: but anyway I knew I'd be dealing with some post-celebration bloat this morning I'm going with yesterday. I was up a pound from that today but will wash that away with a day or so of proper eating, and drinking a ton of water.

    Last Sunday I was 247. Yesterday I was 244.5 so down 2.5 pounds. Anyway it wasn't the 3 pounds I was hoping for, but 2.5 is nothing to sneeze at, and I'll take it!!!
  • AlyssaDarby13
    AlyssaDarby13 Posts: 158 Member
    1) Start weight/current weight.
    193.8/193.3, so I'm down a half pound, which is not how much I wanted, but it's ok considering my answer for #2.

    2) How you are feeling about your first week? Did you surprise yourself? Learn anything knew about yourself, or dieting in general? Did you do your best?
    I am not feeling so great about it. I binged. A lot. I am continuing to binge, even after being conscious about it. I just had my anti-depressants upped, and I think it's affecting my appetite in a very big way. I did get a little exercise in, but not nearly as much as I want. I did "my best", in that I'm doing what I can and trying and not giving up, even when faced with these challenges.

    3) How are you feeling about week 2?? What's keeping you motivated? What are going to avoid? Any new goals?
    I am feeling hopeful. I am motivated by the desire to have a baby. I am going to try to avoid binging. I have a goal to walk 5 days this week, even if I can't get any other exercise.
  • bambi417
    bambi417 Posts: 9
    Stuck at 189 but I know why, just have to be stricter and work out more. Ugh.
  • 1. SW: 167 CW:165.4

    2. How you are feeling about your first week? Did you surprise yourself? Learn anything knew about yourself, or dieting in general? Did you do your best?
    - I'm happy with my results for the week. I was actually surprised I maintained a loss trend. Hopefully I can keep it up this next week.

    3. How are you feeling about week 2?? What's keeping you motivated? What are going to avoid? Any new goals?
    -Feeling good about week 2. The thought of being able to have more clothing options in the summer is keeping me motivated. I'm going to avoid cookies and sweets as much as possible. May allow at least 1-2 days of ice cream or a sweet of some sort during the week. New goal this week is to hit 10,000 steps everyday this week a long with exercise at least 3 times/week. Hope to be at 163 by next weigh-in. Good luck to everyone in Week 2!
  • AvalonsUnicorn
    AvalonsUnicorn Posts: 425 Member
    Stuck at 189 but I know why, just have to be stricter and work out more. Ugh.

    Don't feel bad :smile: I've been fluxing between 210 and 215 for over 4 years now. It's VERY frustrating so I know where your coming from! Hang in there and you'll succeed :flowerforyou:
  • Where is everybody???!!

    I hope no one's posting because they're too busy kicking their own *kitten*!!!

    Everyone (who has posted) is doing great!! Don't forget to look into the mirror every morning (and every time you feel you're about to slip) and tell yourself it is a new day, a new you, and you can do this! Thank yourself for every tiny win throughout the day. It helps.

    Also, don't forget to drink lots and lots of water! On most days I probably drink closer to 16 glasses than 8. It speeds up your metabolism and kicks cravings.


    1) Start weight: 170/ Current Weight: 167.8

    2) I wanted to weigh in at 167 and I came in pretty close. The beginning of last week was definitely not ideal, but sometimes it takes a couple days for that game face to stick. I messed up a little today (damn plantain chips, too freaking tasty), but as much as I wanted to say screw it, I already failed so I might as well grab the graham crackers, I stayed strong and didn't crack. THAT is my hurdle. Hopefully that sticks.

    3) In terms of this week, I am staying guarded. Usually when I tell myself "I got this" and stop stressing over it, is when I slip up. I HAVE to stay in my calorie range. I'm going to try my hardest to not eat back my burned calories. Next week I might be doing a juice fast, so I have to work my calories down this week. REMEMBER, THE HUNGER PAINS FROM REDUCING CALORIES ARE GONE AFTER THREE DAYS. After that, you're body adjusts and you feel more energized, alert, and motivated without the extra calories.
  • 1. My start weight for this challenge was 232 CW :222. I have lost 10lbs this week. Not sure how I did it. I know I was stuck for a bit and kicked my self into gear this week. Hit the gym three times this week. Probably will go tonight, but the weather is so nasty out. I no longer fit into my 18's the way I use to. I have to always pull them up. Good thing I have some 16's that are still new from last time I lost weight. I have just donated my 20's and all my cloths that do not fit any more. No excuses to keep anything. Lost an inch each on my hips and waist this week too.

    2. I feel great about it. I am just scared that how much I lost this week maybe due to the fact I have been sick, but I have been eating and working out all week. I just hope the scale does not go back up. It would be a big downer. When I stepped on the scale yesterday I thought it was wrong, so I moved it and tried again, and I moved it again to another stop and it kept on coming up the same. I have learned that I can workout longer on days I don't work due to my feet not killing me. I am getting bored with my strength exercising and have been looking up some new ones. Trying to get the arm flab tightened up as well.

    3.Week 2 will be fine. I work mon-sunday this week and I tend to hit the gym five days a week during that time. Most days I force myself to go. I am keeping myself motivated. I want to be happy in my own skin and to get that I need to shed the fat! I have been trying to avoid frozen meals. I need to cook more because then I can eat more things. I think after week 2 I will need a new end goal for my five weeks. I wanted to lose 12 lbs and I only have two more to go if I keep losing my weight the way I am. I need to eat more when I work out because I don't want a lot of flab hanging there when I am all done. I have to keep it going slow and got to tone it up. Skin surgery is not cheap. Trying to avoid that as much as possible.

    WOW!! That's AMAZING!! Well, we know who's in the lead!
  • TaraRichardson913
    TaraRichardson913 Posts: 157 Member
    Right on everyone!!
    Even if your week didn't go as planned (like mine) you are still HERE! You're checking in, thinking about ways to do better, etc.
    It is very admirable!
    So kudos to you all :)

    And I don't have access to my scale this week cuz I am at home so will let you know next week.

    Take care everyone and be nice to yourself, you deserve it!
  • RobynSmithIBECHS
    RobynSmithIBECHS Posts: 86 Member
    Hi y'all!

    1) SW- 289 CW- 286.2 Total loss= 2.8 pounds

    2) How you are feeling about your first week? Did you surprise yourself? Learn anything knew about yourself, or dieting in general? Did you do your best?

    It was rough. I overate quite a bit and then had a false excitement when my weight dipped down to 284 (water weight) and that was disappointing :(. I am quite tired right now and have finals this and next week, so I wouldn't expect too much of a loss between now and then.

    3) How are you feeling about week 2?? What's keeping you motivated? What are going to avoid? Any new goals?

    Motivation: If I run Ill let myself goof off and watch Benedict Cumberbatch interviews and My Drunk Kitchen for 15 minutes. I am trying to avoid study and exercise because I am super tired and lazy feeling.
  • kiwigirl8133
    kiwigirl8133 Posts: 7 Member
    1) Start weight/current weight.
    93.2kg on sat 19th, and 91.5kg this morning (not the right days - but close) (3.7 pounds for my american friends)

    2) How you are feeling about your first week? Did you surprise yourself? Learn anything knew about yourself, or dieting in general? Did you do your best?
    As I am just starting out, I think I am doing well, my appetite is low at present so I have been coming in under my limit most days, this is a worry as I do not want my body to go into shock and start holding onto fat rather than releasing it!
    But 1st week was pretty stellar. Bring it on I say!!

    3) How are you feeling about week 2?? What's keeping you motivated? What are going to avoid? Any new goals?
    I am pretty motivated, I have my head in the right space, I said no to biscuits offered to me at work today (thats a first) I have my eye on the prize of a more awesome me and its totally ok to turn down fatty devitalized food that is not going to nourish my body!
    Still need to focus on drinking more water - I am slowly increasing, but only up to about 1.5 litres a day - need to up to 2-2.5L a day
    Aim to do a daily session of either pilates or yoga in the morning before work - and do 3-4 cardio sessions, either aqua aerobics or home dvds