Week one goals

jsayyah Posts: 6 Member
Exercise goal- 4 weight lifting/heavy cardio sessions
Wellness goal- take time to relax and enjoy the sunset one evening
Nutritional goal- no sweets or dairy - I need to get back on the wagon. I didn't have any for lent, but then Easter came along. Both make me feel gross and bloated.

Reward for succeeding - Hmm. This is a tough one for me. I always automatically think food reward, and I do not wish to do that this time around. I'm going to say that for every day I am successful I will save one dollar towards a Vera Bradley carry-it-all wristlet. I know it is not a weekly reward, but taking things day by day seems to be more beneficial to me.

I'm looking forward to participating in this group! Anyone from the central Florida area?


  • fknlardarse
    fknlardarse Posts: 210 Member
    Exercise goal - cycle 2-3 times and squats twice a week
    Wellness goal - find time to have a pamper sesh, even if it's just a nice long bath with candles
    Nutritional goal - no wine this week and stay within my calorie allowance 7 days in a row! OMG it's so hard!

    Reward for succeeding - just a happy buzz is enough haha
  • Exercise goal: c25k week one, one yoga class
    Nutrition goal: stay within calorie goal
    Wellness: no checking work emails when out of office.
    Reward: pedicure
  • I'm just starting out so...

    Exercise goal: exercise 30 min per day, 5x this week
    Nutrition goal: stay under my calorie goal, drink more water
    Wellness goal: try to get enough sleep this week
    Reward: hmmmm...a new lipstick
  • hobbesla4
    hobbesla4 Posts: 20 Member
    Exercise goal: Exercise 30 minutes daily.
    Nutrition: Limit sodium intake this week.
    Wellness: Have more patience with people around me.
    Reward: Take some time for myself to read everyday.
  • laureneliset
    laureneliset Posts: 50 Member
    Exercise goal - 2 heavy weights sessions, 4 HIIT cardio (and at least two in the morning!), 1 long hike
    Wellness goal - connect more with my friends overseas who I miss every day
    Nutritional goal - hit 40% calories from protein every day, stick within my calorie range
    Reward - a microdermabrasion facial (it's my birthday in 2 weeks and the last one I had cost a bomb but damn it made all my emerging wrinkles disappear!)

    My first group on MFP. Looking forward to this as I am an expatriate who is returning home at the end of June (been away 6 months)and I want to see some jaws dropping at my transformation!
  • Awwww I loved reading everyone's goals! You can do it <3 Thanks for starting the group, DF!

    My goals:
    Exercise: Every day - do Insanity in the morning~ walking and cycling in the afternoon~ 30 Day Shred in the evening~ if possible, do half of Killer by Ewa Chodokowska

    Nutritional: Hrm, I already eat pretty healthy, so nothing different

    Wellness: Look into more info on Taipei trip for writers' conference on May 4~ such as going to the mall~

    Reward: Erm, IDK, play with my dog? But I already do that xD
  • mykizmom
    mykizmom Posts: 191 Member
    Exercise goal - 5 days 30 minutes
    Wellness goal - positive thinking and speech
    Nutritional goal - more fruits and vegetables and get more rest.
    Reward, go to a beautiful park and have a relaxing walk and do some reading. No cell phone,

    This is nice because we should all end this 60 days not only looking good but feeling good in mind and body. Let's do this for ourselves.
  • raven23uk
    raven23uk Posts: 519 Member
    Exercise goal: Exercise 30 min per day, 5x week
    Nutrition goal: Stay under calorie goal and drink more water
    Wellness goal: Go to sauna at least twice in the week
    Reward: New sugar scrub
  • Confidently
    Confidently Posts: 842 Member
    Exercise goal- start week 1 of couch25k/ 30 minutes workouts minimum 5 days
    Wellness goal- practice meditation 4 days for 10 minutes a day
    Nutritional goal- stay within calorie goal and make serious effort to hit macros
    Reward- purchase first kettlebell
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Exercise goal: Do some form of exercise 5 days a week of approx. 30 mins, and do my kettle bell workout 3 x / week
    Wellness goal: Start going to bed earlier
    Nutritional goal: Work on my macros and drink more water
    Reward: Fantastic body massage and facial
  • bananasincereal
    bananasincereal Posts: 19 Member
    Fitness Goal: do 1 hour of yoga every day.
    run every other day
    week 1 of 30 day challenge (ab, arm, squat challenge) http://30dayfitnesschallenges.com/

    Nutrition Goal: monitor my eating habits- clean eating, no processed foods. stay within my calorie goal

    Wellness Goal: read instead of browse the internet before bed

    Reward: pedicure
  • Bre0331
    Bre0331 Posts: 1 Member
    This week goal is to lose 2 lbs by:

    Nutritional: No meat,limit starches, no sugar
    Exercise: 5x this week at least 30 minutes
    Wellness: More SLEEP!
    Reward: Sundress
  • sassynkp
    sassynkp Posts: 148 Member
    Exercise: Start T25 series and workout 5 days this week.
    Nutrition: No bread! No sugar!
    Wellness: start journal
    Reward: new nail polish.

    Very excited to get back on track! Looking forward to this challenge and seeing all of our progress. ????????
  • Nessa0915
    Nessa0915 Posts: 3 Member
    FItness: do 30 min of cardio everyday for 5 days and 20 min/ abs, arms, or legs
    Nutritional: I'm really bad at nutrition so my beginner goal will be to actually keep track of calorie intake and cut out all fast food,
    Wellness: Go to bed by 10pm daily at the latest at least 5 days of this week

    Reward: like a previous person stated i have always thought of a food reward, that was probably part of my problem, My reward for succeeding this week will be $20 towards skydiving which will go into a piggy bank for when when i break 200lbs.
  • df1982
    df1982 Posts: 147 Member
    Fitness: go to the gym three times this week + 1 yoga class

    Healthy eating: no gluten this week (I love all things bread - but I've been conveniently ignoring some allergy testing I did a year ago for long enough!)

    Wellness: make some time for reading a novel three times this week

    Reward: pedicure
  • jlm0710
    jlm0710 Posts: 11 Member
    Exercise goal: Continue with week 3 of C25K program!
    Nutritional goal: Log all my food in my food diary and stay under goal.
    Wellness goal: Walk at beach at least once this week.

    Reward: If I can do this I will put some money aside to buy new clothes for my trip at the end of June!
  • Taylorxxlynne
    Taylorxxlynne Posts: 210 Member
    Exercise goal: Today do 30 Day Shred Level 3 and tomorrow I start 6 Week 6 Pack
    Nutritional goal: No fast food this week
    Wellness goal: Take time out to read and relax
    Reward: Keep some money aside for a new bathing suit for July when I go to Yosemite
  • fknlardarse
    fknlardarse Posts: 210 Member
    Sigh..... Gone over my calories on my first day of joining this group! Made a nutritionally healthy tea of brown rice with stir fry veg and cashew nuts but my husband and son are trying to put weight ON so I was generous with the olive oil.
    Weighed EVERYTHING and had a small portion but when I put it all in my diary later I had managed to have 850 calories in a small portion!
    Damn olive oil and nuts!
    Still hungry so had a banana and fat free yogurt (healthy) but it has still put me well over. Gutted.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Exercise: Do Combat each day as scheduled.

    Nutrition: Log everything... the good, the bad, and the ugly.

    Wellness: Work on tuning out the negative people at work.

    Reward: Olive Oil Masque for my hair. It's so nice, but a little expensive for the amount you get.

    Good luck everyone!
  • suzfimbres
    suzfimbres Posts: 36 Member
    Exercise goal: Week 1 of a 30 Day Challenge, treadmill for 20-30 minutes at least 3 mornings
    Nutritional goal: Commit to eating only fruits and vegetables until 1:00pm (as advised by nutritionist), and stay within calorie goal 7 days in a row
    Wellness goal: Enjoy one sunset with my husband, walk on the beach once, and spend 10 minutes of quiet time each day to destress

    Reward: If I accomplish all these goals by the end of the week I'm not sure what my reward will be... I generally do food rewards, too, but I'm trying to move away from them this time around. Maybe I will do an at-home spa day? Teeth whitening, face mask, relaxing bubble bath... Yeah, I think that sounds pretty wonderful! :)

    I'm thinking that if I can stick it out and be successful that my 60 Day Challenge reward will ultimately be a massage and mani/pedi! Woot! :D