anyone else doing a full reset right now?

LauCo77 Posts: 22 Member
I'm starting week four of a 12-week reset. I would love chat daily with someone doing the same. My BF is so supportive but I think he's sick of talking about it! lol



  • me :)
  • Same, I'm in my second week and I'm at 1600 calories a day. Still feel weird eating so much, but it's kind of relaxing to not stress so much about overeating a little bit.
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    I'm not, but feel free to add me if you want to chat along the way I started EM2WL a couple of years ago eating 1,000 - 1,200 calories, did a full reset, and have been eating at maintenance (2,150ish) ever since...
  • jlhill7
    jlhill7 Posts: 226 Member
    I am doing a full reset day 1 always looking for more support. I am doing the EM2WL Program
  • LauCo77
    LauCo77 Posts: 22 Member
    sarahorange55 - You had a link on your friend request message, and I wanted to check it out, but once I confirmed your friend request, I couldn't get the message back. Could you re-post the link? :)
  • LauCo77
    LauCo77 Posts: 22 Member
    I am doing a full reset day 1 always looking for more support. I am doing the EM2WL Program

    I'm on week 4, enjoying the food, but a little freaked out about the gaining... how is it going for you so far?
  • Hiya link resent for you - not that I could remember which link I sent you LOL not quite awake as yet - but sent you link to my journey so far and EM2WL forums which might also be another good resource for you

    I am on week 9 upping again from 2000 to 2500 and wow 3 or 4 days into 2500 and I feel amazing feel like I could jump from building to building! seriously I love this way of life! Yeah weight crept up but also went down too - so just keep going it does get better and I can feel that fat is moving around as arms and legs feel more toned - shame belly isn't but that of course will be the last LOL but certainly its working!
  • Rory_123
    Rory_123 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm on week 4, have already gained 7-8 lbs and I'm really freaking out! My clothes simply don't fit anymore. I was eating 1200 or less for years, so I know it takes time, but this is a very unpleasant process! When can I cut? If my weight stabilizes over the next couple of weeks?
  • are you at your TDEE now Rory_123? and basically yes once your weight stablises you can cut - but its not supposed to be a quick process - from what people say the longer to give this stage the better it is in the long run - moving to quick now means you might have to re-reset later
  • Rory_123
    Rory_123 Posts: 68 Member
    Yes, I'm at my TDEE (or within range - I'm trying not to count calories and just eat intuitively, but I check every couple of days to make sure I am about TDEE). How long should someone be stable at before a cut?
  • LauCo77
    LauCo77 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm on week 4, have already gained 7-8 lbs and I'm really freaking out! My clothes simply don't fit anymore. I was eating 1200 or less for years, so I know it takes time, but this is a very unpleasant process! When can I cut? If my weight stabilizes over the next couple of weeks?

    This is EXACTLY how I feel Rory!!! 8lbs up, nothing fits, argggg!!!!
  • LauCo77
    LauCo77 Posts: 22 Member
    I decided at the beginning that I will give this reset a full 12 weeks. That takes me to the end of June (I'm a teacher, so end of the school year is a nice round end point) then, IF I am starting to stabilize, I will start to cut at 10%. I'm finding it hard not to be a bit depressed at the thought of starting the summer at a new high weight though. I am about 5lbs more away from needing a size bigger wardrobe. wah!!!!!
  • Rory_123 just stick with it - if you are feeling that freaked then you are not there yet mentally or at TDEE as it does come off again - I am at 9wks and feel on top of the world!! so work through it - however horrid it is!

    depending on how long you were eating VLCD etc might depend on how long you hav eto reset though everyone is different - I Know that a few weeks I was not ready to cut - but this week much better - will weigh tomorrow an dyes - and yes in my "bigger" clothes which I hate BUT this weight didn't appear over night so I cannot expect it to shed overnight - slow is best!

    Good luck!!
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    This is the one part of the process that you don't want to rush. This portion of the re-set is truly where you are getting your metabolism to "trust" you that the intake will remain consistent. It is normally recommended that you eat consistently at TDEE for *a minimum of 8 weeks*.

    The purpose of a metabolism reset is to give your body a break from the stress of dieting and to get used to eating an appropriate (and consistent) amount of food. Under general circumstances, we will recommend a time frame of 8-12 weeks of eating TDEE. After this time, most people can return to eating a small deficit (TDEE - 10 to 15%) and they will generally see slow and steady fat loss. However, every person responds differently. The length of time required for a successful reset will depend greatly on the length and severity of restrictive dieting.. It is critical during this time that you trust the process and are willing to stick it out as long as it takes.

    So within that 8 - 12 week time frame, how will you know when your reset is complete? Generally, if you are in a rush to get it over with so you can go back to dieting, that is probably a good sign you’re not quite there yet. This is as much a mental process as a physical one...
  • TriLaura
    TriLaura Posts: 34 Member
    You know, I wish I'd found this group before Christmas last year. That was when I did my reset - a total of 3 weeks. I ate at TDEE and the only exercise I did was walk (because I was on holidays and needed to get out of the house!). I felt really good.

    I honestly don't think the 3 weeks was enough. I went back to a cut, which "in theory" was 10-15% but the reality is I struggle with eating more. I feel guilty and like I'm undoing all my hard work. So my "actual" deficits are closer to 25%. Don't get me wrong, I know this is too much, and I am trying to work on it.

    So I am debating whether to re-do my reset. My average calorie expenditure (Fitbit) is 2800-3000 cals and my average consumption is 2000-2100. I just don't want to get any bigger. I have no other clothes since I got rid of all my big girl clothes (I have nothing over a size 14!) On the bright side, at least I now feel hungry (never used to) so something must be working.

    Would it be worthwhile to go back to a reset?
  • janemcd67
    janemcd67 Posts: 35 Member
    12 weeks seems like a good length. I did an 8 week reset but then kept gaining for 4 more weeks, so I should have gone with 12 weeks from the beginning. The weight loss afterwards has been slow with a 0.5lb / week loss for my goal. I wish I had been a bit more gentle with my reset as I don't think I needed to gain 23lb. I would have been fine with just 10lb I am fairly sure. Now I am "just" at a 19lb gain.
  • LauCo77
    LauCo77 Posts: 22 Member
    I just decided at the beginning that I was going to reset for at least 12 weeks. I have been doing VLCDs for most of my life, interspersed with periods of out-of-control binging. It seems like after 30 years of that, the least I could do for myself is give this reset a few months. I was freaking out about gaining weight, and I HAVE gained some... but not much, and I could have done that anyway, the way I was eating before.
  • sweetxsour35
    sweetxsour35 Posts: 177
    I've been at this for a month now and my appetite is HUGE. I have eaten around 2000 on some days to balance out the cardio, so that might've made it easier. I'm also noticing a lot of muscle building, especially in my arms. I can actually feel my biceps whereas before I would lift and lift without results. Unfortunately, now my stomach isn't shrinking so fast, and I've gone up another couple pounds. I'm eating around 1900, this would be accurate if I remembered to add in drinks! So I'm curious if I'm close to TDEE if this is what my body's doing. The calculators I've looked at have ranged from 2100-2300. I also wonder how long I should stay at TDEE since I wasn't doing a VLCD for too long. I've cycled between 1100-1400 for the past year or two and since I was stuck I decided to try this.
  • chelleymae1105
    chelleymae1105 Posts: 36 Member
    I just started my "reset" on Friday and am eating 2300-2400 cals a day. I have been slowly working up to this number from the 1400 cals a day I was eating on WW (that stopped working after a year, followed by a year long plateau). I have gained 3 lbs and some change so far, which isn't too bad and I knew what to expect after reading the thread on what to expect here, lol.

    Kiki said the most accurate calculator for BMR/ TDEE is the Scooby workshop one. That's what I'm using. Add me if you like!
  • chelleymae1105
    chelleymae1105 Posts: 36 Member
    I could NOT eat 2500 cals yesterday....I just couldn't do it. It was the end of the night and I still had 300 more cals to go and I was so full...I just couldn't do it. Today I started my day off with a spoonful of PB and a glass of milk so I don't get to the end of the day with so many cals left to consume!

    PS - it's that TOM and I'm SO bloated! UGH!

    Have a great day everyone!