How to STOP drinking white wine

My is Sue, 40 this December. Goal is to lose weight in the next few months. I eat pretty good, not working out like use to due Depression and issues with left knee. Can anyone giving some advise.

In 2013 me and my man went to Cuba and I looked and felt comfortable and weighed 127 and I was do HAPPY

Thank you:)


  • DucklingtoSwan
    DucklingtoSwan Posts: 169 Member
    I think you look great, not like you have really much to lose. Why would you want to stop drinking white wine? White wine is the nectar of the gods lol... seriously, unless it makes you jump up on restaurant tables and fling cocktail-napkin ninja stars at people,there is no reason to give up the occasional glass. (Key word being, occasional.) Red is supposed to be the 'healthiest' of them, though I haven't found one I really like. I don't drink as much moscato as I used to but more because of it's sugar content, I have diabetes so I have to be careful, but I may treat myself to a glass tonight if I plan ahead and save some calories for it.

    As for exercise, I'm not sure what to tell you. My depression makes it hard to get motivated to move. Once I'm actually doing something, I feel great about it, but just getting up and putting on my walking shoes feels sometimes the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. Are you seeing a doctor for it? I started on some meds a while back and while I don['t go around jumping up and down clicking my heels, they have helped me a lot just to function a lot better.

    Just keep looking at pictures from your Cuba trip to motivate you ;-)
  • azkelly182
    azkelly182 Posts: 2 Member
    I think my late night glass of wine and beer has been the reason for my plateau...

    But as for the question about exercise - I joined cardio kickboxing a few months ago. It's so much fun, a really intense workout (as intense as you want it to be), and exercises the whole body. I've enjoyed meeting new folks there, I can't say enough good about it.

    I've never been super athletic, I've had depression. Motivation was the big thing: running alone in the dark after work was so unappealing I could rarely find the energy. But finding a group exercise so I get social pressure to attend as well as social fun while I'm there, it's been pretty great.