Feeling Bummed Out...

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all having a great weekend.
I'm feeling really bummed today... I overate last night and have been feeling really crappy and guilty.
It seems that my mind things that it's okay to go crazy when I do well the days leading up to it...:cry:

Does anyone have any tips to stop over/emotional eating?

Thanks in advance :)


  • Rocky791
    Rocky791 Posts: 52 Member
    I know the feeling... sometimes I think why bother since I have such a hard time losing weight yet pack on the pounds so easily. I'm the type that can literally starve myself and still be considered "bigger". It's hard to see people around me who can eat anything in sight and not gain a pound. I had a friend who ate me out of house and home when she visited and weighed all of 110 pounds.

    Sorry, that wasn't very uplifting was it? So... in terms of stopping the binges I'd say you can drink a bunch of water, go for a walk, or brush your teeth or put whitening strips on your teeth - that'll deter the eating for a bit and hopefully by then the urge will be gone.
  • timetravelforfitness
    timetravelforfitness Posts: 242 Member
    tea and writing/doodling. We don't pick up pens enough anymore.

    It doesn't prevent me from overeating when I'm frustrated with my kids for not napping (it's for their own good! They're EXHAUSTED!!!!! ARGGGGGG!) but when I find that I want to eat I ask myself if I'm hungry enough for an apple (who said this, because it's been amazing for me, someone on MFP suggested it within a month or so...) and then I eat an apple. If not, I start some tea, whether on the stove or in the microwave, and try to get out a piece of paper if I'm in a place I can do it. Then I write. Or draw. Or somehow get out the way I'm feeling.

    It may help, it may not, but it can't hurt, right?
  • homemadehippy
    homemadehippy Posts: 44 Member
    I second the doodling! It has helped me a lot. It keeps your brain busy. I've got 2 big packs of sharpies and a sketchpad by my chair at home at all times, and colored pens at work with little scraps of paper.

  • shvits
    shvits Posts: 249 Member
    get back on the horse and do it again until you can control the eating.