Staying on track!

What's your hardest part about staying on track with getting in shape?


  • oboeing
    oboeing Posts: 1,816 Member
    self control with food. if it's bad for you, i love it. in large quantities.

    that and having problems with sticking to a "cheat meal". if i end up blowing a meal, then i blow the day, then i end up just blowing off the week, and once i've gone that far, i can't seem to stop....
  • I'm having the same problem!! i keep trying to remind myself that its not worth it when i start eating bad again but then i just give up )=
  • Oboeing - you said it perfectly. If I blow a meal, I give up on the whole week. My other big issue is salty, crunchy snacks. I have NO willpower or self-control if there are chips of any kind in the vicinity. Like I always say, "if broccoli tasted like Lay's, I wouldn't have a problem". And I like broccoli!
  • couchbunny
    couchbunny Posts: 11 Member
    Laziness. I used to wonder if I'm fat because I'm lazy or lazy because I'm fat. Kind of a chicken/egg dilemma. ;)
  • k_nicole87
    k_nicole87 Posts: 407 Member
    My weakness is staying away from the bad stuff. I can't just do "just a bite" or "just one" of anything. If I take a bite of cake, candy, or chips, I can't stop and suddenly it's gone. I ate an entire cherry pie on Thanksgiving. :grumble:
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    I had a friend develop a system of having the just one bite. She'd have her bite and give the rest away to someone else. :laugh:

    Right now my struggle is getting healthy foods that I can reach my caloric goals with and that I can afford on my budget. I've noticed that coupons tend to be geared towards the stuff that isn't the best choice to eat and not even always that yummy either. I've seen coupons for yogurt, but it's always a brand I can't find where I shop. :grumble:

    My other problem is finding people to do things with me. I need that kind of accountability and buddy system support.
  • couchbunny
    couchbunny Posts: 11 Member
    I had a friend develop a system of having the just one bite. She'd have her bite and give the rest away to someone else. :laugh:

    I wish that would work for me. I can never stop at one bite. It's just too delicious! The best I've managed is to make a batch of cookies or brownies, eat one serving, set one aside for later and take the rest to work to foist off on my skinny co-workers. Maybe if I can fatten them up while I slim down we can meet in the middle? (lol, kidding!)
  • Whoa, that "just a bite and then give it away" strategy sounds pretty good, but would be hard to do if you lived alone or with a fitness nut or someone else who is trying to lose weight, as I am.
    I too have a really, REALLY hard time resisting food. If you put it in front of me I will eat it until it's gone, even if I don't like it. A good technique I've learned was to put one serving in a bowl/plate and put the rest away. Once I get done with the serving I get up and do something else to get me out of the house and away from the temptation.
    Of course this doesn't always work, and that's why I have one section in my fridge/pantry that I fill with munchy foods like veggies and air-popped popcorn.
    Another helper I discovered is tasty gum. They make chocolate mint ice cream, apple pie- all sorts of fun flavors. I shudder to think of the kind of chemicals they had to use to do that, but it keeps my taste buds and mouth busy.
    As we all know these things don't always work and that's why we're in this group :P
    I'm so glad to know that there are other FMP gals who have the same bottomless stomach and nonexistant willpower problem!
  • billhilly1968
    billhilly1968 Posts: 75 Member
    Head hunger is my downfall! My mind tries to tell me that I am hungry even though my body is full. I want more.