Nighttime painful shin cramps

novagramma Posts: 7 Member
Anyone have any advise? These are not Charley horse cramps that can be walked out. These cramps start at my toes go up the front of my leg to my thighs. I've been trying to increase my walking and I've started taking Dexilant for reflux, my blood work is good, have excellent numbers and get enough calcium. Need some help, these are extremely painful.



  • pattycakes726
    pattycakes726 Posts: 348 Member
    My doc told me it's from dehydration. Are you getting in all your fluids? I notice on get them on nights when I haven't had at least 80 oz of water. Hope it helps!
  • sue100194
    sue100194 Posts: 129
    I was getting them too and my PHP sent me to a podiatrist. All the walking I've been doing has brought forward some other problems. Now I'm using shoe inserts in my walking shoes and toe straightening thingies but at least the night time cramps are gone.
  • jogawa15
    jogawa15 Posts: 34 Member
    I had a problem with them and was told it could be one of two things one is dehydration and the other is lack of salt. Esp in the early stages if you are getting enough fluids try to add a poweraide zero or two daily it has the salt your body needs. You can do vitamin water zero or poweraide I was also told you can take a teaspoon do lite salt and mix with water. When I started to drink this daily the cramps stopped right away. Once you add more items you won't need it but if you are on a very low cal or strict carb diet it helps. I know mine were so painful I would literally freeze and they usually came early morning they would wake me up! Good luck!