Starting May 1st -

I just signed up with Venus today and will be starting my plan on May 1st. I am an oldie ~ been around the block a few times with this weight. My current weight loss goal is 88#.

I really could use a buddy and someone that will help me keep motivated. I am 45 yrs old & tired of being fat. I saw some of the "older" success stories on the Venus site and hope that one day, I can add my photo to theirs as well.

I have started reading all the massive material.



  • Josieee15
    Josieee15 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, welcome and good luck. All of the reading material seems a bit daunting at first but it's really easy to follow once you start. I am also 45 and been around a bit so I know how you feel. Fell off the wagon a few times with Venus but back on board and going strong. Good luck with you first day. This group is very supportive if you need help.

    You can do this!! ;)
  • jaidenphyr
    Welcome aboard!!! I'm 49 and determined to be one of those success stories as well! I didn't do before pics. I don't regret that. I just want to have good after pics!!! lol Preferably before my wedding!! How awesome would THAT be??

    Add me as a friend if you like!! I do much better with people who are regularly around to support on those bad days!!