Low carbs, what do you eat instead?

kamaperry Posts: 885 Member
I get hungry if I don't have a potato, or bread or something like that especially with dinner. How do you manage it? Last nite, I did ok, but had a bowl of fruit, and that has carbs too!!


  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    I do eat carbs at dinner. Sometimes I have a small potato or a 1/2 cup of brown rice. I have found that making 1/4 of my plate lean protein and 1/2 of my plate veggies leaves very little room for foods that pack a powerful punch when it comes to carbohydrates. Since the weather has turned a bit on the nicer side we have been grilling a lot of veggies. I enjoy throwing some tomato, mushrooms, onion, and peppers into a foil packet, sprinkling with seasoning or adding a splash of soy sauce, and throwing it on the grill. We love to grill zucchini that has been tossed in a sparing amount of EVOO and garlic powder. For me, it is about choosing better carbohydrates--ones that I enjoy but also ones that contain a bit more fiber. If I do have something a bit higher in the carb department I resign myself to taking a short walk about an hour after dinner to help my body metabolize the glucose better. I'm always looking for good veggie recipes to mix things up and add flavor to keep life interesting! I can tell a HUGE difference in the way that my body feels. I have more energy and my mood has greatly improved.
  • cwrig
    cwrig Posts: 190 Member
    A few things I snack on:

    Celery with peanut butter
    Small Greek Yogurt
    Small square of dark chocolate
    Steamed Edamame
    Mixed nuts
    Green Beans
    Slice of Ham
    Hand full of grapes
    Hard Boiled or Red Beat Egg
  • kamaperry
    kamaperry Posts: 885 Member
    Love both of these suggestions, thanks!!
  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    You're welcome!

    I also wanted to add that I always keep a container of cashews at work. Having a small handful of cashews really helps to satisfy me when people are eating junky food around me. And I love, love, love hard-boiled eggs!
  • diabetesdieter
    diabetesdieter Posts: 47 Member
    I love the Joseph's low carb bread items. They all have about 12g of complex carbs each, and they are so filling. Also, I love eating homemade kale chips. I bought some low carb ice cream and I put it in a measuring cup and eat it sometimes. It seems to not raise my blood sugar too much!
  • kamaperry
    kamaperry Posts: 885 Member
    Where do you get the Joseph's? I am going to be buying some more diabetic friendly items on payday, thanks for the tips! And I love cashews!
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    A bread I like is Brownberry Ovens Double Fiber (some parts of the US will see the brand OroWheat. Same bread.) They also have a Double Protein bread that is really good. Both are filling and I have found that I only need one slice for my sandwiches to fill me up instead of two.

    Double Fiber: 21g whole grain carbs, 6g fiber, 4g protein
    Double protein: 18g whole grain carbs, 3g fiber, 7g protein
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I get hungry if I don't have a potato, or bread or something like that especially with dinner. How do you manage it? Last nite, I did ok, but had a bowl of fruit, and that has carbs too!!

    The first thing I did was reduce sizes. I don't need an entire big baked potato so I bought a bag of small red salad potatoes and cooked up one of those instead. Some groceries carry skin on baby potatoes in the frozen food section. That is another way to get the potato fix while controlling size (remember, you get the most nutrition from your potato if you eat the skin also). I started buying brown rice and having a smaller portion of that. Again, not cutting the carbs out, just having more control over the portion size and eating more nutritious versions, if possible.
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    I get hungry if I don't have a potato, or bread or something like that especially with dinner. How do you manage it? Last nite, I did ok, but had a bowl of fruit, and that has carbs too!!
    High-fat. I'm never hungry.

    Yesterday MFP told me I had 2,390 calories remaining (after already eating almost 2,200 for the day) and I wasn't hungry.

    I almost always get under 10% of my calories from carbohydrate and it works great for controlling my diabetes. I also have amazing labs - low triglycerides, great HDL, AMAZING Tg/HDL ratio, etc.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I get hungry if I don't have a potato, or bread or something like that especially with dinner. How do you manage it? Last nite, I did ok, but had a bowl of fruit, and that has carbs too!!

    The first thing I did was reduce sizes. I don't need an entire big baked potato so I bought a bag of small red salad potatoes and cooked up one of those instead. Some groceries carry skin on baby potatoes in the frozen food section. That is another way to get the potato fix while controlling size (remember, you get the most nutrition from your potato if you eat the skin also). I started buying brown rice and having a smaller portion of that. Again, not cutting the carbs out, just having more control over the portion size and eating more nutritious versions, if possible.

    Ding ding, winner! It's all about moderation.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    The first thing I did was reduce sizes. I don't need an entire big baked potato so I bought a bag of small red salad potatoes and cooked up one of those instead. Some groceries carry skin on baby potatoes in the frozen food section. That is another way to get the potato fix while controlling size (remember, you get the most nutrition from your potato if you eat the skin also). I started buying brown rice and having a smaller portion of that. Again, not cutting the carbs out, just having more control over the portion size and eating more nutritious versions, if possible.

    I should add that after a few weeks, I no longer feel the need for a starch with my dinner. I often will just cook up a piece of meat with a big helping of veggies.
  • kamaperry
    kamaperry Posts: 885 Member
    Smaller sizes, thanksfor all the ideas
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Smaller sizes, thanksfor all the ideas

    It is hard to wrap your head around. Believe me, I understand because I am a confirmed carb junkie (especially the breads) and when I lost weight before T2 , I always chose a carb snack or if I had calories left at the end of the day.

    Carbs are not the enemy, They are just that annoying neighbor that you really don't want to associate with, but they help you out some times so you do have to socialize with them from time to time.
  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    Smaller sizes, thanksfor all the ideas

    It is hard to wrap your head around. Believe me, I understand because I am a confirmed carb junkie (especially the breads) and when I lost weight before T2 , I always chose a carb snack or if I had calories left at the end of the day.

    Carbs are not the enemy, They are just that annoying neighbor that you really don't want to associate with, but they help you out some times so you do have to socialize with them from time to time.

    Your analogy is so funny! It is a good way to view carbs.
  • kamaperry
    kamaperry Posts: 885 Member
    Smaller sizes, thanksfor all the ideas

    It is hard to wrap your head around. Believe me, I understand because I am a confirmed carb junkie (especially the breads) and when I lost weight before T2 , I always chose a carb snack or if I had calories left at the end of the day.

    Carbs are not the enemy, They are just that annoying neighbor that you really don't want to associate with, but they help you out some times so you do have to socialize with them from time to time.

    Your analogy is so funny! It is a good way to view carbs.
    Hahahahaha!! I like that too!!! Yeah, maybe that is the reason for my headaches, having to learn so much!! I also love carbs, so this is a hard one.