I'm Back - Maint. Macro Help Please!

Hey all!

I took about a month break from tracking everything, it was causing some major issues, bringing up some old eating disorder habits etc. I was bingeing and then laying in bed all day depressed, or I'd give up when I was already over on carbs and just throw in the towel.

I've decided to start back up and focus on maintenance macros, while building muscle and losing that last bit of flab from my problem areas (tummy, thighs).

According to the bod pod I am between 15-17% body fat, 145-147 lb (fluctuates daily), 5'5", 24 years old. I follow the ultimate female training guide on simply shredded.com and lift heavy weights 4x weekly and HIIT 2x weekly.

I have my maintenance macros set at:
240c/140p/70f - 2150 calories.

Whatcha think? Any advice is appreciated!


  • nostress123
    nostress123 Posts: 106
  • you look great! I think you are doing everything right chica! But I feel you about the binge eating and throwing in towel even if 1 macro over. Don't do that. I figured shoot if I'm over know more than 20 grams of something all is good. I can never get mine exact but I'll keep trying. I measure & weight the food but just does not always happen for me. Best of luck! you look awesome!
  • mdizzle99
    mdizzle99 Posts: 169 Member
    If your goal is maintenance then just move forward with your plan and make small adjustments if needed. Everything you listed seems fine, but if you notice things changing in a way you don't want them to, then make a course correction.