Mr. Ali's Reflection section



  • Reflection # 5 Precision Nutrition: Lastly what I learned from this article and in class to improve our meal plans, we should take at least one day of the week to plan what we should eat and buy from the store sources of protein like meats, fishes. And carbs like veggies and so on. A similarity I have found is that repeating foods that you eat is fine as long as it is nutritional and serves what you need. And the difference is that I saw in the article its ok to cheat on your diet more that one time however we learned in class that its only ok for you to cheat on your diet one time in a week.
  • While reading several pages from the article, I saw that there was a similarity between what we were being taught and what is being read from the article. They both agree to eat every 2-3 hours, to eat green galore vegetables with every meal, and to eat lean protein. The differences was that the article tries to add more to the 3 rules of nutrition. It makes us pick a variety of food types.
  • Throughout reading the article i came to discover that eating protein is actually thermogenic and can lead to a higher metabolic rate. Contrastly, the article says that by decreasing the amount of exercise in cardio and try to not eat much so that you'd lose weight dramatically. You must drink plenty and plenty of water. There is a habit that we should follow about food intake amd exercises. This made me answer the question about "How much protein should an athlete consume in order to improve performance and body composition. It usually depends on the person himself and his body composition. The article requires us to eat lean protein for almost every serving.
  • There are similarities in eating green gulore and similarities in preperations for eating in night and day. However, there's a difference in the lean protein servings for every meal and eating just enough of protein by the fitnesspal calculator which by taking more may result in a damage kidney. The article also informs us that we should have a professional cooker to serve our meals rather than cook them ourselves. It also talked about 5 small tupperware type containers. These will help in storing and transporting our daily meal intake.
  • One similarity is that both Mr. Ali's teachings and "the article" informed us to wake up early to eat a decent meal for breakfast. In the fitnesspal program we follow our own specific calorie intake, rather than taking calories from days to reach the 2000 calorie intake. The calculation in the article are different than what we were taught by Mr. Ali. We had to prepare strategies for food where 80% we had to eat to reach our goals. One difference between the article and Mr Ali's teachings is that the article state that there should be a small snack between meals. A similarity was that it is okay to repeat food as long as it is nutritional and serves what you need. One major concept was that you should keep away from fruit juice and keep drinking water or green tea.
  • During Mr Ali's teachings, he had never discussed anything about being on a vacation. The article states that even though you are in a vacation and therefore out of town it does not give you an excuse to ruin your diet by not eating healthy food or trying to go to the gym once in a while. One essential thing that was mentioned in the article and was not mentioned in Mr Ali's class is metabolic rate. The article states that metabolism is at its best during your youth ages. However, maintaining your metabolism is possible if you get the correct nutrients and the right supplements for your body
  • I have learned that nutrition is something very important in everybody’s life, and it is the talk of the town. Also, I learned that fitness is a feeling. It is a broad, wide definition; it is more than what most people think of. There are a lot of rules that came are the same as what we took in the class. These includes: eat every 2-3 hours, eat lean protein and vegetable often, try to get away from fruit juices, and eat from natural selections. What I learned new is to try loving healthy fats and to eat carbs only when I deserve to. Also, I learned that the correct way to ask when eating protein is “How much protein should an athlete consume to improve performance and body composition?”. A person should eat a lot of protein for different reasons, mostly for fat loss during dieting, muscle growth when overfeeding, and muscle development.

    One of the biggest realizations I have encountered while reading this article is that protein is really important and should be eaten all the time and not only 3 lean cuts a day. Also, one of the things that was not presented in class is that eating a lot of protein can increase your metabolic rate which helps weight loss dramatically. One statement that I have noticed has been repeated in both this article and Mr.Ali's class is that vegetables are essential. They are really important for the diet. But, in the article it states fruits is not a big deal as it was presented in class. But it still helps with the bones and it neutralizes any acids. One major difference I have found in the nutritional section is that Mr.Ali stated that we should avoid fruit juice, which is similar, but he did not state that you should abandon all other drinks and only drink water or green tea. This concept is a good choice for me because I drink a lot of water and drink tea every 2 or 3 days. But I still drink soft drinks during lunch and dinner. By reading this article I might set the soft drinks aside and stick with water and green tea.

    The new things I have learned from this article are that for a diet to work it has to follow the "Triple S Criterion" where it has to be simple, science based, and successful. The other thing I learned I can reward myself with a good meal of carbohydrates after I finish a good work out. Water and green tea are considered a non-calorie containing beverage. Before I read the article I thought that all herb drinks had no calories but a it turns out I was wrong. Some other things the article has taught me is why the author wants us to intake so much protein. It says that the intake of protein with every meal can cause many good things such as increasing thermic effect of feeding. This is good for weight loss due to it needing so much energy to digest and absorb. It also sates the protein increases plasma concentrations of the glucagon hormone, which is responsible for storing fat. Many other reasons that concern the intake of so much protein.

    Breakfast is critical for the whole day. you cant just eat small snacks during breakfast and then go home and stock on a heavy dinner your basically killing your diet or the flow of the metabolic rate. when eating breakfast you have to eat lean eat the proteins your body needs. take your vitamins and oils in the morning that means the omega 3 fish oils and mature multi vitamins. i take mine at night which i shouldn't do I’m supposed to in the morning. also when eating meals eat n processed carbs. I’m actually eliminating all carbs from my diet by the rule of 14 we took today. the info about foods and when we take our vitamins was discussed in class i think last week it really makes sense now with more in depth talk about how it actually works its best during timing of taking your multi and fish oils.

    In conclusion I see that for a person who is looking to be fit and I say this with all my heart without sucking up to anybody he should stick with Mr.Ali's nutrition rules. Even after reading the article TWICE there are still areas i don’t fully understand. Plus the article is concentrating on thing a person doesn’t need to know. Which complicates thing a lot more than they should be. Mr.Ali's rules are simple and successful.

    In the end i would like to thank Mr.Ali, my fitness buddies, and myself for this successful quarter.
  • I have learned much after reading this book. It is just like the 3 rules we learned before. It is not that different from it also. It also told me whats the best food I should eat to be healthy and fit. I did not understand some words. But I still learned many things that will help me live a better and longer life.

    The second part of the book was much better than the first. It told me what kind of food I can put in my house when I get hungry so that I do mot gain weight. This book will change my life in many ways. I will thank it.
  • After i read some more pages, found more similarities to the article as they both insist on the importance of the breakfast and having someone else to prepare the food for you, the article also emphasized on the importance of proteins and how i should get more than 3 lean cuts of it throughout the day. Also the article was still strict about vacations and how we should still dtay on our nutrition diet and not eat "junk" food and try to workout at a gym once every week
  • The article emphasizes on how we should increase vegatables and fruits in our servings especially green leafy vegetables as Mr ali told us about "green galore". And the importance of maintaining a good frequency while eating and not stay away from the extremes such as being hungry or full.
  • alkhameesabdulkariem
    alkhameesabdulkariem Posts: 36 Member
    The last thing the article talks about is the healthy food types and how much storing food in a good way can help keep the healthiness and nutrition in the foods. It then talks about the daily meals. The difference between this and what Mr. Ali told us is that in class we learned to eat a meal using 3 different food groups, in the article it says nothing about that.
  • Mohammad_Almutawa
    Mohammad_Almutawa Posts: 30 Member
    After reading the precision nutrition article I came up with this:

    I have found many similarities and differences between the article and what we learned in class. The biggest similarity is the triple S which states simplicity when a rule is easy to follow, science if the rules are based on scientific facts and success if these rules worked for you. The article has the 10 rules which have some similarities and differences to the rule of 3. Some of the similarities is that you need to eat whole foods. Also a difference is that the article states that you must have protein at every meal instead of 3 lean cuts a day only.

    I have learned that nutrition is very important in everybody’s life. There are a lot of rules that are similar to what we took in the class. Such as eating every 2-3 hours and eating lean protein and vegetable, and eat from natural selections. Something we didn't learn in class is to eat healthy fats and to eat carbs only when you deserve to. Protein is good for different reasons mainly for fat loss during dieting, and muscle development.

    The article says that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should be chosen carefully which is similar to what mr.ali said. Also you should have about 8 hours of sleep and wake up hungry. A difference between the article and Mr.Ali is that the article says you should eat small snacks between meals but Mr.Ali said not to. The article also says to choose a day to do all your shopping and preparation of meals for the entire week so that when its time to eat you have a healthy choice and not eat anything in front of you.

    I have also learned that you need to eat vegetables every time because it is perfectly matched to your everyday needs. Vegetables are low in calories and fill you up and it is very difficult to gain weight even if you overeat them, this is similar to mr.ali saying to eat as many greens galore as you want. Another similar thing is that we should drink water so you don’t get dehydrated while training in workouts.

    Another thing that Mr.Ali did not mention in class is eating when being on vacation. The article says that even though you are on vacation you should not destroy your diet. You should find a place that has a gym in which you can train even though you are on vacation. Mr.Ali's also did not mention that metabolism is at its best when you are young and that as a person gets older it becomes harder to get in shape. However metabolic rate can be maintained if you get good nutrients for your body.
  • While reading the article i have learned many new things and also i found some things that i know from my previous knowledge in class. Some new things is that nutrition is the most important thing in the world and most thing that people need. Some things that i have know that people need to eat every two to three hours and it must be healthy food. Also people need to know that fitness is a feeling. In the food we must get away from fats and carbs and fruits juice. I can only eat carbs when i deserves it and in a healthy way. The fat that i need and must love is the healthy fat that can gets the muscle bigger and stronger.
  • I have also learned that I must distribute my food all over the day and make then from good food. I must make in every meal some good proteins and good carbs and good fat and some fiber. The most important meal in the day is the breakfast and it is very important and it must be very good and healthy and the dinner and launch is poor it is also good but not the same as the breakfast.
  • I have also learned that eating in road also needs proteins. When you are ordering from the restaurants you don't need to eat from the menu because because they have custom food. And this way is better and has more natural food and proteins. The proteins also can also come from the proteins shakes and if you don't like the protein shakes you can make a home made protein protein shake.
  • The article also talks about that when you are on vacation what do you do and this thing Mr.Ali did not mention it in class. Although in vacation you must not destroy your diet or get out of the deit lane that's you are in. You can go and find any place that has a gym and you can train and have one of the things that you need back to the lane. The second thing that is to find a place that has a healthy food or you can also visit any market and make your own food that fits you. So you should never get out of the diet and training lane what ever you do or go.
  • Metabolism os something new that i learned from the article. And the article says that metabolism is at the best place when you are young because when you are old metabolism is not little harder but it is much harder. It is hard when you are old because it is not much really active it is very little active but when you are young it is much more active. The best thing is to look over your self when you are young so you can get used to it because when you are old you are not used to it so it is hard and you'll not be more comfortable as when you are young.
  • Today we were in class and did our weigh in. I lost 1kg based on my last weigh in. I feel good that I did not gain weight throughout the spring break. I am doing great based on my goal. My goal is to loose half a kilogram per week. It has been 4 weeks and I lost 4 kilograms.
  • Today we weighed in in class. I have lost 2 kilo's since the last weigh in. My goal was to lose 1 kilos per week, for 10 weeks. 4 weeks have passed and I lost 5 kilo's, and I had to lose 4, I have lost track maybe because of the vacation. But I was working so hard and eating healthy as many calories as I have. After 6 weeks I will have to lose 12 kilo's and I think I can do that by continuing on my diet , using my fitness pal app, and working out in the gym.
  • Today was my first day back to training. The weights were heavy for me since I havent trained for a week. I did all of the workouts today. At the end my body was really sore after all of the training.
  • Today I did cardio I ran up and down the stairs for 15 min and then bicycle for 15 min
  • March 14: I was in the gym working out. I did bench press for 75 for 3 sets and I completed them all. I also did leg press for 3 sets. I also did one hand dumble press for 25 for 3 sets. It was a good workout after the break, I started to get ready for the next workouts.
  • Today in fitness we learned some new techniques on how to handle free wieghts and the risks that come with it and how we should be careful whnb lifting them. I tried some of these new exercises and i had some struggle with the control. Hopefully next i'd be able to have a better grib of the wieghts
  • March 15 : Today I started my workout doing leg press 3 rounds 11-13 reps then went to arm rows 50IBS 3 rounds 10 reps. By doing that my arms were really sore. Finally my last workout was benched press where I lifted 40IBS and did 3 rounds and 12-13 reps.
  • Today i walked in the hallway because i had and injury in my back so i had a hard time .
  • Today i was absent....
  • Today I completed a full hour of cardio, my knees feel sore all of a sudden. I'm usually used to it, but it's starting to feel rather painful, I'll try to find an alternate excersise for the next few days.
  • Today i walked in the hallway for all of the class time and it was little challenging for me because i have an injury in my back.
  • Today I did some abb exercises for 20 mins. Then I went up and down the stairs until I got tired and then did more abb exercises till the class finished.
  • abod_96
    abod_96 Posts: 19
    Today I came to class late due to killer traffic. Mr. Ali gave me a "study period" which effected my consistency in training.