Really scared of excess skin after weight loss :(

gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
Someone talk me away from the edge.

Kidding, of course. But I would be lying if I didn't admit how terrified I am at the probability of having excess skin after losing weight. Just thinking about it is so depressing. I'm doing what *I* can to control for it. I'm staying hydrated, eating well, and taking it slow. As much as I'm terrified of the health ramifications of staying at this weight, I'm also terrified of being left with unsightly skin that almost mocks my success on a daily basis. I know that I'm fretting over a "what-if" situation and that there is no way to predict if losing 80 lbs will or will not leave me with excess skin.

I guess I just wish that I could know that I'll be able to enjoy a new body. I want to get all of the good stuff that comes with it. Not just the health benefits, but self-esteem boosts, cuter clothing, and the ability to wear a swimsuit without feeling just awful in it.

Anyone have any success stories? I know that losing the weight will be worth it--excess skin or not, but I'm still nervous about it.


  • mfrankrn
    mfrankrn Posts: 48 Member
    I have the same fear. I have decided that my new goal is to lose enough weight to have excess skin. When that happens I will get it removed. I know there is no way my skin will look "normal" after my weight loss and have decided that having a small procedure (even paid for out of pocket) is better than being fat.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    I know that losing the weight will be worth it--excess skin or not.
    Repeat this over and over again.

    Stop worrying about things that haven't happened.
  • cheryl3660
    cheryl3660 Posts: 182 Member
    I worry about this myself, but figure it is something I will have to deal with when and if it actually happens. I would just continue to do what you can now as far as taking care of your skin while you lose weight - hydrate, exfoliate (body scrubs help to remove dead skin and encourage your skin to rejuvenate itself), and moisturize - and then see how it goes when you reach your goal weight and review your options at that time.
  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    I'm glad that I'm not the only one who worries/thinks about this. And really, it will be worth it no matter what. I just need to stay away from Google's image search!
  • cathylopez1975
    cathylopez1975 Posts: 191 Member
    I've read a number of threads on this specific issue. I'm 57 years old and weighed over 200 lbs. for 30+ years (gained and never lost after pregnancies in my early/mid 20s). I have gone from 234 to 140 in 19 months. I'm pretty much at my goal weight, but now I'm working on building muscle and lowering my body fat %.

    Am I happy with the way I look now? Well, it all depends. In clothes I LOVE my bod! Almost EVERYTHING looks good! It's so fun to shop for 8s, 10s, and 12s! And I can choose what my look is, instead of just buying something because it fits. I get great comments from people I know and work with. It's funny when I see people whom I haven't seen in a couple of years, because they do a big double-take. They don't even recognize me.

    The negative - at 57 years old and having been obese for so long, yes, my skin is loose and the fat I have left on my stomach, thighs, and arms doesn't look great - and everything sags. My face thinned out and I was left with wrinkles - I look older. I don't go sleeveless or wear shorts for now. I wouldn't wear a 2 piece swimsuit, unless I'm in my backyard pool. I'm not too worried about it, but I am considering surgery in another year. I want to see how much better I'll look with some muscle tone and a lower body fat percentage.

    I would hope and assume since you are young your skin would be much more elastic than mine and would bounce back. Sounds like you are doing all the right things at this point. Just know that the health benefits of a normal weight are soooooo worth the loose skin. I wish I had made these changes years ago, before I developed the health issues I deal with now. And yes, stay away from the internet!
  • jaygreen55
    jaygreen55 Posts: 315 Member
    Put it into proper perspective. A little bit (or a lot) of excess skin is far preferable to a life diminished in duration and quality by heart disease and other diabetic complications