Weight Loss Shows

julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
How do you feel about them? The Biggest Loser? Extreme Weight Loss? I know there are others including shows about people 600 lbs plus, quite honestly their problems put mine to shame.

I kind of like the Biggest Loser while at the same time it frustrates me because people are encouraged to lose very large amounts and are praised for it. While in the outside world we are told aim for 1-2lbs a week.


  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    To be honest don't watch any of them. I'm not a fan of reality TV in any form. I just don't get the appeal.
  • idlehands79
    To be honest don't watch any of them. I'm not a fan of reality TV in any form. I just don't get the appeal.

    Same here.

    While it is inspiring and sometimes painful to watch The Biggest Loser, it's unrealistic. When those people go home, they don't have celebrity trainers there to push and guide them. They won't have the chefs cooking healthy food. They're on there own, like most of us, and keeping up that sort of intense exercise would be difficult (I think) if you're working and raising kids. On the show, the total focus is on the routine to lose the most weight to win, real life is more complicated.
  • AwesomeGuy37
    AwesomeGuy37 Posts: 436 Member
    I've watched a lot of stuff about diets and health. I don't actually like the shows themselves, but it interests me to observe what is out there in the public eye. It gives me a little experience where I cannot get out and subject myself to personally.

    When I will watch The Biggest Loser, I get to see people dealing with their emotional issues and learn a bit of the reason why they got overweight in the first place. You can see how some people value their health over the prize and watch the greed and betrayal come out in many people. If you really want to see the way TV stages situations for ratings, then you can learn a lot by watching shows like this one. From the big fake scale to fake surprises and product endorsing, this show has it all.
  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    The biggest loser was at one time my favorite show, but I would start to feel bad because I couldn't keep up. Then the next thing I knew I'm watching it with a bag of doritoes. By the season finale I put on quite a few pounds. So I just don't watch any of them now. They just weren't good for my self esteem and mental wellbeing. :frown:
  • loriarty
    loriarty Posts: 33 Member
    I like this British show called Super fat vs Super Skinny you can find some on youtube. And it takes two people from complete opposite ends of the spectrum and they switch diets. And it shows them how much and how little they actually eat. And while it is an extreme diet on both ends, it shows one that they can eat and be fine, and it shows the other they can eat less and still be fine. And then a nutritionist talks to them and kind of guides them before they go back into the real world, and then they come back after a few months and they reweigh. I absolutely love it.

    The Biggest Loser angers me. Because it really... it feels more of a mocking show if you think about it. Oh let's scream at the fat people... let's watch them struggle. Even the name itself is a play on words. "Loser" as in Weight loss... but also just Loser. And it bothers me. And not to mention they only go by weight. Which is in no way fair. Weight is a funny thing and it doesn't always go down like people assume it to. I could ramble on about all the small things in that show that frustrate me.
    I also read an article recently from a person who was on the show. They never exercised nearly as extreme as it showed. They exercised for about 2 hours a day. He also went on to explain that those weigh ins were not weekly. They would go WEEKS between weigh-ins, and they show would show it as a week. He then talked about the finale, and how they would tape their extra skin and flab down to make them look skinnier.
    And on top of all of that, hardly anyone on that show has kept the weight off... which if you think about it makes sense. After being stuck in a place with an extreme diet and trainers guiding you... being thrown back into your ordinary life is just going to push you back into old habits.
  • claudie08
    claudie08 Posts: 159 Member
    I do find myself watching them - The Biggest Loser, Extreme Weight Loss I LOVELOVELOVE Chris Powell and wish he could come and save me and my family. That would be an awesome show - an entire family!!!

    There is way too much out there about losing weight, the latest and greatest, take this and lose 12 lbs in one week, do this and drop 2 dress sizes in one month. It's TOO MUCH!!!: explode: Even Dr. Oz is driving me crazy, even though I do find the May Diet interesting.

    Lately, I've been watching My 600-lb life. I see what these individuals are going through. Then I read threads on MFP about how others here have lost 100-200-300+lbs just through diet and exercise, and it makes me think about myself. Why is it so hard for ME? Why can't I do this? If they can do it, why can't I!!??