May 1st - are we in pain or what???

beejelblor Posts: 123 Member
How has everyone's Level 1 Day 1 (L1 D1) treated you?? I will be doing mine after work but wanted to get the board started for the day. I am on the west coast so am behind a lot of you, from here on out feel free to start the day discussions... I was thinking having a new discussion board each day.

I am working on getting excited about doing L1D1 this afternoon but am pretty nervous ;} Memories of starting last year and how much it kicked my *kitten* haha :)


  • asherka
    asherka Posts: 65
    I started yesterday. After I completed my workout, I had jello legs and arms big time! I did it before eating dinner (which was half a sub). It was hard to bring my sandwich to my out of shape hahaha. I really enjoyed it.
    I'm a bit sore today (day 2 is usually when I feel the most pain). I'm feeling it in my arms and shoulders, not so much in the bottom half. My upper body has nearly no strength so I anticipate this will be the case for me.
    I'm feeling very motivated still and excited to transform myself by the end! So glad there is a group to hold me accountable and keep me motivated!
  • hirstrl
    hirstrl Posts: 157 Member
    my thighs are my worst area. yesterday it was hard to get up or sit down anywhere! today is much better. ready to go again!
  • inthedistrict
    inthedistrict Posts: 83 Member
    Jumping jacks whoot whoot, swore I'd never do them and here I am. Love the feeling AFTER the 20 minutes workout haha!:smooched:
    Going to buy some hand weights tho.
  • pinkvici
    pinkvici Posts: 140 Member
    I'm on L1, D4 - feeling okay today (but days 2&3 were killers - ouch my thighs!!!)xxx
  • jezzmarie14
    jezzmarie14 Posts: 33 Member
    Finished a few hours ago and lets just say washing my hair and carrying my 20 pound 3 month old was def a challenge.. also did extra squats crunches and planks HELP ME
  • blondy1216
    blondy1216 Posts: 4 Member
    did L1 D1 yesterday night! (forgot to post). Took a phone call in the middle of it. I'd be curious - how often are you girls planning on doing this? Daily? 5x a week? etc. I will make my "goal" daily but we will see. :)
  • asherka
    asherka Posts: 65
    did L1 D1 yesterday night! (forgot to post). Took a phone call in the middle of it. I'd be curious - how often are you girls planning on doing this? Daily? 5x a week? etc. I will make my "goal" daily but we will see. :)

    My plan is to try to do it 6 days a week with Sunday as a rest day. I'm Fairly confident (other than this coming weekend roadtrip) that I will be able to stick to it. Since I'm part of this group I'm really going to try to do it in the hotel gym for the two nights I'm away (cross your fingers it's empty) and stick to it. I know if I want to see results I have to commit to it. Besides, it's only 1 month, no more excuses or cop outs. Money where my mouth is.
  • hirstrl
    hirstrl Posts: 157 Member
    i am planning on doing it every day. im on day 3 and some of the soreness is gone but i still feel worked!! :)
  • auntyfynn
    auntyfynn Posts: 16 Member
    Just finished day 2 level one of 30ds!!! Pretty sore but that's all good!! looking forward to counting down the days with everyone!!! I took a before pic! did anyone eles? WE got this push through it!!!
  • auntyfynn
    auntyfynn Posts: 16 Member
    me too!!! want to do it straight 30 days !!
  • inthedistrict
    inthedistrict Posts: 83 Member
    Great idea, I'm gonna take a before pic now. Did my walk/jog yesterday but the shred didn't happen....:( Will do better today.