

I just started Atkins today after doing some extensive research on it. I ordered a couple of the books, and I went grocery shopping yesterday for eggs, bacon, and chicken.

I'm not new to the whole concept of dieting... I've struggled with my weight since I was a child. I've never gone about it in a healthy way though, and I'm looking to start making some changes. Atkins seemed like the best option for someone like me (meaning someone who does best with restrictions and regulations).

This morning, I have 4 eggs with a tablespoon of butter and two pieces of low sodium bacon. My anxiety is spiking a little... I mean, it was very good and all, but I feel very full and like I ate too much. Maybe I should cut it down to 3 eggs next time?

I've never had a support network in my attempts at dieting, so I'm really looking for that here. I know I've kinda spouted a lot of random information in this post, but I don't really know where to start I guess.

Anyway. I'm really looking forward to this journey (the healthy way!), and hoping that I can find some guidance, support, and friends on this forum.


  • eatspopcorn
    eatspopcorn Posts: 63 Member

    With regards to your breakfast - what made you decide to make 4 eggs? Is that the amount you would normally eat? Personally if I had eggs and bacon for breakfast I would have 1 or 2 eggs.

    If you're feeling overly full, you probably ate too much, which is why I asked what made you want to make 4 eggs specifically.