Check in May 1, 2014

julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
Happy May Campers!!!

I had a lousy start to my nights sleep, the Aqua Zumba gave me way more exercise than I am used to and my restless leg syndrome kicked in big time. I was miserable trying to get to sleep with my legs jerking and jumping. Tonight I feel an early night coming on. If last night taught me anything it is that I definitely can't handle land based exercise activity yet.. omg how did I get here?

I feel tighter all over already and the scales dropped another pound. I hope to be able to post a loss tonight.

Plans for the day are the usual, track all my food and try taking a walk or two during the day. Will check in later.


  • JeniSue28
    JeniSue28 Posts: 1,395 Member
    Sucks that you didn't get a good sleep. I hate it when I want to sleep, but by body says "no we don't want to sleep".

    Have a good day today!
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    Thanks JeniSue!

    I just edited the living with obesity thread and made it a sticky. I would appreciate it if everyone would read my original post again.
  • kdaughertyfp
    kdaughertyfp Posts: 49 Member
    Good morning... Happy May Day!!

    Today I start my own personal challenge of adding one more minute everyday to my exercise when using my NuStep Machine. I do strength training usually 3 days a week, on those days I use the NuStep for 30 minutes, on non strength days I use it 60 minutes. So my goal for May is what ever day number of the month is I will use the NuStep for 30 or 60 minutes plus the day number. So tonight will be 31 minutes, tomorrow night will be 62 min, Saturday 63 minutes and so on. On May 31st ....91 minutes...oh my!!

    Here's hoping everyone has a good / great start to May!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Julie, thanks for starting today's check in. I'm dragging this morning too. Sorry to hear about your restless legs! I don't know what might help, except maybe doing some yoga stretches before bed on days you exercise. I have the most awesome book, Yoga for your Life (, very inexpensive and the best best best exercise investment I've made. The book has great beginner stretches and chair and bed yoga too, and is chock full of great photographs that show exactly what to do. I love it so much, I've bought many copies over the years to send out as gifts.

    I re-read the Living with Obesity posts. Good idea to make it sticky. I added my own two cents this morning, thinking a lot about not just what I hate about living with obesity, but also the non-scale victories I'm already having as the weight comes off. I like the idea of people posting their non-scale victories there, because there are SO MANY as we go along this road.

    After yesterday's feeding frenzy, I am feeling better today. Less ravenous, more settled, so I know I was just operating at too much of a calorie deficit. I AM celebrating the fact that despite the fact that I ate more than the 1200-1400 calories my nutritionist has asked me to do, when I did my final tally, I still came out even. Yesterday I did 45 minutes of aquasize and swam laps for 30 minutes, so I burned a LOT of calories. I LOVE this part of MFP. If I hadn't done the diary and logged the exercise, I would have been beating myself up all day today and trying to restrict my food intake. Making more of an issue of it than it really was. I'm also celebrating that despite feeling in full on binge mode, I didn't eat sugar. I did eat some carbs--brown rice and multi grain bread--but good, healthy carbs. So this was a win, and I am AWESOME!

    Today is a rainy, crappy day here in Maine. I have heinous paperwork, chores, and phone calls to deal with this morning. My food today will be lean cuisine honestly good meals(REALLY good frozen meals--even my nutritionist approves... low sodium, mostly protein and veggies. the carbs are small servings of whole grain pasta or brown rice) and some delicious strawberries. My treat will be an iced latte made with stevia and skim milk and topped with a little cinnamon. YUM.

    I'm also taking a huge step that I've been putting off. I have sleep apnea and use a CPAP to sleep, and for the past year I've had a lot of trouble. I wake up constantly with my heart RACING. I don't feel like I'm choking, but I do think I'm not getting enough oxygen. Last fall, my GP ordered some heart tests which all turned out normal, then I had to wear a heart monitor that was "self reporting" (you turn it on when you are experiencing the event). This didn't work very well because I was always asleep when the event was happening and it stops within a minute of waking up. Anyway, I don't really want to go in for another sleep study, mostly because I'm thinking as I lose weight, the problem will resolve itself, but also because I'm afraid I will wind up on oxygen at night, and that freaks me out. However, it's gotten to the point where I am absolutely exhausted all the time and often sleep 12 hours at night and still don't feel rested. Now I get to call my pulmonologist and say, "Yeah... remember when I saw you last month for clearance for the bariatric surgery? I LIED to you about not having any problems... can I have another sleep study?" Aaaarrgghhhhh. I WILL make that call today, though, as I'm sure the heart racing is a huge part of why I have so much edema in my legs right now. I'm also pretty sure it's raising my cortisol levels and making weight loss harder. AND, every time my body goes into stress mode, it triggers a Still's Disease flare, so I'm constantly flaring. Time to take care of business, even if it isn't pleasant.

  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    kdaugherty, great idea to add the date to your exercise! I have been trying to make a habit of doing stretches, yoga stretches, and situps in the morning, and I think I'll steal your idea of adding the minutes. Good plan!
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    Well there is another thing we have in common Karen. I also have sleep apnea and I am on CPAP, it was the best thing I ever did to get treatment. They believe my left ventricle damage was caused by sleep apnea and that since I went on treatment that condition will have improved. The heart racing doesn't sound right.. I am so glad you are taking charge and getting that sleep study done.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    I'm just posting again to *****, LOL... WHY am I getting pop up advertisements on here for chocolate and cookies? Aaaarrghhhhhh! NOT the best choices for a struggling sugar addict. I tried to click on the opt out button, but you can't really choose what kinds of ads to see or not see. I think I need to write to whomever is in charge of MFP. That's just CRUEL. Although I gotta admit, if I were selling cookies and had no morals or ethics, I would want to market to the morbidly obese who are trying to lose weight.
  • claudie08
    claudie08 Posts: 159 Member
    Hello everyone!!!

    I started May on a good and bad note.
    - Good - I am down 2 lbs
    - Bad - Its the same 2 lbs I was up last week.

    This has been my cycle since starting MFP. Am I discouraged...upset...Yes but I am not giving up.

    Starting today, I am beginning a new plan..The Dr. OZ May Diet. It's the 80/20 rule - 80% low glycemic veggies and 20% proteins and fats. For a self-proclaimed carb-cheese-choc-nuts-heck all foods-aholic, this will not be easy but I'm giving it a try.

    Got my list, going shopping tonight. Here goes nothing!!!

    BTW - kdaughertyfp...Love your idea of adding 1 minute each day. It's a great way to build endurance!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Healthy4Sarah
    Healthy4Sarah Posts: 57 Member
    I woke up with the dreaded thought that it's now May. I turn 40 this month and I'm not looking forward to it. I know it's just a number but it's also a reminder that I've wasted my youth being overweight, wasted time sitting on the sidelines rather than getting into the game of life,not giving the best of myself to my kids who are now almost grown. But I know that I'm at least doing something about it now. I can't change the past but I can have a better future.

    Today was my measurement day, which is exciting. I've lost 6 1/2 inches total in three months. It's great motivation to push myself harder. I walked over 3 miles today, even included a little jogging when I knew that no one could see me lol. Did a little strength training too. Had a solid breakfast and a light lunch. Now off to make lasagna for supper which may finalize my calories for the day :( (I really need to work on finding some low cal recipes)

    Have a great evening all!
  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    Its a fabulous day and I hope everyone is well. I splurged on my self today, Yay me!!! I got a new ring and a "origami owl" locket with 8 new charms.
    on the journey to a healthier me- I get a "Yay me" as well!! I went to the Dr's office this morning and weighed in. I'm officially down 21lbs!!! :flowerforyou:
  • andysdream
    andysdream Posts: 54
    Don't mourn for the past. Choose to make the rest of your life, the best of your life.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Well I'm on the couch and have 9 minutes to decide whether or not to hit the gym. On the one hand, I don't" Need" to according to my calorie count. On the other hand, I know my body will feel better if I swim for an hour.

    Sooooo.... off I go! Hope everyone is doing well today, and if not, you know where to come to vent and get support!
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    Too tired to answer all of you tonight and there is definitely an early night coming on. The day went really well, we did Subway tonight because we are both tired and I had a 6" instead of the footlong I would usually eat and I treated myself to a bag of baked chips. I know that's probably too much sodium but now and again it is nice to have a treat. I lost weight.. will post that.. nervous it will go up again as it has been doing due to the fluid retention but with all this tracking and healthy eating something has to give.. right?
  • debunny34
    debunny34 Posts: 97 Member
    A very late check in today for me, well I suppose I am officially into May 2 now since it is past midnight. It has been busy here today but thankfully I haven't overeaten again since the other day, and was actually down a bit on the scale this morning. How I don't know, but I will take it :)
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member