Week one goals



  • Ramen237
    Ramen237 Posts: 264 Member
    Hi everyone! My goals are:

    Nutritional - No sugar, white flour, candy, fast food (pizza, burgers, fried etc), or chips (corn, potato etc) - I am also doing the 21 day challenge where I'm giving up certain foods concurrently with this one, so these are the foods I gave up :)

    ALSO, for this week, I will strive for at least 25 g fiber daily. And moisturize my skin regularly.

    Exercise - At least 30 minutes exercise daily, every single day

    Wellness - When I feel stressed or overwhelmed, I will actively seek out ways to relax in a positive, enjoyable way

    REWARD <3 - Going shopping for a handbag! :)
  • mushu0517
    mushu0517 Posts: 21 Member
    Good day people

    *Exercise Goal~Walk to and from work everyday this week. I live about 2 miles from my job. Workout the the gym 5x a week. I'll be doing both weight lifting and cardio. On the weekend I'll be walking for 2 miles twice day. I'm also about to start the commit to be fit challenge on my job for the month of May. All I have to do it log in the what activity I did that. I am aimming for Platinum Level where I will have worked out for all 7 days for all weeks of the challenge.

    *Nutritional ~ No junk food, no sodas, sweet teas...etc. Like Ramen237 I'm also doing the 21 day challenge where I have to chosen to give up meat. I'm also thinking about giving up white carbs and eating whole grain carbs

    *Wellness~I'm going to back to meditating twice a day to center myself and let go of the everyday stress.

  • laureneliset
    laureneliset Posts: 50 Member

    Such a thing exists?!? Wow I am both massively disappointed and massively relieved there isn't the slightest chance I could get hold of this in Hong Kong...
  • mushu0517
    mushu0517 Posts: 21 Member
    Oh yes sweetie and it is one weakness. It has chuck of cake in the ice cream*drools on keyboard*
  • Ramen237
    Ramen237 Posts: 264 Member
    Oh. My. God. Why did I not know such a thing existed? This is the stuff of dreams...
  • Ernie_Girl
    Ernie_Girl Posts: 11 Member
    My goal for Week 1:
    Exercise: atleast 30 min. cardio 6 x this week. 50 squats 3 days out of the week. weight training 2 x this week
    Nutritional: 0-50 net grams carbs tracked on MFP
    Lifestyle: post to MFP 5x this week. (I do good for couple days and slack by thursday Friday.)

    My reward: $1 for each goal completed (added to my JAR)
    This weeks Goal = $5 if all completed
  • Ramen237
    Ramen237 Posts: 264 Member
    Fitness Goal: do 1 hour of yoga every day.
    run every other day
    week 1 of 30 day challenge (ab, arm, squat challenge) http://30dayfitnesschallenges.com/

    Nutrition Goal: monitor my eating habits- clean eating, no processed foods. stay within my calorie goal

    Wellness Goal: read instead of browse the internet before bed

    Reward: pedicure

    Love it!! Such a great idea to read instead of browsing the Internet (on the laptop or the phone) before bed :) I want to do more yoga as well!!!
  • Noobette
    Noobette Posts: 15 Member
    Sigh..... Gone over my calories on my first day of joining this group! Made a nutritionally healthy tea of brown rice with stir fry veg and cashew nuts but my husband and son are trying to put weight ON so I was generous with the olive oil.
    Weighed EVERYTHING and had a small portion but when I put it all in my diary later I had managed to have 850 calories in a small portion!
    Damn olive oil and nuts!
    Still hungry so had a banana and fat free yogurt (healthy) but it has still put me well over. Gutted.

    These things happen, don't beat yourself up about it. Tomorrow's another day ... God knows I've done this enough times ... seen my blog post today? Let's do this together!!