Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member

I walk and do some weights, but I am not exercising nearly enough. I had my sleeve in October and before surgery I had been exercising pretty regularly at my local YMCA for a year and at Planet Fitness for a year before that. Once I had my surgery I took a break to recover. I have never really gotten back to that and in February we ended our Y family membership until we pay off our credit card debt (it was over $100 for a family membership plus childcare, which I need or wouldn't be able to get there considering my husband has crazy hours and works a lot). That extra $100 put towards debt makes a HUGE difference in our pay-off date, so joining up again is not an option.

Anyway, I keep active at home, and when I got to work. Now that the weather is warning up (I live in northern Minnesota) I will be getting back on my bike soon for exercise, but I want to start HIIT. I've been thinking about it for a couple months or so. The short sessions are and supposed benefits are super appealing to me.

I've gotten a bit weaker since surgery since I went from regular weight training to very little now, so I don't want to hurt myself. Does anyone do HIIT and if so, can you direct me to a website or something that has beginner routines for obese folks? I have lost 75 lbs so can do quite a bit more now, but I am still obese and don't want to hurt myself with an advanced routine. Obviously I hope to build up to something more intense, but I just need a beginners routine.

In other news...my dog is sleeping next to me as I sit on the couch typing this and geez, there are some super crazy and pound digestion noises coming from him right now. It's kind of creeping me out.


  • csmccord
    csmccord Posts: 272 Member
    I have never done HIIT, just so you know, but I know what it's all about.

    From my experience, I started working out with a group training class. There is a trainer who does nothing but runs this group, and essentially gives me a personal trainer for a fraction of the price. Regardless, it's a high intensity circuit training course. One thing I've noticed is that high-intensity is different for each person. So, I think you could do HIIT, however work up to it. Start with lower intensity, maybe make them a bit longer, then work up to the prescribed workout as you feel able to do it.
  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    Yes, really high intensity is about getting your heart rate up to over 150 and it wouldn't take much for me to that, especially at first. I've done circuit training before, but never with the emphasis on these intervals, so I kinda know what to expect. When I did the circuit training I did it at home with good results, but that was a couple years ago. I wish I could shell out some dough for a trainer, but it's just not part of my budget at this time. I'm sure it's much easier to have someone, though.
  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    Where a outs in northern mn? We spen Tues thru Fri or Sun near Brimson mn at our lake homemade but live the est of the time in the cities. I do HIT and use a fre TABATA drill Timer. With the timer you can set up your cardio sets for the fast and rest intervals as you wish. Between cardio sets I do various resistance sets, All is based on doing it fast and hard, or short and high intensity. As you do it more, your endurance level will improve. Find a video or a gym? Duluth. Virginia. To show you how
  • Dannadl
    Dannadl Posts: 120 Member
    As I understand it HIIT is just high intensity/lower intensity intervals. So a spin class would be a HIIT work out. So would running fartleks, or walking followed by 25 jumping jacks and back to walking. To be honest, I rotate HIIT workouts with steady intensity workouts and don't find much difference in results.
  • madmags
    madmags Posts: 1,340 Member
    HIIT is great for any level. It does not require you to be able to do what everyone would consider "high intensity". High intesity is set by your body limitations. It is a matter of mixing what you find to be high for short bursts, with low for longer periods in between. You could speed walk, slow walk, if that was your limitations, then work up to slow jog, speed walk and so on.
  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    Where a outs in northern mn? We spen Tues thru Fri or Sun near Brimson mn at our lake homemade but live the est of the time in the cities. I do HIT and use a fre TABATA drill Timer. With the timer you can set up your cardio sets for the fast and rest intervals as you wish. Between cardio sets I do various resistance sets, All is based on doing it fast and hard, or short and high intensity. As you do it more, your endurance level will improve. Find a video or a gym? Duluth. Virginia. To show you how

    I live on the other side of the state. I did, though, used to live in Duluth.

    I have done some videos. I was a member of the Y for a couple years, but recently ended my membership until my financial situation is a bit more stable. There are tons of videos online, which is great. I've done a lot on my own and a kitchen timer has been the best tool. :)
  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    HIIT is great for any level. It does not require you to be able to do what everyone would consider "high intensity". High intesity is set by your body limitations. It is a matter of mixing what you find to be high for short bursts, with low for longer periods in between. You could speed walk, slow walk, if that was your limitations, then work up to slow jog, speed walk and so on.

    Yes, I've heard this. I have it so I am pushing myself to the max during the high intensity parts. It's all about getting your heart rate up during those intervals. I didn't have any limitations, but may have when I was at my highest weight, but I have already noticed my endurance and intensity has gotten a lot better since I first started. I need to be more consistent, though. I want to try and do this at least four days a week and have yet to do that.
  • Lalaj100
    Lalaj100 Posts: 27 Member
    Leslie Sansone has some new DVDs and she does HIIT training in them. I ordered mine from Amazon. They are pretty good.