feel really weird

LauCo77 Posts: 22 Member
So, I've been working on my metabolic reset for a week and a half now.. so far so good. But the last few days, I have noticed that my HAIR IS FALLING OUT at an alarming rate! Not right out of my scalp, but breaking off in clumps leaving a tuft about 1/2" behind. And my nails are super brittle and aching. And then today.... insanely dizzy. I feel fine otherwise, so I don't think I'm sick, and that wouldn't explain the hair. I'm freaking out here! I can't see how actually eating healthy food in reasonable amounts could possibly cause this stuff... but I know if I go to my doctor, she won't have a clue either.




  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So the effects of something to show up in the hair takes awhile.

    So something causing breaks at 1/2" out wasn't from couple days ago, right, but some weeks ago.
    Same with nails.

    Might google hair growth unless you know yours, and try to go back in time to see what was going on then.

    I'd keep the dizzy part separate as that obviously is something going on now.

    Mix all those together and you'll get bad suggestions.

  • LauCo77
    LauCo77 Posts: 22 Member
    Yes, I did think of that... the hair breaking off all at a certain point would actually coincide with when I started doing JUDDD for two months (just before I learned about my TDEE and EM2WL and started my reset). Could two months at such a low calorie diet really cause this? Eeesh! All the more reason to keep eating! lol

    The dizziness from yesterday has gone away today, I kept track of everything I ate and did, so if it happens again I will be able to compare.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Depends on genetics how fast and how hard you'll be hit - and probably what abuse body has already been through to know what to do faster.

    I've heard of ones having hair coming out at roots and nails starting to grow narly at base and dry skin just 6 weeks in to extreme makeover.
  • LauCo77
    LauCo77 Posts: 22 Member
    Well, at least I am on the right track now. I've never eaten so much or so healthy before in my life!
  • janemcd67
    janemcd67 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi I gained a lot of weight doing a pretty radical reset. I hoped it would fix my health issues - so far it hasn't done what I wanted but I may have one related benefit with my teeth - seems to be along the same lines as hair and nail health:

    After doing 1400 cals / day for about 4 months last summer and losing about 20lb I got a few small fillings at the dentist after not having any in a while. I was a bit surprised beacuase I was feeling so good about my health. Also there were two places looking soft that we did not fill.

    Well after my reset I just went into see the hygenist and she found a couple of places in my teeth that were discolored and suspected decay. On a closer look she said no they are totally hard this is not decay. She did not find any cavities for the dentist.

    So I suspect that I had an improvement in dental health and that these were the soft spots. I want to go in again and have the dentist check the soft spots he had found and see if they are those hardened discolored parts now to be sure.

    It is nice to think there is some benefit to having gained all this weight.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    In adequate food intake, especially with decent exercise routine, can cause calcium to leach out. Not sure if that can happen with teeth like it can with bones.
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    Calcium leach can happen in the teeth, as well as the bones! AND the good news is that the soft spots in teeth can absolutely re-calcify too!
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    To the OP: "hair trauma" can be caused by any upset in health: did you get really sick in the last 3 months? Did this low calorie diet mess with your hormones ( irregular cycle)?
  • natesangel
    natesangel Posts: 210 Member
    when i first up'd my calories and started exercising better i had the same problem with hair and nails. it didn't last too long. also had some teeth issues. after about two months or so, skin cleared up (first time in adult life) nails hardened and looked great, hair thickened and looked so much healthier. at a well check with my dr he explained that the body has been abused (sounds familiar!) and that the abuse has to get out somehow, it just takes a little time for all the internal benefits of what you are doing to show on the outside. as for the dizzy, pay close attention to your diet in whole (water too) i found that i needed more water and more sodium (diagnosed hypotension, yay bacon!!) more water was a huge help within hours though.
    good luck and welcome!!