Plannign a baby



  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Wanted to add another little tidbit - for those of you that are close especially.

    Check to see if your insurance has a policy on how soon they have to have proof of baby.
    My insurance company says that - no exceptions - they must receive the birth certificate and SS card within 30 days of birth.

    My best friend, after having her baby waited until leaving the hospital (6 days after birth) to file for SS card and BC. She ended up barely making the deadline and getting these turned into insurance right on day 30.

    If not turned in on time, you risk losing some payment benefits (depending on your insurance's policy.) Best be sending off those forms ASAP and getting them to insurance quick as you get them.
  • ajdii
    ajdii Posts: 28 Member
    @tiggerhammon Thank you for thet information =) really useful and I will sure look at it =)
  • brilliantwords
    brilliantwords Posts: 97 Member
    I'm pretty sure there is a TTC forum on here too. I always found having people going through the same thing as me fun to commiserate with.

    To answer questions! This is my 3rd pregnancy. For each child it took 3 months of not using protection. My second I got pregnant while breastfeeding and only had 1 period, my third got pregnant while breastfeeding and had no period inbetween. Some people it's the first cycle, some it's years. I would just say have fun with it! My sister in laws did tell me they recommended not using anything hormonal for the three months before ttc (so condoms) to make sure it was all out of their systems, but I doubt that's necessary, just a preference and they felt it helped them conceive faster and one said it caused her to have less miscarriages (there's a lot of miscarriages on that side of the family). I don't know that there's any real evidence behind that, just what they told me.

    Before getting pregnant I went and had an exam (pap smear and because I told her I wanted to have kids soon for some reason she did a very brief rectal exam, I was NOT expecting that! and I don't think that's routine! 4 years later I'm still confused about that) and asked the doc if there was anything I needed. She did some blood tests to test for routine things. Turns out I was no longer immune to Rubella so I got an MMR booster. And after this I did have to put TTC on hold for a month.

    I took prenatal vitamins for I think 6 months before we started ttc (though that was probably overkill). I know they recommend having it ahead of time though if you're a planner I would start popping one soon just for kicks.

    That's all I can think of! I took the first month pretty easy, then got a little crazier the second month, the third month I was doing ovulation tests and temping and all kinds of fun stuff.

    You're right about there being a TTC group but it looks very inactive. This seems to be the only one with a good amount of members and recent posts. I'm in the same boat as OP, but wanted a more active group to join. :)
  • brilliantwords
    brilliantwords Posts: 97 Member
    ^^ Very informative, thank you!
    I've haven't found the TTC group, might search for it again.

    I'm also going to start trying for baby #1 sometimes this summer. Sent your a FR, hope it's ok :)

    I started taking folic acid (1mg daily, as suggested by my doctor) and I'm stopping supplements (protein powder, BCAA) as soon as I run out (probably next month, I'm not sure it's needed, but I just want to make sure). I'm already taking a multi but once I finish the bottle I currently have, I'll switch to a pre-natal.

    Adding you as well because I'm going to start TTC this month. :) Is there a reason for stopping protein powder? I understand supplements in general, and will avoid them, however I haven't seen anything on whey protein powder, where it's just derived from milk and doesn't have anything else in it. Is this something I should be cutting out? I'm vegetarian and I usually have protein shakes whenever I'm a bit short on my daily protein goal.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    ^^ Very informative, thank you!
    I've haven't found the TTC group, might search for it again.

    I'm also going to start trying for baby #1 sometimes this summer. Sent your a FR, hope it's ok :)

    I started taking folic acid (1mg daily, as suggested by my doctor) and I'm stopping supplements (protein powder, BCAA) as soon as I run out (probably next month, I'm not sure it's needed, but I just want to make sure). I'm already taking a multi but once I finish the bottle I currently have, I'll switch to a pre-natal.

    Adding you as well because I'm going to start TTC this month. :) Is there a reason for stopping protein powder? I understand supplements in general, and will avoid them, however I haven't seen anything on whey protein powder, where it's just derived from milk and doesn't have anything else in it. Is this something I should be cutting out? I'm vegetarian and I usually have protein shakes whenever I'm a bit short on my daily protein goal.

    Protein powders often are high in heavy metals. You should check with your doctor to make sure though. I would look for as natural a protein powder as possible if you are going to use it. I try to be as organic and all-natural as possible when pregnant/breast feeding. Check out this article