Week of 28th April

agent99oz Posts: 185 Member
Hi all

As it is now Monday is Australia thought I would open a post....

Check in and let us know how your week is going



  • jaidenphyr
    Awesome!! I've been sick with a very strange bug and quite disoriented!! Plus side is that my appetite has been low so I've hit way below my usual calories. Looking forward to getting back into a rhythm this week and weighing in on Wed and measuring.

    I have to laugh...my favorite pair of sweatpants are falling off. Granted they are a size 18/20 and have been big for some time, but I am having a hard time keeping them up when I walk the dogs!! I LOVE them so much so I will hate the day that I actually can't wear them at all.
  • jaidenphyr
    YAYA!!!!! I DID it!!! My FIRST goal was to break 190 and this morning I was 189!!!!! YAY!! Now I know I am in the groove!! Before this I was telling myself I couldn't be sure I was making progress and not just having a lot of water weight loss or something!

    I have mini goals of 10 pounds so my next trick is to break 180!! I am so geeked!!!

    I haven't been able to work out because I've had the virus from hell, so I think that is why I gained inches, but with the weight loss, I am ok with that. I will get back on the workout horse as soon as I feel at least 90%. Which means I likely have to be prepared for a weight gain when I return to it as I'm sure I'm losing the muscle that I developed.
  • Josieee15
    Josieee15 Posts: 26 Member
    Yayyy!! Well done you!! It's such an achievement when the middle number goes down :) Keep up the good work you must be very proud of yourself
  • agent99oz
    agent99oz Posts: 185 Member
    Great work awesome to reach a goal :) Again no weight loss for me - really don't understand why the scale is not moving anyway keep going and in another 6 weeks if I haven't lost anything I am off to see my DR

    One NSV is I will need to up my weights which is great as I am building strength

    Have a great rest of week

    D :smile:
  • jaidenphyr
    jaidenphyr Posts: 72
    That is curious that you haven't lost any poundage...I have seen pics on here, where major transformations took place in 12 weeks with only a 5 pound weight loss. Perhaps you are one that trades fat pound for muscle pound?????
  • agent99oz
    agent99oz Posts: 185 Member
    Yeah nothing so far - however I have changed a couple of things this week so we will see what happens :)

    I am hoping I am building muscle - I am also off for a DEXA scan on Monday to measure fat and muscle mass levels - I figure I will do one now and 6 weeks and track changes that way too and see what's happening on the inside

    Hope you are feeling better
