May 2, 2014

FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member


  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    TGIF all!

    Well, today has been spent with kitten care (she is so little and has to be watched constantly, but also sleeps alot) and a trip to the vet. Son isn't going to tutor today, doing math & English at home instead. If I can get away, I will go to the gym tonight. My toe was hurting when I woke up today (a chunk had come out of it--ugh), so I don't expect to do too much walking or running today.

    Laura, spinning sounded interesting. I've never tried it, but I've heard it's a great workout. Sounds like it!
  • dianalee9
    dianalee9 Posts: 134 Member
    Ok level 2 of RI 30 is definitely going to take some work! I may be spending more than a week on this one! When Jillian said in level one that things were going to get a bit crazy, she wasn't kidding! But she was referencing levels 3 and 4, not 2, so I'm kind of wondering what the hell I got myself into! lol

    There's side planks with leg raises, ab holds into a bridge, crow push ups (or something like that), I can't even remember the name of them all, but I did say "are you kidding me?" and "what the hell?" A LOT last night during my workout.

    The ab hold into a bridge really gets me! It's where you sit on your bum with your legs straight out, put your hands flat on the ground beside your bum and lift your bum off the ground, then move your bum forward and up until your in a bridge position, then go back to the starting point, but keep your bum off the ground. Maybe I'm too weak, or maybe my butt is too big, but I am having a lot of trouble with the ab hold. Any pointers you guys might be able to offer would be greatly appreciated!!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Sherry I'm kind of jealous you're spending the day doing kitten care. I am not jealous about your toe. Ouch! Hopefully it heals quickly. One thing my trainer recommended for my next run is putting Vaseline on my toes before I put my socks on, so maybe you could try that once you're healed up?

    I have to confess I've never tried an ab hold. Will have to try it when I get home tonight. Maybe to modify you can start with your knees slightly bent? Then as you get stronger you can go to the intended position.

    It's my rest day today. Going on a quick walk at lunch with a friend although we have to keep it short because she's got a project going on at work so she can't slip away for too long.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    ohhhhh, you're on THAT level! I HATED that level with a red hot passion. I didn't like the next one either, but if it helps...level 4 was pretty okay. Yeah, the ab hold was, in my mind, created with the help of DreamWorks, because noone can possibly actually do that, right?!?! hahaha! Actually, weeks after I finished RI30, I figured out a trick that helped me. I put my feet flat against the couch (or I guess a wall might work), with my knees very very slightly bent, put my hands & body in the right position, and then straightened my legs so that I was pushing against an immovable object and it helped me to "find" the right position/muscles to do it. I did it like that and then moved away from the couch and tried it again and could do it. Honestly, I haven't tried it since, but have it on my list of isometrics that I want to master (eventually to move to the L-sit, which progresses to the V-sit....but that's a pipe dream). Seriously, "good luck". I was a little disappointed in RI30 because I felt like it COULD have been really effective, IF I could have done some of those impossible moves. Instead, it felt like I was wasting some time on modifications, whereas 30DS was a little higher on the "possible" scale. But, if you stick to it, you KNOW you'll be gaining ability from it.

    Laura, I might try vaseline, but I think if I'd just tape the one middle toe, I'd probably save myself--even though it only happens once every couple months.

    So today we all walked downtown to the playground and let the kids play and walked back and got ice cream. Today has NOT been a good eating day for me. Gotta seriously consider trading the gym for a run tomorrow to burns some cals.
  • dianalee9
    dianalee9 Posts: 134 Member
    Thanks so much for the tips Sherry! I'm going to try that before my workout tonight. Yes, during the workout last night, I was thinking, "This would be way more effective if these moves weren't so hard", it's definitely NOT a beginner workout! The ab hold is really the only one that I could not do last night. Some of the others I struggled with a bit, but once my muscles figured out what my brain wanted them to do, I think I did ok. The first time is always hard cause you have to watch what they do first, then figure out how to do it, and by then they've moved on to the next one. Tonight should go a bit better cause I have some-what of an idea of what I'm doing lol.

    Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Brief check in. Sorry about the toe, Sherry! Good luck with the moves Diana.

    Been a little under the weather lately. Probably due to all the pollen in the air. Did get my small runs (2.5 miles) in during the last three days. And a bit of stretching, 5 minutes each day. Finally, tonight, my legs aren't sore all the time. That Tuesday workout really put them through the wringer!

    Flyball tournament this weekend!