Derby Weekend...*fail*

So we did really good last weekend....didn't drink too much. Some of our close friends went to FL for vacation so we did really good. This weekend....not so good! We did TERRIBLE - drank TWO bottles of wine Friday night at a winery.... then had a very improtu get together at a friends house yesterday for the derby and drank too many carnberry/vodkas.

But I plan to do a playground workout today and yard work so hoping to make up for some of those liquid calories.

How did everyone else do this weekend?


  • liannap
    liannap Posts: 91 Member
    So we did really good last weekend....didn't drink too much. Some of our close friends went to FL for vacation so we did really good. This weekend....not so good! We did TERRIBLE - drank TWO bottles of wine Friday night at a winery.... then had a very improtu get together at a friends house yesterday for the derby and drank too many carnberry/vodkas.

    But I plan to do a playground workout today and yard work so hoping to make up for some of those liquid calories.

    How did everyone else do this weekend?
    Good Morning.
    In a way I had a breakthrough: Friday went well, very well. Saturday was not so good: I did not pay attention while we had friends over: 2 G&T's and 3 wines. However, I did not finish the 3rd wine as I felt sick - I realised what I had drunk and I am convinced that my body reacted against the alcohol. Funny that is as before Easter this would be my warming up :blushing:
    So I stopped. Sunday night, friends over for dinner. Had 1 glass of white and when the 2nd one was about the be poured, I muttered the words (and I don't think I have ever muttered those words before in that situation): "Not for me please, thanks!". For 2 seconds it was hard to say and it had taken me a few minutes prior to take the decision but once said, it was fine and the evening continued, every one had fun and I drank my sparkling mineral water. This morning I experience the beautiful taste of satisfaction.
    Changel, your time will come. It takes a while before you get your head around cutting back on a habit. The fact that you want to and the fact that you are aware of it and that you write about it, are steps in the right direction.
    Talk soon.
  • Lori_Wilkerson
    Lori_Wilkerson Posts: 14 Member
    Derby Day was a fail for me as well! I drank too much, and made poor food choices. I felt horrrible Sunday; not hung over, but just not good. So, in a way, that's even more motivation for me. I can clearly see that what I put in my body affects how I feel. It's not just about weight loss, it's about overall health.
  • liannap
    liannap Posts: 91 Member
    Derby Day was a fail for me as well! I drank too much, and made poor food choices. I felt horrrible Sunday; not hung over, but just not good. So, in a way, that's even more motivation for me. I can clearly see that what I put in my body affects how I feel. It's not just about weight loss, it's about overall health.
    Yes, I totally agree with you. I now only drink in weekends and very moderately. And you know what? I can't really take more than two drinks otherwise I start losing control of my thoughts and the following day I feel rubbish. It's extraordinary how alcohol affects the body and how quickly the body adjust to drinking less. I am really so pleased about the results. No real weight loss yet but that is bound to happen. And you know what? As you say, regardless the weight loss, for overall health, I am so happy that I drink sooooo much less -
    Enjoy your weekend.