Memorial Day Low Carb Weight Loss Challenge: Week 9

FIT_Goat Posts: 4,227 Member
Week 9 runs from 5/5 to 5/11.

Optional mini challenge for the week: Walk/Run 5 miles at least 5 times this week.

Remember, we are doing a running total of percentage lost. Use your starting weight when you joined this challenge, and subtract this week’s weigh-in. If you’ve lost weight since last week, your percentage this week will be bigger compared to what you posted last week.

Current list of participants and their awesome progress:
Strawmama- 4.30%
frob23- 5.92%
lisajsund- 0.79%
Figaver- 3.15%
Citrislazer- 7.68%
MelRC117- 1.65%
ejdp254- 6.25%
17JayR- 4.62%
karryann2008- 3.04%
spottedkathy- 1.69%
caitaurelius- 1.8%
TattooTwinset- 0.9%
malou1985- 3.265%
pixelled- 1.05%
Cathi888- 0%
Jenabugg- 1.67%
Kellytime2los- 0%

Formula for figuring combined weekly %
1. starting weight when you join challenge – this week’s weight
2. divide weight lost by starting weight
3. Multiply by 100

Anyone is welcome to join the challenge at any time. To join, set your weight loss goal for Memorial Day and post what percentage you’re working towards losing.

Here’s the formula for figuring your goal %:
1. current weight this week – Memorial Day goal weight
2. divide weight lost by current weight this week
3. multiply by 100

I know that some of us weigh multiple times a week. Please post just one result for the weekly results list. But, feel free to post encouragement to others as many times as you want, tell us about your progress, or little victories.

Let's have fun!

Edit: If I missed anyone, sorry. This is new to me.


  • karryann2008
    karryann2008 Posts: 140
    No change for me!

    ps thanks for filling in:smile:
  • TattooTwinset
    TattooTwinset Posts: 271
    I think I may have been doing this wrong. I have been using the prior week's weight and subtracting the current week....
    Starting weight: 203.4 lbs
    Current weight: 199.2 lbs
    4.2 lbs lost
    4.2 lbs / 203.4 lbs = .0206
    .0206 * 100= 2.064% lost since I joined the challenge on Week 1.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,227 Member
    Start Week Weight: 79.4kg
    This Week Weight: 74.4kg
    Total Percentage Lost: 6.23% (Change: +0.33%)
    Goal Percentage Lost: 8.32%

    Just like always: My current percentage is based on unrounded values and is accurate. If you use the rounded values (from above) you get a slightly different number. Also, my percentage in change is change from last weeks weight, not last week's percentage.
  • lisajsund
    lisajsund Posts: 366 Member
    I was admittedly up last week and didn't get on to update everyone.
    I will see where I am at tomorrow, but probably back to 0%. I hope I am not over that.

  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    It moved! 4.93%
  • 17JayR
    17JayR Posts: 77 Member
  • ejdp254
    ejdp254 Posts: 342 Member
    Up a little more! 240-224= 16, 16/240x100= 6.66% yeah!!
  • jenabugg
    jenabugg Posts: 51 Member
    After a gain last week, I was down again this week. I'm at 2.23% lost.