week 6 day 2 complete weight loss stall ughhh

Hi All,

I am just curious If anyone else has come across a plateau or weight loss stall since starting C25K My weight loss has been on a 2 pound up and down fluctuation since starting , I am on week six and it has taken about 8 weeks to get here. ughhhhh so annoying I did a little research on google and see a few things but seriously it is discouraging. I started c25k in hopes it would shake up my normal workout routine but seems to have done the opposite of what I thought..mehhhh Just curious if anyone is experiencing anything like this.. regardless i am enjoying and will complete!


  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I have a feeling that whatever you're using to estimate your calorie expenditure is over-egging it if you've moved into a maintenance level of calorie intake.

    I did have a plateau but I started trying to lose weight, and start running at the same time. I started by setting my calorie goal far too low to be sustainable and ended up not making the progress that I'd anticipated. Given your profile commentary I don't anticipate that applies to you.

    As far as progress is concerned, taking an extra two weeks so far isn't a big deal. Better to make progress steadily than damage yourself, particularly given your profession, the last thing you need is a leg injury.
  • Traciaq
    Traciaq Posts: 29
    Thanks for the response,
    I am using a combo of the gym equipment and a HRM to estimate Calories burned..
    Also my daily calories are set to 1290.. I do some days eat some calories back but rarely ever go over.
    as for my profile commentary??
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Sounds like you're over estimating your expenditure then.

    And from your profile it looks as if you're used to training, so you're only new to running.
  • Traciaq
    Traciaq Posts: 29
    ah ok I was just thinking you thought i was seriously sitting around eating tacos drinking Patron =)

    Ok so if not a HRM to give an accurate estimate what is one to do?

    I have been wondering if maybe it was something like this, but yea i have been working out for a year but running only the last 8 weeks and that is when i hit the wall ...

    guess maybe I try and stick to the 1290 and never touch the exercise calories...

  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    One of the problems that people encounter is that your HRM might include your BMR calories in your exercise calories. Since MFP already gives you these calories, you'd be counting them twice. That's why a lot of people only eat back "half" of their exercise calories.

    Personally, I estimate a flat 100 calories/mile of running. It might not be perfect, but it works enough for me to be able to meet my fitness goals.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Ok so if not a HRM to give an accurate estimate what is one to do?

    I suspect that what you've got is a case of spurious accuracy. All methods of approximating calorie expenditure are based on extrapolating a figure from other metrics. Extrapolating form heart rate does give a pretty good measure, but it's likely to include the base calorie expenditure as well as the additional that you've expended.

    fwiw I've seen a 500 cal spread form different types of instrumentation from an hours worth of running, with my HRM being towards the higher end of that.
    guess maybe I try and stick to the 1290 and never touch the exercise calories.

    You don't have much tolerance there to play with, but the 100 cals per mile that Varda mentions is a reasonable assumption for most people.
  • Traciaq
    Traciaq Posts: 29
    Thanks you both for comments, positive update.. Down 3 pounds and completed week 6 C25K... small victory but i will take it!
  • heyjude345
    heyjude345 Posts: 66 Member
    I also had a bit of a stall while I was in the middle of C25K. Now that I have finished and running 2.5 - 3 miles three days a week, the weight loss has definitely picked up. Keep going...big rewards!