I'm Back!!!

RockVixen Posts: 63 Member
Sorry girls! April got really busy with way too many events. I seriously fell off the bandwagon and did some pretty decent damage to set me back to almost where I started :p I do this WAY too often. I work REALLY hard to lose the weight and then blow it in a major day/week/month/year long binge. I really really need to change my frame of mind and overcome this. So, here I am. May is a busy month too but hopefully a less constant yummy food in my face month. I'm starting over at Week 1 Day 1 today.


  • agent99oz
    agent99oz Posts: 185 Member
    Welcome Back - Hope you kick May's butt :smile:
  • jaidenphyr
    jaidenphyr Posts: 72
    Yay you for getting back on track. I was re-reading the manual and something John wrote in that hit me the second go round. It isn't how often you are doing perfectly but what you do when you have been imperfect that matters most!!! That is so true!!! Sometimes I'm good a planning and I just make scheduled events my maintenance day - or I make that one event meal my only meal and only do veggies or a protein bar the rest of the day. I still might go over my low day goal, but I never go over my maintenance day goal. I then see those as successes rather than failures. This change in my mindset makes it so much easier to get right back on the horse the next day.
  • Josieee15
    Josieee15 Posts: 26 Member
    Me too!! It's hard to change sabotage habits but the most important thing is you got back on track - yay to you. Let's do it!! :)