Going into Week 2 need feedback

I did lose weight this past week I just want to make sure that I have my macros and goals set correctly. I don't have a lot of weight to lose so I will it will be a slower process than others. I got time :) I also need some snack ideas, I'm getting bored with cheese sticks.
I opened my diary so I can get some feedback. Thanks.


  • Miamiuu
    Miamiuu Posts: 262 Member
    Pork rhinds, pickles, beef jerky watch the carb count, Maybe change the type of cheese you are eating.
  • melodymedlin
    melodymedlin Posts: 254 Member
    I too just started week 2 yesterday. :) I agree cheese sticks do get boring. I started choosing slim jims, cucumber sticks, and although its not on new induction I did eat a small amount of almonds today(3n.c.). Anyways someone said pork rinds which I love but have a lot of sodium so if your not drinking plenty of water its not a good snack. Also how about cheese crisp (choose shredded cheese place on parchment paper in microwave and heat; when its cruchy light brown take out and pull off. It kinda tastes like goldfish crackers. Anyways good luck! God bless :)
  • timwhoa
    timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
    my daughter made me some tacos using the cheese crisps in the microwave as a shell,, gosh it was so filling, I eat pork rhines all the time with mayo and chedder cheese,, YUM,,
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    my daughter made me some tacos using the cheese crisps in the microwave as a shell,, gosh it was so filling, I eat pork rhines all the time with mayo and chedder cheese,, YUM,,

    Wow - that sounds good! I am on fat fast today for a few days to get back on track again...sigh.
  • timwhoa
    timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
    after my eggs and bacon only for a week, Ill take a few normal atkins days, then do a fat fast too, seems I am a gluten for the simple eating paths , that drop on the scale is fun too
  • wwmoab
    wwmoab Posts: 48 Member
    Has anyone tried carb busters yogurt, Kroger brand? It was 4 carbs...probably only okay after induction, but no sugar. I've been eating healthy, whole food for years, and while I have only gained weight, I don't want to star eating processed/fake food either. So far I have had sugar-free jello, which I normally would never eat....but after a day of protein it really does satisfy. I love that it comes in individual servings (another thing I normally consider a waste), so I don't over do it.

    My go to snacks are hard-boiled eggs, rolled slices of corned beef, string cheese, or a couple olives. I'm looking forward to making bacon-wrapped jalapeños (normally filled with cream cheese).