Morning All, my day five.

What an adventure so far, but this morning I almost feel normal....knock on wood. Did you read the refried bean post, even though its a serious topic it made me chuckle this morning. It just amazes me what the last 4 days since surgery day have held. From hey this isnt so bad OMG what did I do.Thank to all to have replied to questions so far Im sure there will be more and I look forward to replying to others. Looking at the scale the last couple days ...I almost feel how is this coming off so fast...then I really think about it...Lets see in 5 days youve had 85 percent of your stomach cut out, averaged less than 400 calories a day....I swear if I hear someone say I did it the easy way.....just my rantings for the morning....stay well my friends.


  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    Thanks for the daily updates.. its the first thing i check when i get to work!!!
  • trinity9058
    trinity9058 Posts: 149 Member
    You're doing amazing! Don't even think about feeling guilty, we all have to do what we have to do. Watching you is keeping me amped up for my own surgery. I do have a question though about Swedish Edmunds. Did they have a place in your room so someone could sleep in there overnight with you?

    Keep up the great work!!
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    It's pretty normal to have a range of emotions after having surgery. I definitely had a few "OMG what did I do???" moments, but once you recuperate and get into a routine and start really using this surgery as a tool to help you get to your goal, it all falls into place. You have to get used to the new you. You are doing great!
  • I had mine a puget sound bariatric center and I dont think that is part of swedish. I wound up not having to spend the night but they did say I would not be able to have someone in my room between 9pm and 6am pick up time. Heh I took a nap after my morning snack this morning def still getting my feet back under me. Thank you all for the support and I am so looking forward to the journey ahead and the new me....and the new yous.