I need some help !

Since December I have lost 26 pounds , by eating healthy and exercising every day. For the past 15 days I have been binging and eating around 6000 cals a day. I really don't know what happend to me. I gained 8 pounds. I tried to get back on track but I just can't stop eating junk food. That makes me feel sad beacause there is one month till summer and I want to look good in a bikini. Especially beacause my boyfriend is hotter than me ( he has abs and muscles , he is perfect). Most of gained weight has gone to my stomach and I look awful. :cry:


  • micheleburnard1
    I know how you feel, and just some advice maybe when you feel like eating even though your really not hungry try chewing on some gum, drink water, or workout and go for walks. I found that when I do those things it really helps me and it gets my mind off eating, and who knows maybe it will help you too. (:
  • dekadai
    dekadai Posts: 47 Member
    I've had those moments of binge eating and it feels awful afterwards (especially when the people in your life are fit). just try to walk it off. just walking a mile a day will make a difference and help you get back on track.
  • ZaraJByMay
    Don't worry, you can still stop there and make up for what you have done so far. Get back on your fitness rollercoaster and don't give in.
  • Nikmurph
    Nikmurph Posts: 1
    Throw out the junk food in your house, avoid those foods/aisles at the store, and don't go shopping on an empty stomach :-) If you have bread/ rolls/cookies/chips/ chocolate, etc, put them in the freezer. This helps with the 'impulse' eating that can be avoided since you have to thaw them.

    Another strategy can be to put up a calender, put on a sticker each day you meet your goal.. the visual is really reinforcing. A personal problem I used to have was eating out with my husband. I'd end up over-eating because he loves buffets! I learned not to go with him every time, or carefully plan ahead what I would (and wouldn't) order! Good luck!
  • azberries
    azberries Posts: 12 Member
    How are you doing now? I totally understand and do a lot of nervous eating. Unfortunately my husband insists on doing all the grocery shopping and insists on buying a lot of snack food. Somehow he and the kids are not overweight. I guess they just don't have the binge mentality and can take it or leave it. I forced myself to keep logging in and even added a friend from college to hopefully humiliate myself into eating better but it still didn't help. I even had lunches consisting of donuts and other bad foods. So this week I am trying to increase my exercise. Getting up 30 minutes earlier everyday. Will see what happens.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    I hope you are doing better by now. *HUGS* If not, or if you struggle with this again in the future, do you have a friend you could call whenever you feel the urge to overeat, someone who would be understanding and supportive of your goals? It can really help to have someone to talk you down in the moment.