

  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Week 2 day 2- alpha
    TBC - DONE :)
    ( had Chinese though 1/2 order I chicken wings and fried rice ) let's hope it don't affect staturdays results
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Wk2 day 3 speed 1.0 DONE
  • savoy815
    savoy815 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi Team!

    I am sorry for the long absence...a lot has happened since Sunday. I was excited to find out that I am expecting our husband and I's first child so needless to say, my T25 journey is being put on hold for a while.

    I wish you all the best of luck and I look forward to tackling T25 next year...I am sure that I will have lots of weight to lose!

    Keep up the good work team and keep pushing play!

  • tigergem86
    tigergem86 Posts: 59 Member
    I restarted week 3, last week i was wiped out from my period. Last night i did speed 1.0 and Lower focus. Tonight i will do the cardio and total body circuit. Then double fridays :) I feel soo much better when i exercise and eat veggies. When i dont exercise i feel like im wasting my life away.
  • fe_nyx
    fe_nyx Posts: 84 Member
    Double day Friday of week 4 done! Abs and Speed. Still not loving the abs workout... I've been really pushing myself this week, and am feeling great. Hopefully things carry on like this for the last week of Alpha :)
  • martynangus3113
    Not done anything for a few days :| felt so ill and tired so i've not even tried to do them. Going to make up for it today :D going to do my double Friday today instead! Wish me luck, i'll need it lol
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Week 2 completed !
  • cshaw6482
    cshaw6482 Posts: 7 Member
    Started Beta yesterday. I looked at the timer and saw 12.53 minutes left & thought I WILL NEVER MAKE IT!
    Then I just FOCUSED and the next time I looked there was only 3 minutes left :)

    Just push play ppl. You can do it :wink:

    Staturday results: lost total of 8 pounds and 5.5 inches:love:
  • fe_nyx
    fe_nyx Posts: 84 Member
    I am so looking forward to Beta! I had a quick watch of the workouts last week to see what it coming, and for most of them I was like "Ohh yeah, I can do that" (a couple of things made me go Oooooh that looks tough...). It does look more intense but also looks like it just builds on what we have been doing and tweaks it a little.

    I did my workout on Monday, but didn't get the abs interval done yesterday. My 7 year old daughter had surgery so we were up at 5am and it was a long stressful exhausting day, so I just flagged the workout. She needed me more than I needed to exercise. But it will be double workout today to catch up.
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Alpha week 3 day 1&2 done today
  • hbowserfit
    hbowserfit Posts: 9 Member
    Taking a couple days off... have a cold
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Lower focus and cardio done today day 3&4 of week 3 alpha tmm will be day 5 double workout and I will be done with week 3 :) doubled up today since I rested yesterday
  • MadFrankie99
    MadFrankie99 Posts: 46 Member
    How's everyone going?

    Must admit, while I've been looking forward to the daily 25 minutes I have been checking around to see what else is out there but I'm determined to finish Beta...It's definitely working, losing weight on track and firming up nicely - just a bit impatient I suppose!
  • tigergem86
    tigergem86 Posts: 59 Member
    Soo, im a few weeks behind you guys, i am in the middle of week 4 and definitely getting stronger and faster.

    I had my body fat measured today. and there is good news, sorta. I didnt have it tested before starting T25 but i know i have more muscle than before.

    Body fat % = 32.2% (25-31)
    Fat weight = 69.3lbs
    lean weight = 145.6

    Total body water = 51.53 liters or 52.7% (55-60)
    BMI = 36.7 (<26)

    So i am close to being in range for my body fat percentage. i will have it retested in 7 weeks when i finish T25 to see how far ive come. I am only slightly dehydrated. and my BMI which isnt super accurate anyways is way off the charts, but when my fat is reduced so will my weight and the BMI will slowly become more reasonable.
  • MadFrankie99
    MadFrankie99 Posts: 46 Member
    Anyone still there?

    Into my penultimate week, just 8 more workout days to go then I'm done...

    Missed my first one of the whole course, (not through illness), on Monday as it was Bank Holiday and we went for a 20km bike ride, but back into it again now.
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    I'm still here starting beta week 1 day 1 today
  • fe_nyx
    fe_nyx Posts: 84 Member
    I'm still going :) On my last week of Beta now. I have 3 more workouts to go, oh 4 if you count the double Friday, and then its onto Gamma! I'm stoked that I've kept up with it, and I'm really enjoying it still.