Hello fellow Keto'ers,

Has anyone done a carb re-feed to get weight loss moving again? Share your experiences. What about dairy? Has anyone lost with dairy and all of a sudden became stalled due to consuming it.



  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    First off, what do you consider a stall? Has it been 30 days without a new scale low?

    If you're talking about a week or two, just keep doing what you always do. If you've recently (even 3 weeks ago) had a large, sudden drop then keep doing what you're doing.

    I've had periods of 25+ days where the scale didn't seem to be moving... but then suddenly I lost a ton of weight without changing anything. This is why I go by my trend-line and not scale weight.

    Seriously, anything under 6-weeks is probably within the range of variation. How can I say that? I've easily seen water-weight swings of 3kg (6.6 lbs) in two days. If you're losing a pound a week, that's easily hidden by water weight. I'm not saying it's likely... but it's possible. How confident are you that you're stalled? How often are you weighing? Are you using averages or trends or just looking at single scale values?
  • deans_mama
    deans_mama Posts: 11
    I'm weighing and measuring. Its like I keep gaining and losing the same few pounds. I feel stalled. Its been a few weeks.
  • ali59oc
    ali59oc Posts: 130 Member
    Try less protein more fat. Too much protein stalls me.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Too much protein stalls me too.
    I've found that too much cheese affects my losses too. I love string cheese as snacks, but it's not something I can have every single day.

    I wouldn't do a carb refeed. I don't want to go in and out of ketosis. Personally it would be far too tempting to back to eating starchy carbs again if I did a refeed.
  • deans_mama
    deans_mama Posts: 11
    I did a carb re-feed meal and I am still in ketosis (per blood meter after fasting overnight)!!!! My stomach grumbled and felt bubbly last night. I slept great !!! I think I'm truly fat adapted!!!

    My protein is already low at 40-50 grams a day. I wont go lower than that.