May 2014 Goals

kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
My goals... I would like to...

- Get to 170lbs/77kg (at last weigh in was 173.2lb/78.6kg) I set myself this goal at Christmas when I was 186lbs, (to get to 170lbs by June 1st, then 150lbs by December 1st) and I have to do it this month!
- Finish the day within my calorie limit at least 5 days a week
- Walk at least 90 minutes 5 days a week except during school holidays
- Complete the May 100 Mile Walking Challenge
- Get in two 20 minute workouts either Zumba or swimming and perhaps start the 30 Day Shred?


  • looklucklove
    looklucklove Posts: 128 Member
    Hmmmm..... goals for May....

    * Get to the gym at least 4 days a week
    * Spend more quality time with my children
    * Hit 209 by May 31 (currently 218)
    * Button my size 12 jeans

    Happy May, my friends!
  • back2happy2005
    back2happy2005 Posts: 108 Member
    May Goals.....

    loose at least 5 lbs hopefully 7.4 in order to finally get to 150
    walk every day even if its raining and I am forced to use the treadmill :(
    restart C25K at week 3 and get past week 5!
    finally be in a size 8 and get rid of all my size 12
  • tanimarie18
    train myself to not over eat and make healthy food. loose at least 5 pounds
  • Jodster1227
    Jodster1227 Posts: 1 Member
    Get under 200 pounds! I have been hovering between 203 and 208 for almost a month.
  • triomommyedu
    triomommyedu Posts: 8 Member
    Lose 5 lbs by the end of the month. Exercise 5x/week for at least an hour. NO STRESS SNACKING!
  • BoxingLifestyle
    BoxingLifestyle Posts: 35 Member
    My goal is to get back to pre pregnancy weight and I have 16 more pounds to go =) then reach my initial goal of 130 and maintain that weight.
  • PSlosing29
    PSlosing29 Posts: 47 Member
    I would like to lose 6 lbs by the end of May, drink more water, not over eating, and walking 5 days a week.
  • mrsgosch
    mrsgosch Posts: 55 Member
    I would like to lose all my weight from pre-pregnancy (Birth control caused a huge gain) and pregnancy to get down to 115. I have 18 lbs to get there. So starting small this month I would like to lose at least 5 of those, eat better along with getting off my butt and working out even if its tough from having the c-section. I can do this!
  • luvmydawgs
    luvmydawgs Posts: 182 Member
    Get to the gym 6 days a week at lunch
    Get a handle on the IIFYM diet
    Flatten my stomach more
    FORGET the scale
  • ProjectYummyMummy
    ProjectYummyMummy Posts: 98 Member
    I'm just going to list 2 things as my goals:

    going to gym a min of 3 days a week
    log everything!
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    My goals... I would like to...

    - Get to 170lbs/77kg (at last weigh in was 173.2lb/78.6kg) I set myself this goal at Christmas when I was 186lbs, (to get to 170lbs by June 1st, then 150lbs by December 1st) and I have to do it this month!
    - Finish the day within my calorie limit at least 5 days a week
    - Walk at least 90 minutes 5 days a week except during school holidays
    - Complete the May 100 Mile Walking Challenge
    - Get in two 20 minute workouts either Zumba or swimming and perhaps start the 30 Day Shred?
    Mid-month Update
    - Am now 169.2lb/76.7kg. Have a heavy cold and eating anything has been hard work.
    - Stayed within my calorie goal
    - Walked 60 miles already this month. Busy, busy, busy!
    - Have yet to find time to workout, but have done plenty of gardening ;)
  • kgerm317
    kgerm317 Posts: 191 Member
    I am really late to the party, here, but I am just now re-committing to myself. After being laid off for a month just after Christmas and starting a new, much more demanding job, I've lost 3 full months or more of what used to be an incredible routine.
    With summer around the corner and an extra 8-12 pounds from my all time low, I am ready to get back on track and shed this gain and another 15-20 pounds.
    So my goals for the remainder of the month are:
    1. Log everything I eat. Everyday.
    2. Start the C25K program to get back into running in preparation for the Color Me Rad run I am doing in August.
    3. Start strength training 2-3 days a week

    5/20: 185.8
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    My goals... I would like to...

    - Get to 170lbs/77kg (at last weigh in was 173.2lb/78.6kg) I set myself this goal at Christmas when I was 186lbs, (to get to 170lbs by June 1st, then 150lbs by December 1st) and I have to do it this month!
    - Finish the day within my calorie limit at least 5 days a week
    - Walk at least 90 minutes 5 days a week except during school holidays
    - Complete the May 100 Mile Walking Challenge
    - Get in two 20 minute workouts either Zumba or swimming and perhaps start the 30 Day Shred?
    Mid-month Update
    - Am now 169.2lb/76.7kg. Have a heavy cold and eating anything has been hard work.
    - Stayed within my calorie goal
    - Walked 60 miles already this month. Busy, busy, busy!
    - Have yet to find time to workout, but have done plenty of gardening ;)
    End of Month Update
    - Am now 168.6lb/76.5kg
    - Calories up and down, only stayed in the boundries three times this week
    - Walked over 100 miles in May
    - Completed up to Day 7 of 30 Day Shred
    Feeling Great!