Bulletproof coffee

SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
Since there's about 15 posts about this on the main forums I thought I'd provide you with this:


Alan Aragon also did a nice review on this in AARR and he also guest featured Dr Spencer Nadolsky for him to report his findings.

I personally don't see the idea of drinking 50g of fat in 1 shot in your coffee as being a good idea.


  • ElidaBravo
    ElidaBravo Posts: 41
    No thanks! I have however, mixed some Nescafe into my Raw Protein powder shake, then added some cinnamon and ground cocoa powder, to make a Mocha flavor, but with some caffeine, i like it...what the hell.

    Fat n coffee seems like an oxymoron to me!
  • ElidaBravo
    ElidaBravo Posts: 41
    "Fat n coffee seems like an oxymoron to me!"

    Meant to say HIGH FAT BUTTER n coffee.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    But but but.....coffee and butter are paleo....it can't be bad
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,070 Member
    Yuk! If I'm going to put butter in any drink, it better have lots of rum! :drinker:
  • lilliemelissa
    lilliemelissa Posts: 28 Member
    Blech! I'd rather drink a milkshake for breakfast. Back away from my coffee, slowly, and nobody gets hurt...
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    I tried it. Doesn't taste too bad and I wasn't hungry for hours. Trouble is I wasn't playing with a huge amount of calories so there was not a lot of wiggle Room for the rest of the day and I ended up very low carb for 3 days. Then I got really really sick. Not sure if it was the coffee or a bug.
    Moral of this story, if you are already adapted to a very low carb diet this probably works really well, but for the rest of us its just going to mess us up. Ill be sticking to my pro-ffee or my overnight oats from now on thanks.
  • ronrstaats
    ronrstaats Posts: 294 Member
    I have been doing Low Carb for 3 years now. (lost 150 pounds and reached my goal weight in one year) I drink bulletproof coffee twice a day and didn't start drinking it till the last two years. I started working out and needed to up the calories. I put a half tablespoon of butter and 1 table spoon of coconut oil along with a scoop of protein powder. Tasty way to get the fat and protein I need to stay low carb.

    I know it's not for everyone but it has been working out great for me.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Can't see the point myself.

    I would rather use my fat allotment in a far tastier way.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I tend to eat Paleo just because I enjoy it and respond well to it. I just add a bit of cream or half-and-half.

    I'm with Sidesteel, I don't see the need for a 50g fat shot in the morning. And if I did, I'd eat some guacamole.