Facial Hair. Tell me about it.

Hi all,

I'm new to this group, if anyone would like to be my friend on this MFP journey, then please add me :)

Facial hair - how do you guys remove it? I am a daily shaver and I HATE IT. I have never told any of my friends about it, I find it too embarassing.


  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    I asked the same thing about a half a year ago and it seems to depend on money and time. If you do a keyword search of the forum you should see some of those other discussions. I have neither the time to get regular waxings nor the money for laser removal, so I asked my doctor what I needed to do. She is also a PCOS sufferer and she put me on a low dose of spironolactone. It took several months, but I am seeing an definite improvement. Welcome!
  • ebuds83
    ebuds83 Posts: 8 Member
    I've done laser. Plucking\waxing supposedly encourages MORE growth. With laser I went every three months or so for about 1.5. Its been 4 years since I've gone, now I need to shave once every two weeks or so.... Being on the pill before I got laser seemed to slow it down a little bit...
  • Lizabelle1212
    Lizabelle1212 Posts: 252 Member
    My doctor put me on Spironolactone for the hair growth. It does seem to slow the hair growth SOME but doesn't completely stop it, and it's still frequent enough that it bothers me. I was shaving every other day, and I'm like you - I've never told anyone but my mom that I have to do that, because what girl wants to admit she has to shave her face? I've tried Nair for faces, and that worked ok, but seemed to leave my skin feeling oddly sticky or something afterward.. hard to explain.

    I'm currently doing laser hair removal and it is by far the best treatment. Normally it is expensive, but I check groupon regularly and there are ALWAYS good deals for laser hair removal on there. My current deal was $100 for 6 treatments, which is a STEAL!! They are normally $75-$100 PER treatment. So check groupon! You might be surprised at how relatively cheap it can be. And SOOOO worth it.

    *Edit to add - I've easily spent $100 or more trying different hair removal methods that never worked (Nair, wax strips, having to buy special razors for my face, etc). So $100 for a method that DOES work is awesome.
  • sensorypodge2002
    sensorypodge2002 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks ladies, it's good to know that I'm not alone out there! I'm keen to try laser once I save up enough money and when I have enough time!!
  • KatyRu
    KatyRu Posts: 55 Member
    Mine isn't terrible, I think...but pretty much, I use one of those creams and then I keep up through plucking for a few weeks to make sure it doesn't get terrible. I don't like plucking the hairs right in the center of my upper lip, though, so it's when those become more visible that I use the cream again. I used to just bleach them, but it's gotten to where they bother me even when they blend in with my face because they get so long. I prefer not to shave, but I will if I have to one day.
  • LittleMsJai
    LittleMsJai Posts: 19
    I typically wax and pluck. I've shaved before but it does make grow back so dark...at least for me. I can't wait to try laser soon.
  • babydaisy81
    babydaisy81 Posts: 218 Member
    My Dr. prescriped Spiro, i looked into it, tried it a few days and decided it wasn't for me, I'm on a low dose BC for facial hair and acne due to PCOS. I haev spent quite a bit for laser with over a dozen attempts at it and it keeps growing back, not at a point where I can continue treatments, so I spent $20 on a facial epilator and find this really helps with the BC. I was shaving every day before work and it was so embarrassing if I missed a morning!
  • MrsBexyBee
    MrsBexyBee Posts: 7 Member
    I shave every day, unless I'm not going out for whatever reason. I couldn't go through plucking and waxing, as my facial hair grows in a full on man beard pattern - all up my cheeks, sideburns, all accross my chin and down onto my neck...waxing that? Nooo! I tried removal cream but I had a really bad reaction to it, and bleaching really is pointless as it is thick and coarse and besides, when it gets to a certain length (achieved only once or twice during my lifetime due to serious illness for example) it just itches like crazy and I just need to take it off. As my husband is a very facially hairy beast, he gets through hundreds of disposable razors keeping himself groomed so I just steal one from his packs (and mine last a lot longer! haha!) and it doesn't add to our bills so I'm reluctant to go for laser hair removal when I can just have a quick shave in the shower, but it has its downsides - I've a big round scar on my chin where I slipped once. It's not so noticeable now but I was practically caking it in makeup for a good couple of months after it happened!

    Ah, the pains we go through...
  • smbsantacruz
    smbsantacruz Posts: 4 Member
    I used to be a daily shaver; when I got diagnosed my husband "put his foot down" (in a nice, supportive way) and insisted I get the laser hair removal I'd been talking about for years. I balked at the price ($2,500 for lip, chin and neck) but Ideal Image had a great, low-interest installment plan and it's one of the best decisions I've ever made. It was a huge confidence booster; one I didn't even realize I needed. Now I go in for my treatments every six weeks; experience growth only in the week leading up to the appointment and the week after; and have a wonderful threading studio for my brows I visit weekly.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I use http://www.olay.com/skin-care-products/facial-hair-removal for my upper lip every couple of weeks, and just pluck the dark hairs from my chin, but I don't have the bad hair issues some of the ladies here have (still embarrassing, though).
  • KateV888
    KateV888 Posts: 20 Member
    I shave daily and it still shows a shadow - I just live with it. Tried spironolactone and it made no difference. Tried laser and it kept growing back plus it hurt so much I was sobbing hysterically - they say it's because the hair is so dark it absorbs the heat more. I haven't tried Spito plus laser - which I know I need to do at some point - I just dread the pain so I'm procrastinating.
  • kpham0226
    kpham0226 Posts: 2
    I shave daily and it still shows a shadow - I just live with it. Tried spironolactone and it made no difference. Tried laser and it kept growing back plus it hurt so much I was sobbing hysterically - they say it's because the hair is so dark it absorbs the heat more. I haven't tried Spito plus laser - which I know I need to do at some point - I just dread the pain so I'm procrastinating.

    I've had laser done on quite a few areas including my face. I've been to three different places, if the laser is hurting you that much, you need to find a different place with a better laser. Lasers are not all created equal. It's very important that they get you on the right type of laser machine for your skin tone/hair type. I'm sorry it was such a horrible, painful thing for you. It doesn't have to be that awful. :(
  • LoyalAngel16
    LoyalAngel16 Posts: 186 Member
    I've been on spiro for years and there has been a noticeable difference for me, especially now that I have been out for a few months. I have hair from toe to head and back down to my heels. I used to be extremely embarrassed by it, until I met someone that loved me the way I am. I nair my legs and use an electric razor for touch ups. My face I shave regularly in the shower. I tried bleaching when I was younger, which worked great but then my face started having a bad reaction. Now that I am older, I could probably grow a better beard than my husband, so the bleaching wouldn't work anyway. My doctor has told me if I prefer to shave, then just shave. I am picky on my razors and shaving cream. While on the spiro, doesn't seem like the shadow is as bad, so I need to really get back to the doctor and get back on it.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,156 Member
    I tried all the usual methods and meds over the years and finally picked up the laser hair removal number my doctor gave me. LOVE it! I think 80% of the chin hair was gone after one treatment. I did lip and chin and now there are just the rogue strands. I was told with PCOS I might always need a touchup. I loved it so much I went for the underarms, just for me. I currently go four times a year and when they do those, they zap any on my lip/chin. There are definitely groupons out there (saw one this morning) if you don't have a specific recommendation. My place offers bundles, it was $175 per treatment in the beginning, now with the amount I've done and adding the underarms, it's $100. If I waxed every two weeks like I was, it would be $40 or so each time. This looks better and there's no instant regrowth within a few days.

    I'm a wimp with pain. I was told it was like a hot rubber band snapping and that's pretty accurate. I take an extra twenty mins and get the numbing gel. It takes enough of it away (done it both ways). I also have someone who just goes for it, unless you say stop, she'll speed along and keep going. I do make it through each section without stopping. I've found this to be the best solution for me and if I need a few treatments a year for now, I'm okay with it. I was picturing me as an old lady in a nursing home with a beard and I'm making sure that doesn't happen.
  • Exotic_Rose
    Honestly, it sucks... I was tweezing twice a day it was so bad. I carried tweezers everywhere with me.

    I got 3 laser hair treatments a few years ago and it helped a lot even though it was quite painful. The hair is starting to come back but not nearly as badly as it was before. I foind a good deal for the laser treatment on Groupon.

    I hope this helps!
  • sensorypodge2002
    sensorypodge2002 Posts: 13 Member
    My Dr. prescriped Spiro, i looked into it, tried it a few days and decided it wasn't for me, I'm on a low dose BC for facial hair and acne due to PCOS. I haev spent quite a bit for laser with over a dozen attempts at it and it keeps growing back, not at a point where I can continue treatments, so I spent $20 on a facial epilator and find this really helps with the BC. I was shaving every day before work and it was so embarrassing if I missed a morning!

    Is there a particular facial epilator you would recommend? This sounds like something I'd like to try, I take Yasmin along with Cyproterone and it does help in that I think my hairs grow back slightly finer on my face after shaving, but I still have to shave them everyday, epilating seems as though it would last longer, even only having to shave every other day would be such an improvement!!
  • sensorypodge2002
    sensorypodge2002 Posts: 13 Member
    I shave every day, unless I'm not going out for whatever reason. I couldn't go through plucking and waxing, as my facial hair grows in a full on man beard pattern - all up my cheeks, sideburns, all accross my chin and down onto my neck...waxing that? Nooo! I tried removal cream but I had a really bad reaction to it, and bleaching really is pointless as it is thick and coarse and besides, when it gets to a certain length (achieved only once or twice during my lifetime due to serious illness for example) it just itches like crazy and I just need to take it off. As my husband is a very facially hairy beast, he gets through hundreds of disposable razors keeping himself groomed so I just steal one from his packs (and mine last a lot longer! haha!) and it doesn't add to our bills so I'm reluctant to go for laser hair removal when I can just have a quick shave in the shower, but it has its downsides - I've a big round scar on my chin where I slipped once. It's not so noticeable now but I was practically caking it in makeup for a good couple of months after it happened!

    Ah, the pains we go through...

    Feelin' you on the whole 'full on man beard' thing, my brother complains about not being able to grow and beard and inside I am screaming like HAVE MINE!!!'
  • babydaisy81
    babydaisy81 Posts: 218 Member
    I beleive I got a Conair one, I will have to look it up and get back to you! I live in Canada, and went to the states to get it-we didnt have many options at stores here unless I ordered online and spent a fortune to have it shipped. I bought another one recently thats much larger and meant for body, I find my hair grows faster in the summer (?) and have been using that on my chin. I grow enough that I could do my up my cheeks as well, but I don't want to start with that. So annoying. My brother is like you have chin hairs. I KNOW THAT!
  • silveropes
    silveropes Posts: 36 Member
    i'm a picker i will pluck and play and annoy everyone til i pull the little bugger out of my chin, my neck, my cheeks, my chest.

    ta-ta's they get mowed by a razor.
  • valynn0312
    valynn0312 Posts: 27
    I shave every day. I shave in the morning before I go anywhere. And if I go out late in the evening/night, I have to do a touch up shave.
    My hair growth started in middle school and I got picked on relentlessly for it. I cried EVERY day. My parents bought me creams and had me try all sorts of things. But I eventually realized that shaving worked better and faster.

    I started spironolactone about 6 years ago. I've taken it on and off and haven't really seen much of a difference. But I started laser hair removal a few months ago and am hoping that combining that with the Spiro that it'll help keep it gone.

    I haven't seen any difference on my chin and neck yet, but I've noticed less hair on my cheeks.

    When you mentioned your brother complaining about his lack of beard, I totally can relate. My mom and sister both get a few rogue black hairs that they have to pluck off their chin and they complain about them. And I want to smack the both of them. I've gotten to the point where I just stare blankly when they start talking about it and will often say, "I really don't feel bad for you…"
    Because I WISH I just had a few hairs that I could pluck. Trying to pluck my facial hair would be like trying to pluck my legs. It's an absurd thought.

    I'm with you guys on the man-beard. I've let it grow out for 3 days once (3 day weekends + no plans = RAZOR break! WOOHOO! No razor burn for awhile!) and it gets pretty impressive. And depressing.

    I scrimped all my pennies for years in order to be able to afford this laser. It BETTER WORK! Grrr