Are results possible...

lorieca Posts: 11 Member
Hi everyone. I had TT a little over a year ago due to papillary thyroid cancer. For the past 7 weeks I have been doing crossfit 4-5 days per week and doing fairly well with my food choices. I'm disappointed to say I have not seen any changes nor lost any weight. The women I talk to who are doing a consistent exercise routine (all have their thyroid) have lost weight within the first month and saw definition develop within a couple months.

I am really concerned that even with the exercise and diet I am doing the lack of a thyroid is not going to change my body. Are there any success stories out there from women with similar situation?


  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    That sounds like not enough time to me. You are still healing, plus your lifestyle change was only 7 weeks ago. Give yourself some time to adjust.
  • WrenPat60
    WrenPat60 Posts: 45 Member
    Yes results are possible. Don't give up. For me, it comes off very slowly. I have to log everything, food and exercise wise. :happy:
  • bernernewf
    bernernewf Posts: 8 Member
    Do you notice any changes? Clothes fitting better, etc? I crossfit 3-4x week, I go heavy with the weights, I very rarely see changes on the scale, but my clothes fit better or I look different in the mirror. Try looking for changes that way. Are you eating enough to fuel a crossfit workout? I've been doing it for over 1.5 years, so I know it's intense. I recently added some more carbs in. I also track on My Fitness Pal, and have recently gone to a "if it fits your macros" way of eating.