Q's on tests

MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
Hi folks,

I thought a thread on the various tests might be nice.

Here's my question. I'm getting a test next week where I get an injection on Monday, an injection on Tuesday, and then a blood test on Friday. I was instructed to not stop taking my medication, so I'm not entirely sure what the injections are for and what they would be testing for three days after that. Admittedly, I could ask the nurse this, but I've already contacted them with a few questions already and I thought this would be more fun.

So if you know the answer to my question, fire away. If anyone's got questions about upcoming tests, I offer this thread as a repository.


  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    For anyone who stumbles upon this thread, here's the answer. It's a test that tells you if there are any cancer cells left. The two injections stimulate the TSH to astronomical levels. Then a few days later, they do a blood test looking for whatever it is they look for with cancers. So what we're looking for here is a negative result.

    I asked the nurse about side effects, and she said definitely fatigue, possible nausea and headache in rare cases. I had shot #1 today and my only side effect so far seems to be mild muscle pain.
  • JayMri
    JayMri Posts: 241 Member
    Sorry I didn't see your post till today. I get the Tyrogen shots every couple years. Mine also included blood work on Wednesday. I didn't have any side affects to the shots except it messes with your levels. I was tired, forgetful and very cranky Wed, Thursday and Friday. But I recovered pretty quick.
  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    Good Lord, this is rough! I have renewed sympathy for people dealing with thyroid issues. Sweaty, dizzy, tired, confused, my throat hurts a little bit. What a miserable existence it must be to be hypo. This is only temporary. My heart goes out to those who can't get the right doctor or meds.
  • JayMri
    JayMri Posts: 241 Member
    Good Lord, this is rough! I have renewed sympathy for people dealing with thyroid issues. Sweaty, dizzy, tired, confused, my throat hurts a little bit. What a miserable existence it must be to be hypo. This is only temporary. My heart goes out to those who can't get the right doctor or meds.

    Thankfully it will be better in a couple days! I was hypo for a few weeks prior to having radioactive iodine - it sucked! I can't imagine having to live that way for a longer period of time.
  • coburngirl2
    coburngirl2 Posts: 87 Member
    Ugh I've been absent FOREVER! I just had my shots last week for the 2nd time and will follow up with doc at some point. Yes all we go through with having this cancer seems to be never ending. i was doing great and then my motivation threw right out the window.
  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    I suffered side effects for three weeks after that! And then the results came back higher than they liked so I had to do an ultrasound. The little mass that they were puzzled about six months ago is significantly smaller, so they called it scar tissue and sent me on my way. All good for another six months. Hope your test results in NOTHING (who ever thought we'd be applauding zeros)
  • coburngirl2
    coburngirl2 Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks, yes my numbers were 0, so that was good. I have a couple of lymph nodes that change in size, but nothing suspicious, so I'm just living with it! How have you been feeling these days? I've been so absent from here.
  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    Yay for zeros!! I've been great! Well, besides the revolving door of sickness that I blame on my daughter's day care, but my meds are adjusted properly, that mass that they were concerned about in my neck appears to be scar tissue and is receding, life's been pretty good. No worries about the group. I look to you as our fearless leader but I do check in fairly often, so if anyone pops up needing help, I should see it too.
  • JayMri
    JayMri Posts: 241 Member
    I had my 4 year follow-up last week and was very happy to hear I can skip the shots this year! My thyroglobulin has been undetectable since my TT so he feels we can do that every other year now.
  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
  • coburngirl2
    coburngirl2 Posts: 87 Member
    Awesome I'm glad to hear that! If I can remember my old log in info, I will set you up as admin on this group. I'd like to be more active on here but between work and everything else, I don't get to do much with it. I'm sorry you have been sick. Ugh!
  • coburngirl2
    coburngirl2 Posts: 87 Member
    I had my 4 year follow-up last week and was very happy to hear I can skip the shots this year! My thyroglobulin has been undetectable since my TT so he feels we can do that every other year now.
    GOOD FOR YOU!! That's wonderful :happy:
  • WrenPat60
    WrenPat60 Posts: 45 Member
    When do they begin giving you injections to find negative cancer results? It is one and half years since I had my TT. So far, just followed up with thyroid us so far. Is this something I should ask about. I have Hurthle cell cancer and a very small amount of residual tissue left.
  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    It was almost exactly one year after the ablation. It was kind of an afterthought from the endo, one of those "have we done this yet? We should do this. Let's go ahead and do this." I would ask. And if you have a choice, do it before the weather gets nice because you aren't going to want to do anything for a few days :)