5 days post op!

I'm on day 5 post op (surgery was 5-5-14) today was by far the best I've felt since surgery and I'm able to drink more water and protein everyday. Dehydration was an issue the first few days out of the hospital since I wasn't drinking much water but I'm getting it in now. I found walking is the best pain remedy and the more I walk the better I feel. No regrets and I'm looking forward to each new day! :)


  • teachren
    teachren Posts: 78
    Welcome to the team. That's great you're getting more water in...it's so important not only at the beginning but through your journey. When you're up to eating make sure you get your protein in as that's the other key to success for most of us.

    Looking forward to helping you with any questions you may have along the way. There are lots of great people on here with a range of experience.

    Keep drinking! :-)
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    Congratulations! Sounds like you are doing great! Keep walking and drinking water and like teachren said, make sure you get all your protein. Doing these things will help you stay healthy and be successful. Keep up the good work!
  • cutty805
    cutty805 Posts: 54
    Welcome to the team. That's great you're getting more water in...it's so important not only at the beginning but through your journey. When you're up to eating make sure you get your protein in as that's the other key to success for most of us.

    Looking forward to helping you with any questions you may have along the way. There are lots of great people on here with a range of experience.

    Keep drinking! :-)

    Thank you so much for kind words and support!!
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    Congrats man on your successful surgery! Keep us updated on your progress.. Us future vsgers appreciate the info!
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Congrats man on your successful surgery! Keep us updated on your progress.. Us future vsgers appreciate the info!

    Amen! Seeing what you folks are going through or have gone through is really helping me to understand the variety of post-surgical experiences to expect/keep in mind.
  • cutty805
    cutty805 Posts: 54
    Congratulations! Sounds like you are doing great! Keep walking and drinking water and like teachren said, make sure you get all your protein. Doing these things will help you stay healthy and be successful. Keep up the good work!

    Thank you! I kept hearing about the small drinks that I would be able to take afterward but I wasn't really prepared for how small, I would call it sips rather then drinks :) but it's all a learning process and I'm so motivated to be successful!
  • cutty805
    cutty805 Posts: 54
    Congrats man on your successful surgery! Keep us updated on your progress.. Us future vsgers appreciate the info!

    Thank you brotha!
  • plmelquist
    plmelquist Posts: 42
    Congrats! I am day 12 today and feel like nothing happened. I returned to work yesterday and feel absolutely energized and fantastic. I am able to drink normal sips of water, am on mushies and notice only a little "bubble" in my chest when I have that one extra bite of food. It's so strange not feeling hungry that it's tough to feel full. This will change, I know, but for now that little bubble is my indicator! I have an Opti-fast shake for breakfast still and then have either beans (mashed), cottage cheese or yogurt to get my protein in. I have several bottles of water throughout the day in addition to a fresh juice - today was apples, carrots and a touch of ginger.

    The thing that most surprises me is the unbelievable amount of energy I have in the beginning and the end of the day. The thing that next most surprises me is how my clothes are swimming on me, even on day 12. I wear scrubs at work and those are ridiculously big now. My capri pants are nearly falling down just from the weight of my iPhone in my back pocket - in fact, if I walked any true distance they would fall down!

    Welcome to the marvelous "other" side!
  • Congrats Cutty!
  • cutty805
    cutty805 Posts: 54
    Congrats! I am day 12 today and feel like nothing happened. I returned to work yesterday and feel absolutely energized and fantastic. I am able to drink normal sips of water, am on mushies and notice only a little "bubble" in my chest when I have that one extra bite of food. It's so strange not feeling hungry that it's tough to feel full. This will change, I know, but for now that little bubble is my indicator! I have an Opti-fast shake for breakfast still and then have either beans (mashed), cottage cheese or yogurt to get my protein in. I have several bottles of water throughout the day in addition to a fresh juice - today was apples, carrots and a touch of ginger.

    The thing that most surprises me is the unbelievable amount of energy I have in the beginning and the end of the day. The thing that next most surprises me is how my clothes are swimming on me, even on day 12. I wear scrubs at work and those are ridiculously big now. My capri pants are nearly falling down just from the weight of my iPhone in my back pocket - in fact, if I walked any true distance they would fall down!

    Welcome to the marvelous "other" side!

    Yes I can say as of today any discomfort from the surgery has subsided and I'm feeling much better. I can feel my clothes starting to get loose as well just being a few days out is insane! Thanks for the info about your routine and I look forward to being at day 12 myself
  • cutty805
    cutty805 Posts: 54
    Congrats Cutty!

    Thanks bro ham! :)