Check in May 11, 2014

Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
:flowerforyou: Good Morning and Blessings to all you fantastic, beautifully motivating people!! Guess I'm the first one on so the check-in fell to me. I hope we're all in great spirits this Sunday morning. I want to be just as encouraging as Julie and Karen - so let see?!? How about for today we all challenge ourselves to do something new. Something that pulls us a little more out of our comfort zone! It can be anything - a new exercise, going to a new place, introducing yourself to a new person. As long as its new and out of the comfort zone! :tongue: Get those nerves and heart rate a pumpin! I cant wait to see what everyone does!?!? Have a fabulous day and enjoy yourselves! :wink:


  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    Good morning Sandy and everyone else!! It's a good start to the day. I have had lots of sleep, have downed lots of water because my kidneys hurt this morning, as most of you know I am on Lasix and that crash must have resulted in too much salt, my face is full of water this morning. I got a beautiful card from my husband this morning for Mothers Day, that is very sweet of him, my stepsons usually just do something for their Mom (which I understand) and my own kids are in the UK where it isn't even Mothers Day.

    Very good breakfast of Shredded Wheat and Bananas.. so next to no sodium and today is going to be a good eating day!
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    Good morning everyone :)

    Hubby and 5 year old made me 1 scrambled egg on a whole wheat muffin for breakfast. I am going to do some yoga and take my son outside to play while my hubby is at work. A new thing hmmm interesting. Okay, mine is silly though. I will go to the local shop to buy some burger buns for lunch for them not me. Sounds like nothing right. Well living in a french speaking place and not speaking french and being very introvert and hating small talk or any of that, having to be awkward like that is something that gets my heart pumping with nerves.
  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    Good morning everyone :)

    Hubby and 5 year old made me 1 scrambled egg on a whole wheat muffin for breakfast. I am going to do some yoga and take my son outside to play while my hubby is at work. A new thing hmmm interesting. Okay, mine is silly though. I will go to the local shop to buy some burger buns for lunch for them not me. Sounds like nothing right. Well living in a french speaking place and not speaking french and being very introvert and hating small talk or any of that, having to be awkward like that is something that gets my heart pumping with nerves.
    That's not silly at all!! Its exactly the kind of stuff I had in mind. Sometimes it the silly small stuff that people do everyday that makes my heart race, my palms sweat, my head pound, and makes me want to jump out of my own skin. I think for most of us morbidly obese individuals getting out of the comfort zone is important. We hide there while we let our issues and insecurities bloom and take over.
  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    Good morning Sandy and everyone else!! It's a good start to the day. I have had lots of sleep, have downed lots of water because my kidneys hurt this morning, as most of you know I am on Lasix and that crash must have resulted in too much salt, my face is full of water this morning. I got a beautiful card from my husband this morning for Mothers Day, that is very sweet of him, my stepsons usually just do something for their Mom (which I understand) and my own kids are in the UK where it isn't even Mothers Day.

    Very good breakfast of Shredded Wheat and Bananas.. so next to no sodium and today is going to be a good eating day!
    Aww, that's a sweet man right there. Your lucky to have one so thoughtful. I'm sorry you don't get to see your own children that offend.
    I hope you get the bloat off soon. I know how uncomfortable it is. But your back on track now, great breakfast! And your right, its going to be a fantastic day because you've already mad up your mind! Blessings :flowerforyou:
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Well, my work day is over now (I am +10 MST)....something 'new'....well I made a powerpoint presentation for another department head, to be given to a large group of people. That is not new...I design these powerpoint presentations often,but then he decided that I should present it I spent the afternoon practicing the presentation.....and giving someone else's departments data is 'new' for me!! Presentation is in the morning....what fun! (not really!) :-( Out of my comfort zone!!!
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    ooo cat that would be way way out of my comfort zone. Good luck, you can do it.

    Okay off to the store to look like an idiot ;) May be around much later, gonna go to the in laws and steal their bbq while they are out to make lunch lol
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Happy Mothers Day! I'm not sure about doing anything new today. Its a typical Sunday. Catching up on laundry and housework. I was determined on taking advantage of the day and not doing any cleaning but as I was making my daughter's lunch something smelled so bad in the kitchen I gave in and decided it isn't going to get done unless I do it regardless of the day so cleaning it is. All I asked was my husband to clean the house. Half joking because I knew that would never in a million years happen. He dud go and get himself and my daughter kolache and donuts so I wouldn't have to cook them breakfast this morning. How thoughtful. Ok pity party over.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    UGH........Im caving!!! I just wanna eat n eat n eat. I havent had this happen for a long time. Ive really been working on determining if Im eating because Im hungry or eating to eat, or stress eating, tired eating, bored eating et al.

    TODAY?? It's all of em. Im not real sure why. I "should" be doing housework...I "should" be doing something constructive...I "should" be working out........but here I sit, surfing and reading my message boards.

    UGH......thanks for letting me vent (my "worst" choice today was only 1 oz of cashews)
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    I have a feeling those days are going to be a feature of our lives for most of us for the rest of it. What I try to do is pick less damaging choices and get back to healthy eating as quickly as possible. To be honest if I do give in, the sugary, fatty foods make me feel like crap anyway!
  • lindabeth333
    lindabeth333 Posts: 130 Member
    Happy Sunday and Happy Mothers Day! My two older boys are off at school and the youngest is sick today - so there is my Mothers Day - I am going to relax a bit and garden. This is out of my comfort zone Sandy - owning my own business - I work every day- but today - I will not work - just try to rest and relax. (well I will try to fit in a walk!)

    Sorry that you are struggling Restybaby2012 - We all have those days. Just acknowledge it and move on - you can do this!
  • artelyn
    artelyn Posts: 175 Member
    I tried something new, but not the kind of new that got my heart beat racing. I wasn't nervous about doing this "new" thing, but it was very different from what I would normally do. I went to lunch with husbands family and they love to go to a local seafood place that is "tradition" for Mother's Day. Normally, I would order the big Clam Plate with coleslaw and fries and yummy fried clams. Today I ordered two lobster rolls with butter on the side and just ate the lobster meat...not the buns too. And I don't usually use the butter anyway, so that wasn't new. But, I didn't order my own fries! I did have some of my daughters, but at least not a whole plate full myself! That was a new thing for me. To not just give in and have the old yummy stand by. And it was delicious!! So that was my new. Hope everyone had a great day.
  • Kourui
    Kourui Posts: 32 Member
    Got to drive my new car home today for the first time! Bought it in January, then busted my ankle. Since it's a standard, I couldn't drive it at all until just now. I'm still rusty when using a standard (hadn't driven one in over 6 years).
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    Successfully bought a loaf of bread, an ice cream for hubby, ice lolly for son, I resisted, and muddled my way through with the cashier.

    Got a lot more activity in today than I thought I would, out playing with my son then walking, which is good since I also ate more than I planned, but it wasn't terrible and I controlled the extra treats. Out again tomorrow walking round a local lake, planning on a kids size ice cream cone, skipping the large blizzards or hut fudge sundaes or beaver tails. I can resist! Good night guys.
  • kilgore67
    kilgore67 Posts: 40
    Encouraged by everyone's posts. Happy Mother's Day!:flowerforyou: :heart:

  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Had a nice mothers day. We went out for an early breakfast at the bakery down town. I had whole wheat pancakes and did my best to guess on the calories. I'm sure there were lower calorie options on the menu but I didn't care, I don't eat pancakes often and when I do I wont them well made so I eat them when out for breakfast. besides, not ever eating out experience needs to be about choosing the healthiest thing on the menu. I did stop myself from ordering eggs and bacon, but i entertained the idea. The pancakes were delicious and i enjoyed the butter and syrup that went with them. I just had water and skipped any juice to avoid the extra calories.

    Didn't do or accomplish anything new or uncomfortable as the whole day was spent out and about, sorry.

    Went to one of the local succulent botanical gardens for a tour and walked around for about 2 hours. Of course the mothers day is the first day I have a seasonal allergy attack. All the succulents were in bloom so the suffering was worth it.

    We went home for a short while and I had a nap, not something I have done in a while but the sun and allergies took it out of me.

    In the mid afternoon we went for tea service in Niles canyon. Yet again I did my best to calculate the calorie total for the tea service. It was about 1,100 calories in the end, but i enjoyed it all. I did manage to avoid the desert cakes round of the tea service. I had one small petit four and stopped at that.

    It was a late tea service but didn't tie me over so by 10:30 i was peckish. I had told myself if i was hungry I would have a salad given that I allowed myself to simply enjoy the day calorie wise. But that was the day before and a salad at 10:30 doesn't sound all that interesting. So despite only having 46 calories left I had a 300cal microwave meal. Sitting around at 11:30 and looking at my step count I realized if i spent the next 30min walking before my fitibit reset at midnight I could undo some of the damage and end the day bellow my calorie count (granted the day was 75% all carbs). So i took a late night 30min stroll and burned enough to end the day with peace of mind.
  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    I have a co-worker that's very fit and active. She invites me to walk a lot , I always make up reasons why I can't go. Yesterday I went. I was uncomfortable the whole time. I hate weazing and huffing and puffing in front of people. I hate feeling like I'm holding someone up. Plus we were on a inside track because of the storms all day. I swear it made my breathing echo throughout the whole building. But I did it ! I accepted an invitation from someone I hardly know , and I went somewhere new to walk.
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    That's awesome, Sandy! I have a major hangup about that, too, so next time someone invites me to do something, I'll think of you and hopefully accept!

    Yesterday I went to my friend's place for a birthday/mother's day celebration and while I was waiting for her to pick me up from the train station, I walked around the parking lot. In the past, I would have just plopped down on the bench and fiddled with my phone.

    (Unfortunately, that was about the only good choice I made yesterday. The food at the party was abundant and all. so. calorific. I went about 2.5 times my calorie target. On the plus side, I logged it ALL (so I guess that's new, too). It's easy to see how I put on so much weight having days like that regularly prior to actually paying attention to what I'm eating. Now that I know just how bad those days of constant grazing on high calorie snack foods are, I think it'll be easier to stop myself.)