Non-Topic Updates

kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
Well, I thought it'd be nice if we had a spot where we could log in and just talk about our day, our growing bumps, cravings, our new and exciting experiences, whine about anything, etc... without having to worry about hijacking the topic!

So post away, ladies! Tell us how you're doing! :flowerforyou:


  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Very tired already! Typical. Least the sun is shining! :flowerforyou:
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I feel like this is taking FOREVER!! Seriously. I posted something in a topic for being third trimester awhile back .... That feels like months ago. I feel like I have been saying "6 more weeks to go" for a month straight already. Saying "5 weeks and 5 days left" doesn't sound any better :p I am not sure why, but it really feels like time has slowed by like 10x or more. This has been the longest 8 months of my entire life and I think this upcoming 5-6 weeks is going to drag mega slowly too! I just want to be done now. I want my baby!

    Okay, done ranting :)
    How are you?
  • Enic03
    Enic03 Posts: 172 Member
    I feel like this is taking FOREVER!! Seriously. I posted something in a topic for being third trimester awhile back .... That feels like months ago. I feel like I have been saying "6 more weeks to go" for a month straight already. Saying "5 weeks and 5 days left" doesn't sound any better :p I am not sure why, but it really feels like time has slowed by like 10x or more. This has been the longest 8 months of my entire life and I think this upcoming 5-6 weeks is going to drag mega slowly too! I just want to be done now. I want my baby!

    Okay, done ranting :)
    How are you?

    I feel this way already at 26 weeks! It went by so fast but now it seems to be slowing down ...these last 3 months are going to drive me crazy! For me it is mostly about keeping the gender a surprise. I just want to know already :) But then again it really can wait as I am nowhere ready for the baby yet and appreciate my sleep and free time that I know will be lacking for the rest of my life :laugh:
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    I'm only 15+4, can't wait for around week 20 to find out what we're having! I like the idea of being surprised... but my control freak side just really needs to know! :laugh: I already have a 16 month old son. I'd love another boy (it'd be very convenient) but I wouldn't mind having a girl either. We have names picked out for both, so...

    First Trimester seems like it took forever! I remember from my first pregnancy, 2nd Tri went really fast, and by the time I hit 32 or 33 weeks I was totally over it and just wanted it to end! I'm sure I'll be the same this time around as well... although not really looking forward to the first couple months of healing/no sleep/nursing around the clock. Especially with another LO running around demanding, well, everything. :laugh:

    Currently trying to get over nasty colds. Started with a sore throat, then stuffy, now a bad cough. And of course, we're not allowed to take any kind of decongestant! :grumble:
  • Erindolly
    Erindolly Posts: 35 Member
    I find out the gender tomorrow--today is my 20 week/ 1/2 way point! I am getting really excited, although honestly, I'd be happy with either a boy or a girl. :flowerforyou:

    Over the past several weeks I have determined that how I feel seems to be directly correlated to how much I exercise and move. I feel exhausted, so I want to relax, but the more I relax, the more exhausted I feel. It is a vicious cycle. I have found that for me, if I force myself to walk for an hour or so 3-4 times a week and am otherwise relatively active, I feel pretty good. Just curious, is anyone else feeling the same way?
  • hiba_84
    hiba_84 Posts: 177 Member
    As excited as i am to be done and finally meet my baby, having 9 weeks left has started to freak me out lol.
    I have lots and lots of things to do from clothes shopping to getting the crib to re-arranging the babies room, ugh i am about to cry.
    Thankfully obsessing about the weight has subsided :)

    i am tired all the time now and would really appreciate a vacation or even just some time off work but i am trying to save every possible day so i can keep it for after the baby is born.
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    Erindolly - so what are you having?!! :happy:

    Finally getting over the upper respiratory junk! The weather has been nicer the past few days, it was great to get out of the house with my 1 year old! I'm going to have to bite the bullet and get a couple pair of pants that fit. I've lost weight since getting pregnant, so I only have one pair that fit... and they're getting pretty worn out! I am NOT ready for maternity pants yet! :laugh:

    So not looking forward to being pregnant during the hot summer months. I have never seen any maternity shorts that I like. Anyone have any recommendations?
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I hated the look and feel of the pregnancy band shorts at first. But, you would be surprised - once you get big and regular pants bands hurt you will grow to really love the pregnancy band!
  • papagal212
    papagal212 Posts: 93
    I find out the gender tomorrow--today is my 20 week/ 1/2 way point! I am getting really excited, although honestly, I'd be happy with either a boy or a girl. :flowerforyou:

    Over the past several weeks I have determined that how I feel seems to be directly correlated to how much I exercise and move. I feel exhausted, so I want to relax, but the more I relax, the more exhausted I feel. It is a vicious cycle. I have found that for me, if I force myself to walk for an hour or so 3-4 times a week and am otherwise relatively active, I feel pretty good. Just curious, is anyone else feeling the same way?
    Yes exactly how u feel. The leas I move, less energy I have. I try to keep up exercising as well, helps me.sleep better and feel good
  • Erindolly
    Erindolly Posts: 35 Member
    Erindolly - so what are you having?!! :happy:

    Finally getting over the upper respiratory junk! The weather has been nicer the past few days, it was great to get out of the house with my 1 year old! I'm going to have to bite the bullet and get a couple pair of pants that fit. I've lost weight since getting pregnant, so I only have one pair that fit... and they're getting pretty worn out! I am NOT ready for maternity pants yet! :laugh:

    So not looking forward to being pregnant during the hot summer months. I have never seen any maternity shorts that I like. Anyone have any recommendations?

    We are having a girl! I am thrilled. It seems so real now that we know the gender and we got to see her little face in the sonogram. She even had her little hand resting on her stomach. :smile:

    As far as maternity shorts go--I am totally with you, I have tried on a few pairs and wasn't thrilled. I plan on wearing mostly dresses, and skirts, or gym shorts for yard work and exercising.
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    On Sunday i'll have 6 weeks left. I've had a scare or two already where I thought she may be coming early and it was totally surreal. I want her to be here, but when I was actually in the hospital (thought my water broke) I was like "Omg! It's too soon!!"
  • vlmcwilliams
    vlmcwilliams Posts: 46 Member
    Feeling OK today but I'm at the point where I am hating all my clothes, but don't want to buy any more just for the last tri (i'm 26 weeks). Also, it's heading into winter and have realised a lot of my hoodies + jumpers just aren't going to fit :( Maybe a little shop might cheer me up? Anyone else in a similar situation maternity clothes-wise?
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Yes! Do not put it off. If you are already feeling you are going to need more clothes, do it. I thought I could squeeze by without buying any and now, here I am at 5 weeks to go and I have 1 pair of pants and 2 shirts and that is it! I can't wear anything else I own because where I work won't tolerate the belly shirt look that I am doning right now. So, I get to do laundry every day until I get new clothes. Luckily, I am also somewhat still fitting in my husband's shirts and nobody seems to have noticed I wear the same jeans every single day.
  • hiba_84
    hiba_84 Posts: 177 Member
    I think pregnancy blues have finally taken the best of me. Unlike my first pregnancy, I have managed to stay as least emotional as I could. No sudden weeping over nothing and no break downs. Well, that was until Friday when I started to feel the world closing down on me and started breaking down in tears over.. well I am not sure over what. This morning I was very frustrated and tired too but managed to stay crying-free. I hope I can control it before it turns uglier. I hate feeling so emotional and dramatic.
    Anyone else feeling too emotional towards the end? I am almost 32 weeks btw.
  • seidel1325
    seidel1325 Posts: 94 Member
    31 weeks today and thought I was going to start crying on the way to work. I'm utterly exhausted and tired of napping in my car during my lunch break just to make it through the day. I've got 8 more weeks to go before I induce and it feels so far away.
  • hiba_84
    hiba_84 Posts: 177 Member
    I can totally feel ya!
    31 weeks today and thought I was going to start crying on the way to work. I'm utterly exhausted and tired of napping in my car during my lunch break just to make it through the day. I've got 8 more weeks to go before I induce and it feels so far away.
  • futurestarz
    futurestarz Posts: 510
    17W 2D now and feeling a little overwhelmed. I feel like we have so much to do, but don't want to get started on things too early. I'm just not sure where to start with preparing for our first baby. We are not going to find out the gender, so that might make things a little easier, as far as stocking up on clothes. Speaking of stocking up on clothes...where do you even get gender neutral baby clothes?!?! I can't find anything besides ducks and that was around Easter!

    Also, my husband is being a slob, and I want the house clean and prepared for his baby, so what if we have 5 months to go! lol But seriously, I want us to start working on keeping our house clean for when the baby comes. We have a dog who sheds A LOT and his hair is driving me crazy, I just picture our baby being covered in dog hair constantly.

    Sorry. End Rant!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I have not been stressing getting ready for baby and that probably isn't a good thing. I have the stroller, carseat, crib, etc. I just havent taken anything out of its packaging yet. Tags are still on the diaper bag and there is nothing in it, car seat is still in the box and I haven't even begun to pack what I need yet. Maybe I ought to get on that - I have 4wks 5days left.
    My husband, gotta love him, still hasn't moved his crap out of the baby's room yet. I asked when he will and he says 'June 14th' (I am due June 15th.) Probably won't be getting very close to all ready for baby until he manages that.
    I think finding out the sex made shopping so much easier. I can't imagine shopping not knowing, you are going to end up with all plain green and yellow. That would drive me crazy, I love pink and frilly for girls and baby jeans and button up shirts for boys.
    I could give you advice on how to get the dog hair out but if the dog is staying it is pointless. My suggestion: get all the dog hair out of baby's room and then keep the dog out of there. At least that will give you a starting point in feeling like at least one room is clean and ready - that is, unless you are stuck in a situation like mine where getting the baby's room ready isn't an option either.
  • futurestarz
    futurestarz Posts: 510
    Thanks Tigger. You're right. I sweep every day and the dog hair is still there. He's a white dog, and we have dark wood floors in our house. Not a good combo. We actually have the room cleaned out! We were using it as a dressing room, so we moved the dressers and hamper into our bedroom, and that was really it. Our goal is to finish painting this weekend, and set up the crib. Having that done will at least help me feel like I'm doing SOMETHING!!
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    Try looking at 2nd hand children's stores for gender neutral clothing. Or if you want brand new clothing, has a "neutral" section under baby. Right now, the online promo code for 30% off is savenow30 and you can get kohl's cash too.

    I'll start a thread for a list of things to have ready/on hand for new baby. It can be helpful! The biggest thing is to not feel like you have to have EVERYthing when baby comes. All you need right away is a car seat, a place for baby to sleep safely, diapers/wipes, some clothing, and feeding supplies (whether formula/bottle feeding, or breast feeding). The rest is just "nice" to have on hand. :flowerforyou:

    Stressing about a clean house, I can totally relate! We were renovating when my son was born. I was a bit stressed about that... definitely keep any pets out of baby's room & your room if baby is going to sleep there for awhile first. Other than that, just plan to try to vacuum once a day to keep the hair at bay. We had 2 cats that shed like crazy when my son was born. Whenever I set him somewhere I put down a receiving blanket first, just in case. They weren't allowed in his room or mine.

    As far as getting the whole house clean and ready... I suggest using a chart that has a small list of things to do on certain days. That way, you don't kill yourself trying to get it all done at once! (i.e., Mondays for vacuuming and dusting, Tuesdays for cleaning bathrooms, etc...) As for clutter, just take it one room at a time.