A little bit about you :)

Hi! I'm a 31 year old grad student re-starting her workout routine. I discovered my love for running 6 years ago and then discovered c25k. Currently, I am aiming to lose 35-40 lbs, because I've been slacking of...but no more!!

I have always enjoyed working out to this program, but I've never managed to finish it :(. Hopefully this time around I'll achieve my target. I use the NHS couch to 5 k podcasts and they are fantastic! The music is good and the instructor is awesome!

I'm really looking forward to meeting other members who are also setting out on their running journey, and also so we can provide focus support for each other!

Looking forward to meeting you guys!! :smile: :wink:


  • effiechristina
    effiechristina Posts: 7 Member
    Hello! I am actually starting my grad program in August! I'm worried about time management my first year, and so I want to get into a good schedule of working out and eating healthy before then. It's my goal to run a marathon, and while I've had numerous "attempts" at running in the past, I'm most excited this time around! I think it's because I'm doing, and sticking to, a couch to 5K program and working my way up slowly, instead of trying to jump in headfirst. I'm finishing week 6 of my program today, I do the 5K101 Couch to 5K training through running mate. I love it! I need the coaching in my ears telling how long I've been going, when to stop/start etc. My first 5K is this saturday, and then I have another one I'm signed up for the following saturday :-)

    Now that I've got the running part in my schedule, I'm trying to add a little strength training, I did my first "arm" day yesterday and i'm a little sore lol. I also have a bunch of pinterest recipes to make today after work, that i'm going to freeze and take with me for lunches thorughout the week.

    Anyway, I'm really trying to make MFP work for me this time, so I'll take all the encouragement and interaction possible!
  • BurntCoffee
    BurntCoffee Posts: 234 Member
    I'm not sure about joining this session or not. I have the C25K on my phone but I have been hesitant to try since I am heavier. I don't want to hurt myself. I know you all are not doctors but what do you think is a healthy weight at 5'6" to start the program? I don't want to get started only to end up not being able to keep up and end up feeling defeated.

    PS. I'm 39 and the only time I have ever ran on purpose was in high school when we had the physical fitness test. LOL!
  • thanson563
    thanson563 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm not sure about joining this session or not. I have the C25K on my phone but I have been hesitant to try since I am heavier. I don't want to hurt myself. I know you all are not doctors but what do you think is a healthy weight at 5'6" to start the program? I don't want to get started only to end up not being able to keep up and end up feeling defeated.

    PS. I'm 39 and the only time I have ever ran on purpose was in high school when we had the physical fitness test. LOL!

    Don't feel alone. I'm 51 and have never run (even in high school I tried to get out of it!). I also have the app on my phone, and quite honestly have no real idea what I'm doing....but I'm determined to do it. We can motivate each other!
  • nabah
    nabah Posts: 5
    Hi! I don't think there's any "right" weight to be to start this program. You just need to go for it! I would advise running outdoors instead of on a treadmill as that can have more impact on your ankles and knees in the long run, and just set your own pace and know your limits :). Remember that like all struggles, this isn't going to be easy, but as Nike says... just do it!! The program is a way to prove to yourself that you are capable and we are here in this group to always tell you that you are!!

    So just go for it and come talk to us when you feel down and think you can't go on... We'll make sure you realize that you can do just about anything :D
  • nabah
    nabah Posts: 5
    Hello! I am actually starting my grad program in August! I'm worried about time management my first year, and so I want to get into a good schedule of working out and eating healthy before then. It's my goal to run a marathon, and while I've had numerous "attempts" at running in the past, I'm most excited this time around! I think it's because I'm doing, and sticking to, a couch to 5K program and working my way up slowly, instead of trying to jump in headfirst. I'm finishing week 6 of my program today, I do the 5K101 Couch to 5K training through running mate. I love it! I need the coaching in my ears telling how long I've been going, when to stop/start etc. My first 5K is this saturday, and then I have another one I'm signed up for the following saturday :-)

    Now that I've got the running part in my schedule, I'm trying to add a little strength training, I did my first "arm" day yesterday and i'm a little sore lol. I also have a bunch of pinterest recipes to make today after work, that i'm going to freeze and take with me for lunches thorughout the week.

    Anyway, I'm really trying to make MFP work for me this time, so I'll take all the encouragement and interaction possible!

    Hi, and welcome to the group! It's awesome that you are on week 6!! Quite inspirational! Tell us how the week ends for you and what goals you've achieved :)

    And as far as interaction and encouragement goes, that's what we're here for :wink:
  • Maddius
    Maddius Posts: 78 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm Trev, I'm a 58 year old Aussie guy, who's struggled with weight for all of my life. Just over a year ago, I decided enough was enough, I looked Fat, I felt Fat, I couldn't fit into a Lot of my clothes, and I was morose and depressive and certainly painful to live with (apologies to my gorgeous Wife).

    So I started slowly, we already ate reasonably healthy, just too much, I built up to exercising 3 times a week (30 mins walking on treadmill), then joined a gym, started doing circuit training with a trainer, boxing sessions, introduced juicing to our diet, then found 5:2, and I'm also doing some lifting. To date I've lost 13 kgs, but am now looking for more exercise regimes, have just sent off for Beachbodys T25 program, getting some kettle bells and hopefully a bike in the not too distant future.

    In the meantime, there's something that I've Always looked at others with envy with and that's running, I've never been able to run. Always using the excuse of dodgy knees. Last year I had arthroscopies done to both knees (didn't work on one) and next month I go in for a partial knee replacement to my right knee. But I'm now Determined to run, and the C25 program looks a Perfect place to start. I'll no doubt have some set backs to all exercise while doing rehab with my knee post surgery, but I Will achieve my goals.

    So bear with me lol, and G'day to everyone.
  • BurntCoffee
    BurntCoffee Posts: 234 Member
    I'm going to go buy new tennis shoes tomorrow and get movin'! I guess if it causes pain I'll slow down. I don't expect it to be easy but I have this on my bucket list so no better time than now to mark this one off.
  • ktanner521
    ktanner521 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi. I love this app. I ran/walked my first 5k last Fall & this app really helps. I'll be starting this app again in a couple of weeks to train for another 5k. My goal is run more than I walked my first 5k. Good Luck to you all.
  • Hello All,

    I am 42 yo father of a 3 yo and i am working to get in shape to better be able t o keep up with the little guy. I owe it to him to be around as long as possible. :-) I have just finished week 2 of my C25k program and that last run portion always leaves ready to pass out. But I am not slouching on it. My goal is also to run a marathon and I am told that my goal of May 2015 is absolutely doable and in fact my nutritionist seems to think I could run the CIM (California International Marathon) in December of this year. That is just about 7 months from now and I am not sure I can do that but I am setting it as my "stretch" goal.

    I use the Double Run C25K app and i really like it as it gives me stats during the run and does a pretty good prompt when to start/stop running. I will let you know how it goes. I am new to fitness pal as well (4 months) but ave found that as long as I am honest in my tracking (even when i have bad days) it works out pretty well because at least I know when i have goofed up.

    I hope to chat with you all as I go through this app and I am scheduled for my first 5k on July 4th. Wish me luck.

  • KerrieK1960
    KerrieK1960 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I am a 54 yo Aussie grandma wanting to get fit again. I have been quite fit and healthy in the past but the last few years I have let it all go to take care of my mum and daughter who were both battling severe health issues at the same time. Now after my daughter's five year cancer free milestone I can do something for me!

    I have a PT and do 2 sessions a week (I started a week ago) with him but am looking for something to do the other days. I think this will be a good thing for me to be a part of. I used to run all the time and when I quit I was training for a half marathon and would do 2 to 3 10km and 1 x 21km run a week. So looking forward to trying to edge back to that.
  • maraudermary
    maraudermary Posts: 3 Member
    Howdy, I'm 37 (how the heck did that even happen...?!?) and I'm still hoping to lose my baby fat. Not fat from carrying a baby, mind you... but my actual fat from when I was a baby. Apparently, I'm too old for that excuse? Pshaw. Anyhoo, I started the 5K Runner Couch 2 5K app by ClearSky, and I'm starting week 6 today! I'm 5'2" and round, like bowling ball round... I have learned so much about myself over the past few weeks... specifically that I'm my own worst enemy. I am hyper competitive, especially with myself, and once things got "real" (i.e. more running than walking time), I was pushing myself too hard for my current physique (or lack thereof). I've slowed my pace a tad, and am working on building up my breathing rhythms, etc. Did I mention that a week before I started this running thing, I quit smoking? Yup! So, I'm also learning about lung capacity! Now that I'm getting a handle on boosting exercise, I need to work on my portion control and healthy food choices. Quitting smoking has made my cravings for all things sugary and delicious skyrocket, so I am working out meal plans, cooking ahead, and packing sensible lunches...

    I wish good luck, good runs, and minimal recovery times to all!!
  • Kittysaurusrex13
    Kittysaurusrex13 Posts: 343 Member
    Hi, I'm Kitty. I'm a 25 year old SAHM and I just completed W1D3 of C25K. I live in a rainy state so I'm trying to complete it once on the treadmill before I try again outside on the hilly pavement. I want to try a bridge to 10k next and, though I'm nervous, I plan on signing up for a 5k this year.
  • Hello!! I am a 27 year old grad student from Canada and have wanted to restart the couch to 5K program for a while now (have only ever finished week 1!). I signed up to do a "Colour me Rad" 5K colour run at the end of June so I better get started! I am starting today and hoping to stay motivated! good luck everyone!
  • ThatCatholicGirl
    ThatCatholicGirl Posts: 209 Member
    I did C25k a few years ago, completed Week 6 and then quit due to dark mornings/bad weather and wasn't motivated enough or felt safe enough to continue. I'm determined to complete it this time around, having completed Week 3 yesterday and I've booked myself into a 5k race in a couple of months time - woot! THAT's my motivation! ;) I still run in the mornings at about 6am before my head can realise what I'm doing haha! And take my dog with me as it makes me feel safe and he gets exercised too :)
    I'm looking forward to motivating you all and have you all motivate me too :)
  • steftothefannie
    steftothefannie Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Everyone! My name is Stefanie, I'm 31 from Massachusetts. I unfortunately gained about 45lbs back after spending a lot of time and energy losing it. BUT - I'm back and determined to reach to my goal and STAY there this time. I just started (again) training to run a 5K (to start) and am using the C25K app by Zen Labs (for Android). I am only on my first week but am looking forward to running my first 5K w/ my Mom when I'm done w/ the 8 week program. I'm fighting through shin splints right now but it's normal for me and shows how long it's been since I've been on my treadmill lol. Anyone have any magic remedy for these haha?? They go away after awhile for me but they are super painful. Feel free to add me! I'm always looking for motivation and support and will return the favor of course! :)
  • steftothefannie
    steftothefannie Posts: 11 Member
  • jfboomer
    jfboomer Posts: 79 Member
    Hi! I am a 43 year old guy from Florida. I have been overweight for several years(decades) and am finally doing something about it.
    I have currently lost about 20lbs with about 70 more to go. I started C25K last week, and am repeating week one again before i move on to week 2. I can already feel a difference in my stamina, and I hope this will also accelerate the weight loss a little. Hopefully I will be able to run a 5 k towards the end of October as planned.
    Wish me luck, and kudos to everyone here for taking charge of your health and physical fitness! We can all do this!

    Joel B.
  • kbadeski
    kbadeski Posts: 2
    Hi everyone. I just started today and am so proud I did it! Back in 2008 I started running with C25K and it was fantastic! I got stuck on week 5 for awhile but stuck with it and then blasted thru the rest. For the next few years I ran regularly, in all types of weather, and loved it. Completed a few 5k races, with the goal of nit walking any of it. My speed was super slow, and my smile was huge! Then in 2011 I had a medical setback and my running pretty much stopped. I'm good now, but the weight I lost with running crept back on, so I'm starting over again.

    I'm a 48 year old mom with 2 special needs kids and a great career. Getting back in shape will help me deal with the stress and help model good choices for my kids.

    My run today was great! My joints screamed, but my breathing was good and my heart rate was fine. Fingers crossed that I can keep at this.
  • jfboomer
    jfboomer Posts: 79 Member
    kbadeski, How's the running going? Your joints limbering up any?