All Pro Intermediate 3

pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
Besides the Simple Beginners Routine (SBR) All Pro also posted a series of 4 intermediate workout routines. The original thread can be found here:

Regarding progression or cycling of these set ups All Pro mentioned the below:
The first one is the easiest to set up. It's just straight line linear progression. When it stops working or you get tired of it.....and you will try the next one. You could probably run a few cycles of #1, then a few of #2 then a few of #3 and then come back to number 1. Number 4 is for the truly insane. If you're playing football, flag foot ball, hockey, rugby or any other heavy contact speed, strength power sport that is the program for you.......provided of course you've already run the other 5x5s.
And it ain't to shabby at packing on mass and strength. It just might not look to pretty but then that's what the other programs are for.
For clarity's sake I will post separate threads for each of the Intermediate routines. 
All Pro's Intermediate 3: Recreational lifters and athletes

Two work outs per week.
Three core lifts. Squat, bench press and rows. The following percentages are based on your current 5 rep maximums for each lift.
Do two warm up sets for these three lifts. 
Do the first set at 35% for 15 reps. 
Do the second set at 65% for 10 reps. 
Rest one minute between the warm up sets. Rest 1:30 seconds between the 10 rep work sets. Rest Two minutes between the 5 rep work sets.

Week one, work out one, 70%, 1x15. Work out two, 75%, 1x15.
Week two, work out one, 80%, 2x10. Work out two, 85%, 2x10.
Week three, work out one, 90%, 3x5. Work out two, 95%, 3x5.
Week four, work out one, 100%, 1x5. Work out two, 105%, 1x5

Now for the assistance work. No warm ups. One set each to start with.

Stiff leg dead lift *required*
Optional, leg curl, leg extension, calve press, dead lift.

Hammer grip dumb bell incline bench bench press or over head bar bell press *required*
Optional, tricep press.

Standing rows *required*
Optional, bar bell curl, EZ bar curl, dumb bell curl, lateral raises, front raises.

Pull downs or pull overs. One of them is required. The other is optional. You choose.

The following percentages are based on your current 10 rep maximums for each assistance lift that you plan to do.
Week one, work out one, 70%, 1x15. Work out two, 75%, 1x15.
Week two, work out one, 80%, 1x15. Work out two, 85%, x15.
Week three, work out one, 90%, 1x10. Work out two, 95%, 1x10.
Week four, work out one, 100%, 1x10. Work out two, 105%, 1x10


  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member

    Q: Now that I've finished the first week of the workout #3, I have a question. When I start adding the optional exercises, I'm not sure how this works out. For example, add in deadlifts, do I do those for a cycle or two, drop those, add in calf raises for a while, etc.
    A: You don't have to drop anything that you add....ever. But if something doesn't seem to be helping then drop it. That's why the few that I listed I listed as optional.

    Q: AP, am I correct to assume you're referring to bent-over rows as a core lift, then upright rows for assistance lift?
    A: Yes, exactly right. I tried to keep them all on the same 3 core exercises and then add 1 required assistance lift and then I left the rest up to the lifter.

    Q: Hey AP, For program number 3. What kind of rows are you talking about?
    A: Standard barbell rows. BUT when you get to the 5 rep part you can switch it to Pendlay rows if you want to put more emphasis on strength rather than size.

    Q: All Pro for program 3 how could you add another day into that program would you just do Monday - workout 1 Weds - workout 1 and then Friday - workout 2 instead of what you have there as Monday workout 1 Thursday workout 2?
    A: With the version that I posted you can't build another weight training work out during the week. Instead Wednesday would be speed, flexibility, mobility type drills. In other words high intensity cardio from hell.

    Q: In intermediate 3, is the first week considered the deload or do you do a deload seperate?
    A: The first few work outs are a deload. After that it's gonna get crazy!