Surgery 5/6/2014

Hi team! I'm 5 days post op and was able to go for a mile walk today :) granted I was in some pain but I felt better after the walk. Still having a good deal of pain at the largest incision site on the right side of my belly. It often feels like it's being pulled but from the inside. I also haven't bad a BM yet; is that normal? I still find that I have a lot do pressure and gas in my abdominal cavity from surgery which is the most uncomfortable part-- I'm hoping that goes away in the next few days. Lastly, after any sip of water and/or protein shake I have gas bubbles and discomfort in my belly. I'm taking small sips but I'm wondering if I'm still ingesting a lot of air. I am wondering if all these reports are typical at 5 days out. Would love feedback! I don't have any contacts or friends that have gone through this process so looking forward to sharing and meeting others through this forum :)


  • cutty805
    cutty805 Posts: 54
    I had mine 5/5/14 and feel similar bubbles after I take sips of anything, I've been finding standing up right when you get that feeling helps. I think the no BM thing is normal right now, just make sure you are getting that water in or you risk becoming dehydrated. My doctor has me taking in at least 40 ounces of water and 40 grams of protein a day minimum for these first two weeks. Walking is good keep it up, it makes me feel better too! This group is awesome and they have given me tons of great feedback. Welcome and congratulations!
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Very typical. The volume of a sip is a whole new reality. Tsp instead of tbsp. Took me 6 wks to figure out how to sip tiny amounts with no air. I am a gulper. Bites are more like nibbles. Premier protein 30g protein pre made shakes are nice and thin. Easy to get down and they have a cap so you can work on them thru the day. I am almost 6 months out. Open diary, feel free to look
  • JxAAA
    JxAAA Posts: 87 Member
    I'm 8 weeks out, I didn't have my first BM til day 7. You should be having yours soon within the next few days. Are you taking stool softeners? Great job on the walking, that will help you get the gas out and get the bowels moving again. There was no way I could've walked a mile 5 days post op.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I am almost 3 years out and surgery of any kind binds me up, so I used Phillips Milk of Magnesia to get that first BM. If you feel constipated, check with your surgeon's office and use stool softners and whatever laxitive they recommend.

    Great job with the walking! I was told not to use a straw to sip, but was able to convince them that I actually got air in my tummy without the straw and none with. So ask, but you might want to try a straw for sipping.

    Sounds like you are off to a good start! Good luck with your journey!
  • Peanut1074
    Peanut1074 Posts: 10
    I had my surgery 5/5/2014. My dr said to take milk of magnesia every three days to remain regular.
  • Peanut1074
    Peanut1074 Posts: 10
    I had my surgery 5/5/2014. My dr said to take milk of magnesia every three days to remain regular.
  • Thanks everyone! I will have to try the milk of magnesia. I'm also considering getting a belly band as I feel a lot of pulling at my incisions when I'm walking and it seems to help if I hold my belly. Any of you have that same sensation and used a band? Happy Monday!
  • plmelquist
    plmelquist Posts: 42
    I'm 14 days out today. I haven't really had any issues drinking or eating - I'm just on mushies, though. I start fish tomorrow. I find I don't have to take smaller than normal sips. However, I do struggle with the fact that I have to decide when I'm full; this is tough when I'm not hungry to begin with. I have sort of deduced that when I get this little bubble feeling in my stomach that shoots back up towards my throat, I'm full. Still working out the kinks.

    My doc does laparoscopic surgery so the only incision is about the width of a pinky finger nail. The other is deep in my belly button. Mine healed almost immediately.

    So, what I've discovered is that there is no "normal."

    Congrats and welcome to the club!!
  • tabithascatena
    tabithascatena Posts: 21 Member
    First congrats on your surgery!! I'm 3 weeks post-op tomorrow. I highly recommend taking the milk of magnesia if your doctor approves, sooner rather than later. My first BM was at day 7 and I felt like I birthed a 3rd child. It was awful!! I wish I had taken the milk of magnesia earlier. Please don't let yourself get that far.

    Good Luck!
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    Thanks everyone! I will have to try the milk of magnesia. I'm also considering getting a belly band as I feel a lot of pulling at my incisions when I'm walking and it seems to help if I hold my belly. Any of you have that same sensation and used a band? Happy Monday!

    Not only am I new to MFP (2 weeks) but I'm new to this thread.
    Just curious, what is a "belly band"
    I'm currently going through the process/steps to having the Sleeve done.
    I have to meet with their dietician in a few days and then 1 more time (required 3 month dietician) for insurance.
    Input, suggestions, warnings etc would be nice to hear beforehand :smile:
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    Hi, I am also on the journey for WLS later in the year. I go for my three month check in next week. I'm currently attending "Craving Change" workshops that are part of the preparation. I'm looking forward to learning as much as I can about the surgery and making friends on the site to ask questions and to motivate and encourage each other. I look forward to reading more of your posts.
  • Ksh1055
    Ksh1055 Posts: 248 Member
    You being able to walk a mile in such a short time certainly shows commitment - I don't when the last time was I actually walked a mile - unless you count grocery shopping - which I do. Have you tried semi-freezing your shake so it's thicker, more like an ice cream consistency - that helped me (blend it well). I eat with a spoon.

    Don't be surprised when you have your first BM as it may hurt a little and may have some power behind it. Please make sure you are splinting your tummy with a pillow when getting up and down, and going to the bathroom - this really helps pressure. My Dr. suggested Miralax every other day.

    You will be soooooo glad you have begun this journey and will be so happy/proud to see results this summer. One of the benefits I have found with the sleeve is even when I'm not really losing weight (been in a stall), I still see changes in my body and can wear things I haven't worn in 5 years. People are starting to really notice and I'm 95 days out.

    Recovery is right around the corner. Good luck and I wish you success.
