Introduce yourself



  • bluegold12
    bluegold12 Posts: 22
    Hi, I'm Tia, 26 years old, 5'3" 151 lbs. My goal for NYE is 120 lbs. A few year ago, I was on MFP. I lost 30+ lbs (162lb to 128lb), met a guy, then a relationship came along and ruined all my progress. haha. So, here I am again. Sticking to my guns this time!

    I've owned the 30DS DVD forever, but have never worked out to it. My diet has kicked back in. I hope to combine both to lose 6-8lbs in 30 days. The first week, I maaay whine a little, but I will stick to it! :)
  • Trackerfit2
    Trackerfit2 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi I'm Hannah and I'm hoping to shift 7lbs before my holiday in the middle of June :)

    Haven't tried 30 day shred so looking forward to giving it a go!

    For those of you that have tried it before, just wondering do you stick to the first video for one week and then move on to the second stage or is it all mixed up during the week?

    Best of luck :)
  • 2muchchocncrisps
    2muchchocncrisps Posts: 176 Member
    Hiya shredders, I am pleased to be here! I've attempted the shred before but always give up somewhere in level 2 because I get lazy. I've lost a bit of weight but it is going back on and I've noticed the flabby belly wobbling again!

    Enough! I need to do this and I'm going to try to keep with it this time. DVD is in the player ready! I know the results will be worth it and I've asked my other half to make sure I do it.
  • megsterella
    megsterella Posts: 69
    Hi I'm Hannah and I'm hoping to shift 7lbs before my holiday in the middle of June :)

    Haven't tried 30 day shred so looking forward to giving it a go!

    For those of you that have tried it before, just wondering do you stick to the first video for one week and then move on to the second stage or is it all mixed up during the week?

    Best of luck :)

    You're supposed to do LV1 the first ten days, LV2 the next ten, and LV3 the next (some people do it every day, though Jillian has said that there should be at least one rest day per level). Some people do mix it up (i.e., LV1 one day, LV3 the next, etc) but from my understanding those who do it that way tend to have already completed the program before and do it that way so it won't be so repetitive.
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Hi I am Jo and I am 39. I am looking at losing my last 10 lbs. I am a mother of 2 a son who is almost 8 and a daughter who is almost 6. I have strayed a bit from doing some strength training, I like this workout as it is only 24 mins and well after awhile you can just do it with out playing the video (straight from memory).
  • blackizbutiful
    blackizbutiful Posts: 103 Member
    Hello everyone my name is Rachel 28 mother of a 6year old little girl. I've complete T25 alpha phase and started T25Beta yesterday and 30 day shred yesterday as well. Lost almost 4 inches on my waist with T25Alpha hoping to finish strong and incorporating 30 day shred into my regimen for the next 5 weeks. In all honestly I have forgone the scale and not so paranoid about it my issue when I first stated loosing weight was not loosing inches so my goal is to get my waist from 36.5/37 to at least a 33
  • caityouth
    caityouth Posts: 8 Member
    I'm cait 29 and a stay at home mom of a 2 & 3 year old. Trying to get my body back. Really started april 1st tracking what i ate on here. Now I really wanna step up my exercising this is perfect because its only 20mins a day so i can fit them in during nap time. Also i made a crazy decision to sign up for a Mud Run in 2 months so i'm also doing couch to 5k. My main goal is just to get into shape more then lose weight :glasses:
  • spgebhart
    spgebhart Posts: 382 Member
    Cait I'm also doing Couch to 5 K. Day 1 is today! We can do it!
  • 1crvygrl
    1crvygrl Posts: 491 Member
    I'm 51 and as of today 201.4 lbs, though it varies from 197 to 202. I start out in Nov at204, lost 10 lbs by the new year and then gained most of it back. I'm looking to get serious about it this time!!!
  • 1crvygrl
    1crvygrl Posts: 491 Member
    I'm 51 and as of today 201.4 lbs, though it varies from 197 to 202. I started out in Nov at 204, lost 10 lbs by the new year and then gained most of it back. I'm looking to get serious about it this time!!!
    My ultimate goal is 135-145.
    Besides doing 30DS I workout at Curves 3 days a week(MWF). I'd like to eventually add some kettlebells and walking.
    I'll be taking Sundays off, possibly some Saturdays.
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    I only have until 2nd June to finish this program, because after that I'll get busy shifting base to another part of the country, settling down, starting grad school (and hunting for an affordable gym in the vicinity) etc. So I think I'll only be able to give a week to each level, instead of 10 days. Or maybe I could replace my evening workout with another 30DS workout so that I do two 30DS workouts a day on some days to equal 10 per level. Not sure what to do.

    Edited for typo.
  • blackizbutiful
    blackizbutiful Posts: 103 Member
    In terms of weights what are you guys using. I bought 20lb weights to do my squats with but they are way to heavy for me with the 30 day shred. I guess i have to buy a lighter set. I don't ever used anything that comes from a can transitioning into a vegan lifestyle so there are no canned foods in my house ( not knocking canned foods by the way). Im just a bit bummed knowing I have to go buy another set of weights.
  • caityouth
    caityouth Posts: 8 Member
    I downloaded a c25k app on my phone it really takes all the counting work out for you. voice just comes over your music telling you when to run walk cool down etc. It feels like i have a coach with me running. You should check it out if you haven't already. I just started week 2 yesterday :)