Introduce Yourself

newlife6745 Posts: 129 Member
Hello!! I've been on this roller coaster for far too long and sometimes I wonder if I can do it. I've found wonderful support on this site and have lost successfully doing it. I do tend to get comfortable then think I can run off and do it on my own. Well I've found that is not the case. So!!! HereI am looking to my MFP friends for support and encouragement.

We can do this.

Goal: Lose 100 pounds
Lost: 20 pounds as of 5/13/14


  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    Hi there! I am Lora...I have successfully lost about 44 lbs calorie counting but now I am back to only 33 lbs and it is ALL my fault. I challenge myself this next 90 days to WATCH my cheat meals, workout no less than 3 times a week even if it is just 30 min on my treadmill at home & stay focused on the prize!

    I am really trying to stay focused on staying under my calorie goal daily even when having a cheat meal once or twice a month. In the next 3 months I would like to lose 10 lbs. I don't lose on a regular basis so I don't want to throw a big # out there and set myself up for failure.
  • I'm Jenny. I'm just getting started again. I'm a stay at home mom of 2, one of whom is only 4-months-old and exclusively breastfed. I need to lose at least 150 lbs maybe even 165-170. Short term, I'd like to lose at least 2 lbs a week or as close as I can without compromising my milk supply
  • hamo1987
    hamo1987 Posts: 65 Member
    I am a momma of five, I am currently breastfeeding exclusively my last baby, and I have 100 lbs to lose, in reality I will be at a healthy bmi if I lose 70_80lbs, but in the end to back to my most happy weight I want to lose close yo a hundred... my biggest problem is constantly juggling milk supply and calorie deficits, after all baby comes first...I have finally found the balance and I am getting my bunz in gear...So here is to weight loss, happiness, health, and fun!!! 90 days here we come :-)

    Ps.. please forgive my stupid smart phone auto correct and fat finger typing issues, lol many days a random "u" lands at the end of words lol so bare with me
  • Taymate
    Taymate Posts: 21 Member
    Hi! I'm Sandy and I'm on a mission! My 55th class reunion will be in 2, 3, or 4 months and I want to be fit, toned, and awesome by then! It sounds stupid but, I only have a few pounds to lose but, sometimes losing 4 or 5 lbs is just as hard as losing 10 or 15.
  • fitbeast70
    fitbeast70 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm Kris and I need to lose 100 pounds. I would like to get at least 75 pounds off this year and could use all of the help I can get! Eating at night is my downfall and sticking to an exercise regimen is hard. I keep trying and I won't stop until I get there.
  • mrsgosch
    mrsgosch Posts: 55 Member
    Hi I'm Tiffinie i have 2 kids. Just had my last one 2 months ago and have about 15-20lbs I would like to lose by the end of summer. I know its not a lot but i cant seem to stay on track with eating healthy and exercising so i end up gaining more.
  • sculptcha
    sculptcha Posts: 163 Member
    Hello! I started using MFP a few years ago, and lost about 60 pounds. The good news: I felt confident and comfortable enough in my skin to began a relationship with a wonderful man, and losing all that extra weight allowed me to get pregnant when I had previously thought I could not have babies. Bonus! The bad news: I developed gestational diabetes, and because I gained back all the weight I had lost, plus more, the diabetes has not gone away.

    I know that I can do it again, though it will be 100% more difficult. Finding time to exercise and eat healthy, wholesome meals with a toddler and a full time job and man who LOVES to eat will be a challenge, but I am dedicated. I am SO tired of being fat and having no energy, and having to monitor my blood sugar all the time. I just want to enjoy being active with my family and feel sexy and comfy in my body again.

    I can absolutely commit to 90 days (plus). I have to!
  • newlife6745
    newlife6745 Posts: 129 Member
    Yes you can do this!!!:smile:
  • jangaard
    jangaard Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Guys!
    I'm Kirsti, I have been using MFP for about a year an a half now. I've lost about 60 lb from my overall high and want to get down to about 135 or 140. I have been maintaining at about 160 for a long while now and I want to kick it into high gear for the summer and get to my goal weight when school starts in the fall. I aim for net cals around 1200-1500 a day, and eat back like 50% of my exercise calories. I hope this group is what I need to keep motivated!

    Start weight 220ish
    CW 160ish
    GW 135 ish
  • Christizzzle
    Christizzzle Posts: 454 Member
    Hi, I'm Christina. I lost 30 pounds and then lost motivation. Now, seven months later, I am nearly back to square one. I really want to stay motivated this time.
  • newlife6745
    newlife6745 Posts: 129 Member
    Kirsti - great job on your success. I am looking forward to seeing what I can do in 90 days.
  • Jen11051981
    Jen11051981 Posts: 17
    Hi my name is Jennifer. I have been going through a lot in my life in the past five years and I need to stop making excuses and get myself right! I have been back at it for a week now and I am starting to feel a little discouraged so I decided to get on here and get some support! :-)
  • naj609
    naj609 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi. I'm Nikki, I'm looking for accountability! I'm a stay at home Mom to a(almost 5 year old) amazing girl. She and my husband give me lots of support, but don't always hold me accountable. I'm ready to see what I can do in 90 days!!
  • Hello,
    I'm on this journey now for a month and I love it. I'm a mum of two boys and I have hardly anytime for myself, that's why I joined Fitstar and also Fitness pal to have a better control over my eating habits.
    How about you guys?
  • WarriorBill65
    WarriorBill65 Posts: 277 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Bill. Totally lost my motivation and drive for the past couple months, due to letting my depression take control ,instead of fighting against it. Finally made it to a Pilates class this morning, so that's a start. Looking forward to being an active member of this group !!!!
  • Ciaradl
    Ciaradl Posts: 1
    Hi i just joined about a week ago I have 20lbs to loose in 90 days. I'm motivated and ready. I just want to get back to looking like my ole self again.
  • donnarobinson01
    donnarobinson01 Posts: 1 Member
    I lost about 40lbs last year and then pigged out over Christmas and gained 14lbs I'm looking at my summer clothes knowing they won't fit so I need to shift that extra weight. I've kept going to the gym but will step that back up and walk the dog off his paws! cut out the rubbish I've been eating between my nice healthy meals and all should be good......I'm hoping this will keep me on track when the chocolates are calling to me at work, I work in a confectionery factory...the worst job ever if you struggle with your weight!!!!!
  • Adpalangi
    Adpalangi Posts: 349 Member
    HI! My name is Angie. I joined Venus group to try to loose weight, for a calorie counter they recommended MFP. So I joined. I am 49 yrs old and have a VERY inactive lifestyle. The most workout I get is when I visit and try to keep up with my three grandchildren, other than that I get out to the grocery store or shopping. I've never been athletic and from being sedimentary and depressed for the past five years from a sudden divorce of a 28 year marriage I have like no body strength, and little motivation for exercise. I haven't taken good care of myself at all in this time frame. That needs to change, first my daughter told me I embarrass her with the way I no longer take care of myself and that I've aged (well a stressful divorce might do that to ya). I also had not been cooking or eating well at all, kind of lost the love of cooking when there is only me to cook for. My daughters husband has been a fitness trainer for a very long time, full time manager and then with his personal clients. I've cut my calories to 1000 which is what the Venus system suggested, and he insists that what I really need to do is eat healthy and walk, NOT count calories. Tried that one before - didn't work so well. But he is teaching and I am reading a lot about organic, whole foods and processed foods. I am eating so much more healthier but still cooking only alittle. I need to find good easy recipes. And get myself doing the training that came with the Venus program I bought. Truth be told I probably could of gotten all I need right here on MFP. I need encouragement on eating even healthier and not falling of my calorie count and somehow to get myself on that training program. I have trouble coming up with the right calories while meeting the protien goal and while trying not to go over the sugar and fat goals, seems it takes a lot of balancing.

    I'm in my 37th day, I started at 139 and today I'm 129. I'd like to loose 20 to 25 more lbs. that puts me near my ideal weight, according to the plan I bought. So my short term goal, the next 90 days would be to loose 20 - 25 more lbs. and long term to be eating healthy and exercising, taking good care of myself and my health, and maintaining my ideal weight.

    I have two more incentives, my son is having a huge wedding in the keys in Nov, which I would love to look very nice for. And I have reconnected with an old HS friend, who's attention I would love to capture, by looking, feeling great and with a whole lot more confidence.

    I would like to return here to this group daily to give and receive support. Sorry so long, got carried away. Thank you so much for listening.

    Started at 139
    Current at 129
    Goal to loose approx 25 more with a weight of 105.
  • amsecchi
    amsecchi Posts: 19 Member
    Hello! My name is Andrea and last year I lost 30 pounds, mostly by juicing and going on a vegetarian diet.
    On february I went on vacation and lost all control! I have gained 11 pounds, this has to stop!
    I want to go back to my old routine and loose 30 extra pounds, maybe even 45 by the end of the year, so let's do this.

    Good luck everybody!
  • Adpalangi
    Adpalangi Posts: 349 Member
    HI! My name is Angie. I joined Venus group to try to loose weight, for a calorie counter they recommended MFP. So I joined. I am 49 yrs old and have a VERY inactive lifestyle. The most workout I get is when I visit and try to keep up with my three grandchildren, other than that I get out to the grocery store or shopping. I've never been athletic and from being sedimentary and depressed for the past five years from a sudden divorce of a 28 year marriage I have like no body strength, and little motivation for exercise. I haven't taken good care of myself at all in this time frame. That needs to change, first my daughter told me I embarrass her with the way I no longer take care of myself and that I've aged (well a stressful divorce might do that to ya). I also had not been cooking or eating well at all, kind of lost the love of cooking when there is only me to cook for. My daughters husband has been a fitness trainer for a very long time, full time manager and then with his personal clients. I've cut my calories to 1000 which is what the Venus system suggested, and he insists that what I really need to do is eat healthy and walk. Tried that one before - didn't work so well. But he is teaching and I am reading a lot about organic, whole foods and processed foods. I am eating so much more healthier but still cooking only alittle. I need to find good easy recipes. And get myself doing the training that came with the Venus program I bought. Truth be told I probably could of gotten all I need right here on MFP. I need encouragement on eating even healthier and not falling of my calorie count and somehow to get myself on that training program. I have trouble coming up with the right calories while unable to meet the protien goal and while going over the fruit and fat goals, seems it takes a lot of balancing.

    I'm in my 37th day, I started at 139 and today I'm 129. I'd like to loose 20 to 25 more lbs. that puts me near my ideal weight, according to the plan I bought. So my short term goal, the next 90 days would be to loose 20 - 25 more lbs. and long term to be eating healthy and exercising, taking good care of myself and my health, and maintaining my ideal weight.

    I have two more incentives, my son is having a huge wedding in the keys in Nov. And I have reconnected with an old HS friend, who's attention I would love to capture, by looking, feeling great and with a whole lot more confidence.

    I would like to return here to this group daily to give and receive support. Sorry so long, got carried away. Thank you so much for listening.

    Started at 139
    Current at 129
    Goal to loose approx 25 more with a weight of 105.