Hi Everyone, I'm new in the group

relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
I am on my way to hopefully having VSG surgery later in the year. I am eager to hear of other people's experiences and get to know people who are also on this journey. I am leaving towards VSG if I have a choice of that and Gastric Bypass. If you have had an experience you would like to share to help educate me on these surgeries I would be thrilled to hear from you.
Relentless 2121


  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Welcome aboard! Go back through the forum and read a bunch of the posts. You will see a bunch of answers to questions you might have, as well as answers to questions you haven't even considered!

    I am heading for surgery later this summer (hopefully!) and going through the old forum posts was a real eye opener and has made me so much more confident that I am on the right path for me.

  • jkern9110
    jkern9110 Posts: 119 Member
    Congratulations to you both...just making the decision to have WLS is a challenge alone. I have been sleeved for 8 months now and I've learned a great deal along the way. The people in this forum are fantastic and provide a really great support system. Information will be key as you start this journey, but misinformation can be a real b$%*! Take the advice from all of us with a grain of salt. When we give our opinion or advice, it is based on our own personal experience. And every doctor and nutritionalist will recommend something different. So always go with what YOUR physician tells you and tweak it if need be. I have tweaked and tinkered at my daily goals and food choices and I know I still haven't landed on that perfect combination that will allow the pounds to just melt away. Tips I have for you:

    1) start the diet now! I didn't. People who do the diet before surgery seem to post far better numbers.

    2) get protein sample packs now. Try the water based ones too. I really like Syntrax Nectar now, but was also obsessed with Isopure Advanced for a while.

    3) get a food scale. this will help with consistency. I found that I would over estimate how much protein I was eating and underestimate fruits and veggies.

    4) don't be afraid to fail. I failed several times along. tried things I shouldn't have, didn't exercise as recommended. but I kept moving forward and treated each day individually. if I didn't do so great one day, oh well. I started new the next day or even the next meal. don't hang on to the mentallity of "I'll start over again on Monday," that mentality helped get me to being super morbidly obese.

    5) head hunger vs. physical hunger is a fical beast. Early on, get a grip on when you are physically hungry versus when you think you should be hungry. This will save you tons of calories.

    6) there is no end to this journey. this is truly a lifestyle change and you will have to proactively and consciously make good food decisions and exercise for the rest of your life. You don't stop once you reach goal.

    7) WLS is not a magic bullet. The sleeve works for me because I work my sleeve. I have never thought about food or exercise more in my entire life. More time in each day is devoted to planning meals and exercise. It's not a ton of time, but its more than I ever did in the past. Preplan your meals and make exercise a priority.

    I hope some of those things help you as you move forward. Again, this is just what I've learned...more of best practice suggestions. Whether you do these things or forge your own set of tips and tricks, I'm sure you'll find the weight loss success you're looking for. WLS is a tool, you're the solution!
  • Pearlsbabygirl
    Do you know where we could get free protein pack samples? I have heard they are out there, but I can't find any...

  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Do you know where we could get free protein pack samples? I have heard they are out there, but I can't find any...


    I haven't seen any free ones, but cheap:

    About Time has two single serving packs for $3.99 shipped

    Syntrax Nectar has a 15 pack of single serves in (I think) all their flavors for $16.99 shipped. It is their monthly special and is a phone order (not available to order on their website)

    I think I'll start a topic for folks to add specials when they find them.

  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    Thank you jkern for your descriptive summary of your journey. I really appreciate it, Thank you also to the others that have welcomed me and I found the discussion on protein formula interesting. I live in Canada so I'm not sure if those brands are available here but I'll be sure to search on the internet and comparison shop in my major city.
    I find this entire forum so warm and inviting. I know that I will have many more questions to ask as well as for brainstorming suggestions for ideas of issues I am dealing with regarding the surgery. I am in preparation mode right now, journaling my daily food intake, an exercise routine to follow throughout the week as well as giving up pop a few months ago. I go for my 3 month check in next week and I'm currently taking the 4 Craving Change workshops that are a requirement. I found the first one very interesting and go back again this week.
    Thanks again all for welcoming me and making me feel at home. It's nice that there is so much positive support on the site. I sure appreciate it as I'm sure others do as well. :flowerforyou:
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    If you are looking at other weight loss surgeries try the other boards that have Gastric Bypass or Lap Band as part of the title so you can see what they have to say too. This board is people who have had or are planning to have the gastric sleeve, so that's what you will hear about here.

    I chose the sleeve because to me this really seems like the more "natural" of the choices. Simply put, the sleeve removes the stretchy part of your stomach. Nothing is disconnected, reconnected (think gastric bypass), rerouted, or left behind (think Lap Band). Each surgeon does it slightly different. Mine removed ALL the stretchy part, so as he explained to me, I can never re-stretch my stomach. I love that! However, please know, that does not mean I can go back to old eating habits and no exercise and expect to maintain my loss. If I do that I will regain, slowly, but I will regain.

    Someone else here said this is a tool and that's very true. None of the surgeries are easy and non of them are a magic solution. They are all tools. Use the tool wisely and you will lose the excess weight and keep it off. Ignore the tool and go back to old eating habits and no exercise and you will stop losing and regain.

    I looked at WLS for years before I finally got honest with myself that I couldn't do it on my own. Then I got serious about finding the right one for me. This lifestyle is now my new normal. Although it's not easy, it's very doable. And this is the best thing I have ever done for myself. My only regret is that I waited so long to do this.