Anyone slowed down the exercise? Do you stop?

acook1679 Posts: 30 Member
I am curious if there is a cutoff for exercising. I do get a little nervous going to the gym. What if I over do it? What if I go in to labor? What if I get hurt? All these little thoughts. I have found myself slipping back into the tired phase and wonder if it's my body telling me to back off. What have your doctors told you?


  • saintpaulJess
    saintpaulJess Posts: 18 Member
    My doctor basically said three things: 1) If I was doing it previously, I can keep doing it. 2) To listen to my body, and slow down if I need to. and 3) Exercise is good for both me and baby.

    Given that, I've kept working out, slowing down when I need to. I ran a 5k at 31 weeks, and am still running about 3 days a week. I also do yoga and swim. With my last pregnancy I continued weight lifting most of the way through.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I did only what I could in the first few months when I had terrible morning sickness and was weak/tired all the time. When morning sickness subsided and I was feeling better I tried to pick my old routine right back up. Only, I couldn't quite keep up with what I used to, so I milded it down - walking in the hills instead of mountain scaling and walking instead of running. I cut crunches and curlups right out, those just didn't feel good at all, but kept doing pushups and others.
    I kept just doing what I could until I couldn't anymore. As of about 34 weeks, I am now walking twice a week and that's it.
    Just do what you can.
  • jigenigma
    jigenigma Posts: 19 Member
    I'm still in the first trimester and so I am incredibly sleepy and tired all of the time! Because of this tiredness I have cut back from 6 days a week (3 days bootcamp style, 1 day yoga, 1 day walking 2 miles) to 4-5 days per week (kept yoga and walk, cutting portions of bootcamp). I just feel like I have zero stamina even though I have been exercising almost daily for over 6 months! Hopefully my energy comes back in the 2nd trimester, otherwise I will just have to modify and listen to my oh-so-tired body! Last pregnancy I lifted (light) weights and walked until I was 7 months and then switched to just walking 30-45 minutes daily for the final 2 month. The most important thing is to listen to your body and talk to your doctor!
  • acook1679
    acook1679 Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you for the repsonses. I was curious to see how others were handling this etc. I have good days and bad. Sometimes I feel like a slug and other days pretty good. Thanks again:)
  • HeyNikkita
    HeyNikkita Posts: 147 Member
    I have wayyyy less motivation to exercise but I still get my butt up to do it. It went from 5-7 x/week down to 4-6 x/week just during this pregnancy.
    I actually increased my activity level during pregnancy.
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    I had to scale back on intensity almost immediately! My heart rate just got so high and I'd get out of breath quickly while running at my normal pace. I started doing incline walking instead of running, but then found I could still run a few miles at a much slower pace. It was also hard to keep up with my dvd's and found I'd have to leave some things out or substitute different moves to compensate. I still try to exercise several times a week and be active most days. Now that its warming up, I'm hoping to be able to do a lot of swimming and yard work! But I'm definitely weaker and more out of breath! lol