How having a 90 day goal can help

newlife6745 Posts: 129 Member
I'm one of those "instant gratification" people so I'm learning to set and stick with my weight loss goals :-)

I found the points below on a business site and thought it could be applicable for our journey. I've also provided the link below for the article.

Can you share your goal setting experiences - accomplished or not.

Here is the authors perspective:

First, set the goals aside for a day.
Second, come back and read each one, asking myself if I’d be proud of myself to achieve the goal.
Third, make these goals your highest priority. Schedule action items for each goal; they’re appointments that you cannot break.

Remember: You’re not setting these goals to make others proud. You’re doing this to make yourself proud. Once you realize this, it can become a breakthrough in your mind.

For example, if your goal is to exercise more, and you schedule your exercise at 7 a.m every Wednesday morning, then that appointment has to be your highest priority: It doesn't get rescheduled or moved down the priority list. Treat it as if it’s the most important meeting of the day, because it is.

You are important and you need to treat yourself as important.

Do all this, and you’ll do things you never dreamed possible.


  • wimom35
    wimom35 Posts: 20 Member
    I like the idea of "making an appointment" to exercise. I have to work at making time for it - I can always think of 10 other things I should be doing (or would rather be doing).
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Thanks for sharing! I'll have to check out the article.
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    I use goal setting in our homeschool, to determine what we should work on. I take a day by day approach, focusing on the question, "what am I supposed to do today?" with my goal in mind. It turns a large project into something doable for that day. And I keep doing that while I pray and listen and adjust. I've also learned to work on those small goals, and really be happy when I reach them. Focusing on the big goal makes you think about how far you have to go, which can be frustrating if you don't make fast progress. Focusing on the little goals give you the extra motivation to push for it, because you're so close to reaching it.
  • hamo1987
    hamo1987 Posts: 65 Member
    I love the idea of scheduled exercise dates in the morning, wish I could get my baby to sleep without me in the early mornings lol, ill keep working on him so I can work on myself
  • jolene_CO
    jolene_CO Posts: 48
    I schedule time on my work calendar, blocked off, to get my runs in during the week. I make no exceptions to my running habits; that's my time and I become very grumpy if I don't get it. Wednesdays are hard for me because there is not usually a run on my training plan that day.
  • ljones01
    ljones01 Posts: 13 Member
    Goal setting is something I think is so important - my problem is sticking to it :(
    I have done the yo-yo dieting think all my life. I'm just having a hard time sticking
    to anything lately. I am constantly reading others posts and goals and hoping to
    find the motivation to "DO IT" instead of just talking about it. Thanks for all of your
    ideas, posts and inspiring thoughts!!