How many calories do you eat a day to lose weight?

steviecooke1985 Posts: 68 Member
Just wondering how many calories you eat each day to lose weight? Does the TDEE method work for you? Or do you have to eat really low calories?


  • lajohnson1959
    lajohnson1959 Posts: 22 Member
    I am probably going to get slammed for this but....I have been hypothyroid for over twenty years. I finally was put on armour in February and trying to get my hormones in balance - had a complete hysterectomy back in 1989.

    Anyway, my TDEE - 20% was 1587 calories. I tried that for six weeks, logged everything, exercised by videos or the weight room and DID NOT lose one pound. It was so frustrating. So my husband and I talked and he said that in the past I didn't really need that many calories as long as it was healthy eating so I went back to 1200 for a couple of weeks. Nothing. I dropped it to 900 and lost my first pound in a week. I am now at around 800 calories and do not eat back any of my exercise calories. I have lost consistently +2 pounds per week. I also had to start drinking a organic tea to help with how little I was going to the bathroom (TMI - I know).

    I feel great! My clothes fit better, my attitude is better, some of my aches and pains (I am 54 so I will always have some) have lessened. And like I said I eat really heathly fulfilling things so I am not suffering.

    When I meet my weight goals I might go back up in calories for maintenance, but....
  • kcvance
    kcvance Posts: 103 Member
    I am at maintenance and eat LOW calories also - I am short (5'3"), thin, and old, and add hashimoto's in, and I just don't get to eat much, unfortunately.

    Online calculators put my BMR up around 1350, but there is just no freakin' way that is right - I gain at that level, and after a recent medication adjustment (back down on my Armour dosage again, unfortunately), I also gained at 1300, and 1250. So I am back to 1200 net per day to maintain.

    I work out HARD every day and eat back my exercise calories (which are estimated with an HRM during cardio, MFPs calculators for weights, and a fitbit for general daily activities), but if I am consistently even a little bit over the 1200, I slowly gain.

    My doctor has told me that this is ok - the Armour is about as good as it gets for thyroid hormone replacement (contains T4, T3, T2, T1, and calcitonin - all the hormones a normally functioning thyroid puts out), but it will never be a complete replacement, and my metabolism is just going to be a bit slow, no matter what I do.

    I don't have any advice for you, other than to commiserate - I HATE having to watch what I eat this closely, but the high cholesterol/disproportionately big butt alternative is not acceptable to me.

  • steviecooke1985
    steviecooke1985 Posts: 68 Member
    Wow - it's crazy how little everyone has to eat to lose weight! I wonder if the doctors would take notice if we made them eat 1200 a day at maintenance! I'm currently trying to find my magic number. I've just ordered a fitbit to track my general activity and think I will get a HRM too for when I exercise. It's hard to find the right middle ground between not starving and not gaining!
  • AmyW125
    AmyW125 Posts: 303 Member
    I was gaining at 1350....I keep dropping to find that magic number. I LOVE food. This is not fun!!!

    **** I was at 69 pounds lost until I went on thyroid medicine. I have gained...tears lots of tears!!!
  • lajohnson1959
    lajohnson1959 Posts: 22 Member
    Once you get used to your thyroid medicine it should actually help you lose. It took a couple of weeks once I switched from Synthroid to Armour, but now everything is starting to come together.

    I also love food - I could eat all day - this is not fun, but I keep dreaming about a new outfit because I haven't treated myself to anything new for years.
  • Frigs
    Frigs Posts: 745 Member
    1450 is my TDEE minus 20% and I loose about .5 steadily per week. I do workout 4 to 5 times per week and don't eat those calories back...but I am totally housebound during the day tied to the computer tube working...home good luck. I did do 1200 for a while but found that I couldn't fit in all the nutrition I wanted in fiber, and protein and iron and would definitely not stick to the program.

    Did I gain weight when I went from 1200 to 1450...Absolutely...which then caused me to loose my footing. but my groove is back. I finally have normal BMI and now have my eye on the fitness prize to get a few more off.

    I find 1450 is my sweet spot where I can eat what I want in moderation and still loose. Do I have fluctuations that I have to say...okay...I just gained 2 lbs in a day..did I really eat 7000 extra calories? I stop fretting and stick to my 1450 to get me through the fluctuations. I am on course to loose 2-3 lbs per month...and it all works...hypothryroid for 15 years.

    Good luck..find your groove. Don't let those fluctuations drive you crazy. Once your levels are set, you should be able to do this with some focus and determination. Water, water, water, fiber, and other good stuff!!!
  • livcurious
    livcurious Posts: 30 Member
    I'm so glad to see this, I have to eat so low to lose. The good news is I have a wider range to stay in maintenance but if I want to lose I can't be over 1250 and 1200 is better. I was not a healthy eater until last summer, but no one ever told me that being hypothyroid can decrease your metabolism. I've always thought I had a slow metabolism since I gain really easily, so I wonder if I've always been hypo or when it developed.
  • wallingf
    wallingf Posts: 29 Member
    I am 5' 6" and 208lbs and been hypo for about 10 years. I have lost 52 pounds in the past 11 months. My calorie intake now is obviously less than what it was when I started.

    My current TDEE - 20% is 1550. I eat about 1350 (I just take 200 calories off - because I read that somewhere once and it seems to work for me). Three days a week, I lift and then do a short cardio. Three other days, I do about 45 minutes of cardio. I take one day off....but try to make sure I go for a couple of walks. I am currently losing .5 - 1lb per week. I expect that to slow down a little.

    I also limit starchy carbs (potatoes, pasta, rice, bread, etc) and ensure at least 200-250 of my calories are in fruits/vegetables. If I don't do these two things, I don't lose.
  • manby1973
    manby1973 Posts: 6
    I'm currently on 1390 calories a day (as calculated by MFP), I log everything - it is all weighed and documented, however my weight loss has ground to a halt - in fact it now seems to be in reverse! I've lost 29lbs in the last year (slow progress I know - but I want this to be permanent)! I'm just beginning to see a change in my body and how my clothes fit and now the weight seems to be going back on. I am currently 13st 7.5lbs (189.5lbs)

    I've always been led to believe that if I keep taking my thyroxine then I should be able to lose weight 'normally'. Now I'm not so sure! Would you say that I'm eating too many calories? Would you recommend dropping to say 1200 a day to see if that restarts the weight loss? I HATE exercise with a vengeance but I am including some - weather dependent (I am in the UK) I do walk to work and back every day (20 mins each way - and this is at a fairly fast pace), and I am trying to do more during the day, and I have just purchased some workout DVD's to do in my lounge.

    I have booked an appointment with my GP, as I had a feeling that my medication may need tweaking, but maybe I'm just eating too much.

    Any advice gratefully received.
  • Nadoriel
    Nadoriel Posts: 59 Member
    I calculated my TDEE according to a spreadsheet, logging all my activity and it's around 2100 cals. I lost around 11kg over 6 months eating approximately 1850 cals a day (TDEE - 15%) while weight lifting. Per week I'd loose around 1kg, sometimes less, sometimes more. I wasn't very strick with myself anyway. I also wasn't eating "clean" or whatever they mean with that nowadays.

    Now I decided to increase my calories to 1940 (TDEE - 10%) since I'm probably almost done with my weight and now I just need to do some body recomposition. But I just started this last week so I still have no idea how it's working. Just thought I was loosing way too much weight comparing to what I was seeing changing on my body.

    I thought it was impossible for me to loose weight before I started this. I love to be able to eat this much while weight lifting 3x a week and still loosing weight. I'm able to fit in clothes I couldn't use for years and I can't wait to have some time to shopping to buy new clothes as mine are starting too look baggy on me.

    Any less calories than this and I wouldn't be able to keep it, to be honest. I love to eat to much, and I need to if I want to workout. Right now I weight lift 3x a week, changing from NROL4W to SL. I cycle to work (around 10min one way) and do some blogilates if I feel I have the time. I hate cardio and so I avoid it with my life :)
  • caro1275
    caro1275 Posts: 198 Member
    I generally stick to 1400 calories max- so I don't eat back calories when I work out. I wasn't losing weight otherwise. Both my endocrinologist and dietician have told me to do this (don't go over 1400). I find that since adding the cytomel, I am a bit hungrier, and I am eating above 1400 on some days when I exercise. But I am still losing weight so hopefully that means the new medicine is working. :)
  • go2grrl
    go2grrl Posts: 190 Member
    TDEE works well for me. I won't lose if I start averaging over 2400 a day. Despite having my gland removed and hitting menopause at the same time, I've still managed to keep a pretty good metabolism. I've never dieted or eaten low calorie so I think that's helped me in the long run. The only difference I've found now is that I can no longer out exercise a high calorie intake. It's more about what I eat than anything else.
  • girlfriendal
    1200 strictly, and when I exercise I don't eat back the calories. I thought I go to 1500 and maintain, but I just started gaining back, and gave up....gained back 70+ lbs of the 90 some I had lost doing 1200 with a high exercise level. Back on 1200 now, but haven't gotten back into the exercising. Still pretty bitter about everything. Hate being so restricted. Feels better knowing I'm not as alone as I sometimes feel.

    Hashimotos diagnosed in 2011. 50 mcg of Synthroid generic daily.

    ~ Krissi
  • steviecooke1985
    steviecooke1985 Posts: 68 Member
    Just to update you all, I've just got a FitBit Flex. This is so I can see how many calories I normally burn and try and work out my magic number. I'll report back with some stats in a few weeks! Currently I'm burning 2200 - 2500 a day with my BMR and general activity (I walk A LOT). Hopefully this will give me some real numbers to work with - and i can see if the 'TDEE - 20% minus 200 for thyroid' thing is accurate...
  • Frigs
    Frigs Posts: 745 Member
    these technology tools are very motivating...but the best tools i find is real data that you collect about your self.

    I ignore eating back calories and just count the calories i consume.....

    TDEE –
    Eat at your TDEE to maintain
    Eat below your TDEE to lose weight
    Eat above your TDEE to gain weight

    • 1 lb equates to 3500 calories –
     Reduce your TDEE by 3500 calories over time to lose 1 lb
     You can’t reduce your TDEE by 3500 in 1 day unless you fast and then work out a crazy amount – 1700 calories to burn off…that’s crazy
     So you work at reducing your TDEE over time.
     You can think of a calorie as energy. If you eat under your TDEE then the body turns to fat or muscle to burn to survive. Hence….the lost weight.

    But wait…what is my TDEE? Scooby says this but that includes estimating activity level.

    Here is what I did to try to take the guess work of how much those Activity level calories are.

    Here is a way you can tell if Scooby calculations are on the right track.

     Weigh yourself
     Track what you eat – measure your food – and record the accurate calorie intake from food/drink for at least 30 days – everything counts, even veggies.
     Weigh yourself on the 31st day.

    OK…the tracking is done..Now time for the calculations.. Remember….3500 calories equates to 1 pound.


    Add up all of the calories you ate days 1 through 30 – this a sum from each day – total them all = TCC ( Total Calories Consumed )
    Subtract Weight on day 31 minus Weight on day 1
    Mulitply the total weight difference by 3500 = total number of calories attributed to weight difference = TCW ( Total Calories from weight differential )
    If you maintained weight => TCW =0 ( you ate at your TDEE )
    If you lost weight => TCW > 0 ( you ate under your TDEE )
    If you gained weight = > TCW < 0 ( you ate over your TDEE )

    Final Calculation for TDEE over those 30 days that you tracked

    You add the calories associated with the weight loss, TCW, to the total calories you tracked that you ate, TCC, and divide the whole thing by 30( THE NUMBER OF DAYS YOU TRACKED).

    TDEE = ( TCC + TCW ) / 30

    If you maintained your weight TCW = 0:

    TDEE = TCC/ 30

    Here is an example:

    Day 1: 200 pounds weigh in
    Tracked for 30 days and ate 1500 calories per day = 30 x 1500 = 45000 = TCC
    Day 31: 195 Pounds Weigh in

    Weight Lost = 5 pounds
    TCW = 5 x 3500 = 17500

    TDEE = (45,000 + 17,500)/30 = 62,500/30 = 2083.33 ~ 2083 Calories

    Once you have your TDEE….Then you can decide to reduce your TDEE each day by a certain amount.

    If you reduce your TDEE by 500 calories over 7 days you will lose a pound.

    Remember – water weighs a lot…
    a gallon weighs 8 pounds
    a quart weighs 2 pounds
    a pint weighs 1 pound
    an 8 oz. glass weighs ½ pound

    So if you are TOM and retaining…stay the course. It will eventually come off. I usually plateau for about three weeks then go up and then all of a sudden drop 2 or 3.

    Hope this wasn’t too lengthy for you.
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    I'm at 1400 currently.
  • steviecooke1985
    steviecooke1985 Posts: 68 Member
    I calculated my TDEE according to a spreadsheet, logging all my activity and it's around 2100 cals. I lost around 11kg over 6 months eating approximately 1850 cals a day (TDEE - 15%) while weight lifting. Per week I'd loose around 1kg, sometimes less, sometimes more. I wasn't very strick with myself anyway. I also wasn't eating "clean" or whatever they mean with that nowadays.

    Now I decided to increase my calories to 1940 (TDEE - 10%) since I'm probably almost done with my weight and now I just need to do some body recomposition. But I just started this last week so I still have no idea how it's working. Just thought I was loosing way too much weight comparing to what I was seeing changing on my body.

    I thought it was impossible for me to loose weight before I started this. I love to be able to eat this much while weight lifting 3x a week and still loosing weight. I'm able to fit in clothes I couldn't use for years and I can't wait to have some time to shopping to buy new clothes as mine are starting too look baggy on me.

    Any less calories than this and I wouldn't be able to keep it, to be honest. I love to eat to much, and I need to if I want to workout. Right now I weight lift 3x a week, changing from NROL4W to SL. I cycle to work (around 10min one way) and do some blogilates if I feel I have the time. I hate cardio and so I avoid it with my life :)

    Wow - I need to add some weights to my walking!
  • steviecooke1985
    steviecooke1985 Posts: 68 Member
    these technology tools are very motivating...but the best tools i find is real data that you collect about your self.

    I ignore eating back calories and just count the calories i consume.....

    TDEE –
    Eat at your TDEE to maintain
    Eat below your TDEE to lose weight
    Eat above your TDEE to gain weight

    • 1 lb equates to 3500 calories –
     Reduce your TDEE by 3500 calories over time to lose 1 lb
     You can’t reduce your TDEE by 3500 in 1 day unless you fast and then work out a crazy amount – 1700 calories to burn off…that’s crazy
     So you work at reducing your TDEE over time.
     You can think of a calorie as energy. If you eat under your TDEE then the body turns to fat or muscle to burn to survive. Hence….the lost weight.

    But wait…what is my TDEE? Scooby says this but that includes estimating activity level.

    Here is what I did to try to take the guess work of how much those Activity level calories are.

    Here is a way you can tell if Scooby calculations are on the right track.

     Weigh yourself
     Track what you eat – measure your food – and record the accurate calorie intake from food/drink for at least 30 days – everything counts, even veggies.
     Weigh yourself on the 31st day.

    OK…the tracking is done..Now time for the calculations.. Remember….3500 calories equates to 1 pound.


    Add up all of the calories you ate days 1 through 30 – this a sum from each day – total them all = TCC ( Total Calories Consumed )
    Subtract Weight on day 31 minus Weight on day 1
    Mulitply the total weight difference by 3500 = total number of calories attributed to weight difference = TCW ( Total Calories from weight differential )
    If you maintained weight => TCW =0 ( you ate at your TDEE )
    If you lost weight => TCW > 0 ( you ate under your TDEE )
    If you gained weight = > TCW < 0 ( you ate over your TDEE )

    Final Calculation for TDEE over those 30 days that you tracked

    You add the calories associated with the weight loss, TCW, to the total calories you tracked that you ate, TCC, and divide the whole thing by 30( THE NUMBER OF DAYS YOU TRACKED).

    TDEE = ( TCC + TCW ) / 30

    If you maintained your weight TCW = 0:

    TDEE = TCC/ 30

    Here is an example:

    Day 1: 200 pounds weigh in
    Tracked for 30 days and ate 1500 calories per day = 30 x 1500 = 45000 = TCC
    Day 31: 195 Pounds Weigh in

    Weight Lost = 5 pounds
    TCW = 5 x 3500 = 17500

    TDEE = (45,000 + 17,500)/30 = 62,500/30 = 2083.33 ~ 2083 Calories

    Once you have your TDEE….Then you can decide to reduce your TDEE each day by a certain amount.

    If you reduce your TDEE by 500 calories over 7 days you will lose a pound.

    Remember – water weighs a lot…
    a gallon weighs 8 pounds
    a quart weighs 2 pounds
    a pint weighs 1 pound
    an 8 oz. glass weighs ½ pound

    So if you are TOM and retaining…stay the course. It will eventually come off. I usually plateau for about three weeks then go up and then all of a sudden drop 2 or 3.

    Hope this wasn’t too lengthy for you.

    This was all really useful. The 30 day tracking thing makes total sense to me. I think I'll give that a go. :smile:
  • allergictodiets
    allergictodiets Posts: 233 Member
    It is quite interesting to see how different we all are.. Some seem to only be able to loose weight by starving themselves, some use the 'Eat more to weigh less' approach. Some swear by heavy lifting and minimal cardio, some jog for an hour a day.
    I personally seem to maintain my weight when I burn 2200-2400 kcal and eat no more than 1800 kcal a day. A healthy person of my weight and height has a BMR of ~1400 kcal.
  • whitney773
    I am completely lost when it comes to all of this..I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 3 mths ago and have been on a strict .15mg of synthyroid for the past two months..I gained alot of weight and am doing my best to try and work it off..I have been counting calories for two weeks now..and it says to eat 1370 a day..most days I stay under that but some days I eat back my calories I burned off..I walk consistently everyday and burn 300-500 calories doing so..and yet not even a pound I doing something wrong..I know patience is key but I figure something be gone by now..any suggestions?