Fasting BS ranges?

kamaperry Posts: 885 Member
My nutritionist said 110 to 140? Which means I am usually fine in the mornings : )


  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    Interesting. I always thought we were to aim for readings below 100.

    When I had GD my fasting numbers had to be below 95!
  • kamaperry
    kamaperry Posts: 885 Member
    Interesting. I always thought we were to aim for readings below 100.

    When I had GD my fasting numbers had to be below 95!
    I know! But she showed me in writing.
  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    Very cool!

    My fasting numbers are starting to creep down. I think the Metformin is really building up in my system now.

    I'm glad you had an awesome session with your nutritionist today!
  • GlucernaBrand
    GlucernaBrand Posts: 486
    The recommended blood sugar numbers for pregnant women are lower than those for everyone else. The current guidelines recommend that each person work with their physician to identify the best blood sugar range for them, based on their overall health, medications, and lifestyle. It sounds like you're right on target kamaperry! ~Lynn /Glucerna
  • Darlekins
    Darlekins Posts: 44
    Fasting blood glucose reading below 100 are considered to be in the normal range.

    Kamaperry, have you asked your doctor why a nutritionist would set a target outside the normal range? Is 110-140 an intermediate goal because you started much higher?

    The closer one stays to readings in the normal range, that is,
    fasting below 100
    post prandial under 140
    A1c under 5.6

    the more likely it is that you will avoid diabetic complications.
  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    The recommended blood sugar numbers for pregnant women are lower than those for everyone else. The current guidelines recommend that each person work with their physician to identify the best blood sugar range for them, based on their overall health, medications, and lifestyle. It sounds like you're right on target kamaperry! ~Lynn /Glucerna

    Very true, but I've been sticking to those goals to try to avoid complications. Right now I shoot for under 95 for fasting and under 120 for my two hour PP reading. I'm still happy when I'm under 140 for the PP reading, but I prefer to be closer to 120.
  • kamaperry
    kamaperry Posts: 885 Member
    I'm going to call and ask about that. I still want to be more like 120 or less, I sure don't wan't complications, but is was nice to know I'm not that far off :)
  • cwrig
    cwrig Posts: 190 Member
    There is a lot of conflicting information about target BG numbers. As suggested; trust your care team to give You individual targets for You.

    My care team told me that they consider the ADA recommendations too generous and recommend a bit lower targets and ranges than the ADA. My team gave me fasting target of < 100 and 2 hour < 140. Everyone is different but there seems to be agreement on one number: 140. BG over 140 seems to be the agreed upon point where damage starts to occur.
  • kamaperry
    kamaperry Posts: 885 Member
    There is a lot of conflicting information about target BG numbers. As suggested; trust your care team to give You individual targets for You.

    My care team told me that they consider the ADA recommendations too generous and recommend a bit lower targets and ranges than the ADA. My team gave me fasting target of < 100 and 2 hour < 140. Everyone is different but there seems to be agreement on one number: 140. BG over 140 seems to be the agreed upon point where damage starts to occur.
    Then I must, get it down. So she was doing me no favor telling me I was ok. I don't know, starting to distrust the info I'm getting from her.